1 minute read
from May 1962
by StPetersYork
M. G. STAVELEY has perfected his own brand of persiflage; rows with gusto at bow in the second eight.
K. STEEL, another Civil Engineer, spends happy hours breaking concrete and steel beams. He inhabits a flat only 10 seconds away from the Brotherton. Seems to have no difficulty in finding cooks.
J. SYKES caused a great stir by standing for J.V.P. last term. He rows in the first eight and keeps us informed about somebody called Nick; still available to fight for us with the part-time militia.
J. C. G. WHEELER started quietly but is O.K. now. Plays squash regularly for the First Five and is definitely an M.J. type.
R. M. WHEELER decided that Devonshire Hall needed a bar so he built one; it's now a flourishing business—naturally; has retired from rugger but still plays squash.
D. A. WILSON was Captain of Shooting last year but has now retired; walks to the University for exercise. His expression is dreamy—but then, she is very attractive.
H. C. WRIGHT is bearded. Pushing carts and carrying tables on his back round the Union takes up part of his time anyway; would do well in the Candid Camera team. Never alone at parties.
Finally may we wish the School every success in its Summer Sporting activities. We will be along to see the old faces at Commemmoration. Yours sincerely, THE LEEDS OLD PETERITES.
s. d.
Squares. All Silk Reppe Ties, Formal. All Silk Ties, Informal. Terylene Ties, Informal. All Silk ... School Monitor's Ties. All Silk ... 38 9 13 0 9 6 13 0 18 11
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Gilt Metal Cuff Links. Blue enamel School Crest at one end with torpedo at the other connected by a chain
18 5 Heraldic Shields comprising School Crest 6 in. x 7 in. 27 0
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The above items can be obtained on application to :— The Manager, The School Shop, St. Peter's School, Clifton, York.