1 minute read
from Oct 1961
by StPetersYork
J. 0. ARMSTRONG (St. Peter's Hall). Not content with five bumps in Torpids he had to make another four in Eights. Says the term was a catastrophe as far as work is concerned but thinks two oars on his wall provide suitable compensation.
F. D. LAVENDER (Worcester). Tells anyone he meets to drop in for coffee at about 10 p.m. but a large notice in the hall of his digs reads "Visitors must be out by 10 p.m.". Has turned into a keen art collector and we half expect to find the missing Goya in his rooms next term.
A. MCCALLUM (St. Edmund Hall) is a difficult man to find because of his many varied interests. When not engaged on the building of scenery for plays he is to be found playing cricket with amazing vigour. Is going on a Hall cricket tour of Denmark during the vac.
Finally, may we congratulate the School on yet another successful season both on the cricket field and on the river. Yours sincerely, THE OXFORD OLD PETERITES.
We acknowledge with thanks the receipt of our contemporaries.