14 minute read
Old Peterite News
from Oct 1963
by StPetersYork
In the Royal Life Saving Society examinations during the last week of term there were 34 awards—the highest total since 1958. The general standard is very much higher this year, and one hopes that this most serious and important aspect of every boy's general education will become far more widespread throughout the School when the heated, indoor swimming pool is constructed. It is interesting to note the numbers of awards per house:— School House 16 Grove 11 Manor 5 Rise 1 Queen's 1
Total ... 34
I hope that next year's House Swimming Captains will take note and the necessary action!
zst XI Sat., 25th Jan. Leeds Corinthian ... Sat., ist Feb. Welbeck College ... Sat., 5th Feb. Trent College ... Wed., /2th Feb. Scarborough College Wed., /9th Feb. Bootham School ... Sat., 22nd Feb. York H.C. . ... Wed., 26th Feb. Worksop College ... Sat., 29th Feb. Old Peterites ... Wed., 4th Mar. Styx H.C. (4-15 P.m.) Thurs. /2th Mar. 6-a-side .... ...
2nd XI Sat., 1st Feb. Welbeck College ... Sat., 8th Feb. Trent College ... Wed., /2th Feb. Scarborough College Sat., /5th Feb. York H.C. 3rd XI ... Wed., /9th Feb. Bootham School ... Sat., 22nd Feb. York H.C. 2nd XI Wed., 26th Feb. Worksop College ...
Home Away Home Home Home Away Away Home Home Welbeck
Away Home Home Away Away Home Away
The Old Peterite Club 72nd Annual General Meeting was held at the School on Saturday, 27th July. The President, J. A. Hanson, was in the Chair. The Head Master was present and there was an attendance of 40 members.
The Hon. Treasurer (John Saville) presented the audited accounts for the year ended 31st December, 1962, which showed the accumulated fund for the running expenses of £78 7s. Od. and that during the year 56 new members had joined.
T. H. Burdon, K. G. Chilman, D. C. Holmes, W. G. Huntley, K. M. Ratcliff, together with D. Kirby, were elected to serve on the Committee for a term of three years.
The Head Master reported that contributions to the School Development Fund, 1962/63, had reached the sum of £70,000.
The General Committee's recommendation that in future the Club's co-opted member on the Board of Governors should be the Club's immediate past President ex officio was adopted and it was decided that the best thanks of the Club should be conveyed to C. C. Fairweather for having carried out the duties of the Club's representative on the Board of Governors so assiduously and ably for the past 13 years.

London Dinner—The Head Master reported that after consultation with Dicky Metcalfe and Clive Lewis, who has offered to assist in the organisation of the London Dinner, it had been decided that a trial should be given to holding it on a Friday instead of a Wednesday as hitherto and the next dinner would be held at the Public Schools' Club, 100 Piccadilly, on Friday, 15th November, 1963.
Dicky Metcalfe, whom we were all delighted to see at Commemoration once again, informed the A.G.M. that due to his pending retirement he would be without clerical assistance and felt he must reluctantly relinquish the Hon. Secretaryship of the London Committee, which news was received with great regret. It was unanimously resolved that the best thanks of the Club be accorded to Dicky for his devoted services to the Club in many ways and in particular for organising the London Dinner for so many years. Dicky accepted the invitation of the Club to be its guest of honour at the next London Dinner at which it is hoped there will be a full house.
It was decided that Clive Lewis should be appointed London Hon. Secretary.
It was reported that Sister Rose McLoughlin, who had been in charge of the sanatorium for 17 years and was, therefore, well-known to many Old Peterites, was retiring at the end of the term and it was agreed that a cheque for fifteen guineas should be sent to her as a token of the appreciation of Old Peterites for her untiring care and skilful nursing whilst at the School.
Regional dinners will be held as follows: —
N.E. Region: 18th October, Three Tuns Hotel, Durham.
London: 15th November, Public Schools' Club, 100 Piccadilly.
N.W. Region: 13th March, 1964, Old Nags Head Hotel, Manchester.
Birmingham • 9th May, 1964, Queen's Hotel, Birmingham. East Riding: 29th May, 1964, Highfield Country Club, Driffield.
