1 minute read
from Feb 1963
by StPetersYork
H. R. L. Purse (also at King's and also from The Manor) is now taking it easily in his third year of studying Law. Alas, he talks as much as ever, especially on committees, where, if allowed, he will talk for several hours. On occasions we have seen him driving an old Ford van, the purpose of which he claims to be legal: with him that is a somewhat ambiguous word. Eventually he intends to be a bar-man, or something like that—he says he is going to the Bar anyway.
W. R. Bytheway (from Queen's and now at University College—a double exception!) has escapzcl our vast intelligence network, except for the fact that he is doing statistics and is now, if our calculations are right, in his third year.
Well, sir, at last we of London University have spoken; if we have been too lengthy we can only plead in mitigation our long silence. We wish you and the School the very best and hope that soon we will see more Old Peterites here.
We acknowledge with thanks the receipt of our contemporaries.