The names and addresses of the Club's Officers and Regional Hon. Secretaries are as follows:—
President: J. A. Hanson, Montclaire, Newton Drive, Accrington,
Hon. Secretary: T. J. Lewis, 25 Clifton Road, Runcorn, Cheshire Hon. Treasurer: J. Saville, 37 Sim Balk Lane, Bishopthorpe,
District Hon. Secretaries:—
London: C. H. Lewis, 15 Longfield Avenue, Mill Hill, N.W.7. West Riding: M. Hallas, Flat 2, Woodsome Hall, Fenay Bridge,
Nr. Huddersfield.

North West: A. P. Buttrum, Lyndale, Longhurst Lane, Marple
Bridge, Nr. Stockport, Ches. North East: H. Brown, 23 Highbury, Jesmond, Newcastle-upon-
Tyne 2. York: P. Crowe, 95 Stockton Lane, York. East Riding: P. S. Atkinson, Greystones, Garton, Driffield. Birmingham: H. F. S. Gedge, 12 Lillington Avenue, Leamington
The O.P. Club Dinner, 1963, following the A.G.M., was held in the School Dining Hall by kind permission of the Head Master, and was attended by 112. The Club is again indebted to the School catering staff for the excellent meal provided.
The time honoured toast of "The School" was proposed by the President (J. A. Hanson), to which the Head Master responded. "The Club" was proposed by J. Ratter, C.B.E., to which K. G. Chilman responded. T. J. Lewis claimed the honour to propose the health of K. H. Rhodes, who was Honorary Secretary of the Club from 1950 to 1956, on his com- pletion of 40 years as a master at the School to which Rhoddy replied, and this toast was received with great acclamation in recognition of his devotion to all facets of school life covering two generations.
The following were present : — The President of the Club Eastwood, C. R. (Mr. J. A. Hanson) Field, R. A. The Headmaster Foy, M. C. Lewis, T. J. (Hon. Sec.) Frost, J. R. Clegg, M.T. (Past President) Garbutt, M. G. A. Greer, H. L. (Past President) Gardner, G. D. Ratter, J. Gough, C. W. The Head of the School Graham, G. E. L. (Clegg, M. A.) Harding, R. F. Alderson, G. A. R. Harnby, F. B. S. Anderson, T. D. F. Harrison, S. N. Annequin, J. A. B. Hill, S. D. K. Applewhite, P. R. Holmes, D. C. Atkinson, P. S. Houghton, Rev. J. C. Badham, S. M. Howard, D. Bagshaw, P. D. Howat, A. T. Baines, J. H. Huntley, W. G. Beckett, J. W. Jackson, P. E. Beevers, D. J. James, P. D. F. Black, V. M. Kemp-Welch, Rev. N. Blake, J. P. King, N. H. Booth, A. T. Kirby, F. A. L. Bottomley, W. J. Kirby, D. Bradshaw, J. T. Lawson, E. J. Brocldebank, D. N. Lewis, C. H. Brown, D. L. LeTocq, L. C. Brown, K. Magson, N. Burdon, T. H. Marshall, H. C. Buttrum, A. Mervyn, R. F. S. Chilman, K. G. Metcalfe, R. H. Chilman, P. W. G. Middlebrook, W. R. Clark, R. T. Mitchell, P. J. F. Cummin, D. G. Moore, I. DeLittle, R. J. Moore, J. E. Dodds, A. E. R. Morris, P. A. Doyle, J. B. Mortimer, J. B. Dronfield, P. J. Moss, A. E. Dutton, I. S. Nendick, B. M. Newdick, F. W. Norwood, D. Pacey, F. W. B. Parkin, F. N. Parkin, G. D. Pawle, S. G. S. Pickersgill, J. B. Ping, A. W. Portlock, E. S. Procter, D. R. Rainford, T. C. Ranson, E. M. H. Ratcliff, K. M. Raylor, J. M. Rayner, D. E. Reynolds, A. G. Rhodes, K. H. Roe, J. N. Rumfitt, D. T. Rusholme, M. B. Saville, J. M. Scarth, R. M. Shirtcliffe, J. R. Shubrook, D. C. Shuttleworth, G. M. Simmons, D. N. Simpson, F. M. Smith, E. M. Sproulle, M. I. H. Stanley, J. D. Stubbs, A. Stubbs, W. C. Sykes, M. G. Thompson, C. W. Thompson, E. G. Walter, D. Ward, C. M. Wightman, D. J. Young, D. G. M.

The next meeting of the General Committee will be held at the School on Saturday afternoon, 14th December, at 5-0 p.m. following the annual rugger match between the School and the Club. If any O.P. has any suggestions to be placed on the agenda will he please let the Hon. Secretary, T. J. Lewis at 25 Clifton Road, Runcorn, Cheshire know by 30th November.
The following crested neckwear is available on application to the Hon. Secretary :
All-silk crested ties ... Rayon-reppe crested ties Bow ties, crested (silk) ... Batswings, crested (silk) Squares, crested (silk) Cravats, crested (silk) ... s. d. 19 6 each plus postage 41d. 11 9 each plus postage 41d. 11 9 each plus postage 41d. 19 6 each plus postage 44d. 60 0 each post free. 34 0 each post free.
The Annual Ladies' Night Dinner Dance was held in the Merchant Taylors' Hall, Aldwark, York on Friday, 26th July, 1963. This function, organised by the Old Peterite Lodge of Freemasons was, as usual, open to any Old Peterites with their ladies, and rather more than 80 enjoyed a very pleasant evening.
Frank N. Newdick is the Master of the Lodge for this year. Dancing was to Derek Dunning's Band and continued till 1-0 a.m.
The Merchant Taylors' Hall has proved a very attractive and suitable place for this Dinner Dance which just fills a gap for many O.Ps. in the School Commemoration celebrations.
The first regional qualifying rounds for the newly inaugurated Graf tonMorrish Trophy were held on Saturday, 27th July, 1963. St. Peter's, along with fourteen other schools, played in the West Midlands and Northern Division qualifying round at the Cavendish Golf Club, Buxton.
Mercifully, in this summer, we had a fine day, and although all the St. Peter's team professed afterwards that they should have done better, we still succeeded in finishing joint third, thus qualifying for the competition proper.
This takes place at the end of October at Hunstanton and Brancaster, and St. Peter's play Chigwell in the first round.
We only hope we shall all manage to arrive on the first tee in time for an 8-0 a.m. start on a cold October morning.
The team for Cavendish and Hunstanton :— J. G. Booth and A. M. Robson. J. M. Booth and A. T. Booth. G. Ridley and P. Middlebrook.
St. Peter's were beaten by Uppingham, eventual finalists, in the quarterfinals.

KING.—To Julia, wife of C. D. King, on 22nd August, 1963, a son (Clive
Laurence). (School House, 1948-51). PING.—On 29th September, 1963, at Sydney, N.S.W., Australia, to
Dorothy (née Speed), wife of Alan C. Wentworth Ping, a daughter. (The Rise, 1929-38). RUDDOCK.—On 7th August, 1963, at 8 Green End, Gamlingay, Sandy,
Beds., to Frances and Gerald Ruddock, a sister for Fiona (Claire
Elizabeth). (The Rise, 1935-42).
KNAPTON—JONES. Dr. John James Fox Knapton, B.Sc., Ph.D., of
Foxhill, Wetherby, Yorks. (living at: 801 Trent Avenue, Wyomissing,
Pa., U.S.A.), and Deirdre Grace Jones, A.L.C.M., of "Chellwood",
Fleck Lane, Grange, West Kirby, Wirrall, Cheshire. (The Grove, 1949-57). VEAL—BARKER. Michael Veal, 1 Kleisers Court, Stonegate, York, and
Margaret Anne Barker, 46 Middlethorpe Grove, Dringhouses, York. (Temple, 1952-56).
GIBSON—MACLELLAN. On 13th July, 1963, at All Saints Anglican
Churdh, St. Andrews, New Brunswick, Canada, Robert John Gibson, elder son of Mrs. K. Gibson of York and the late Major R. B. Gibson of Dublin, to Judith Ann, younger daughter of Mrs. D. Maclellan of
Montreal and the late Dr. R. W. Maclellan of Halifax, Nova Scotia. (The Manor, 1945-50). JENKINSON—OSBORNE. On 27th July, 1963, at St. Dunstan's
Church, Bedlingham, S.E.6, Timothy Midhael Jenkinson to Gillian
Rose, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Eustace of Catford, S.E.6. (The Manor, 1950-58).
NEWHOUSE. Henry Charles Newhouse (1918-22) died in August in
Newcastle. He was Chairman and Managing Director of J. Newhouse,
Ltd., the Middlesbrough department store. His elder son left St.
Peter's in 1962 and the younger one is still in The Rise. ROBERTSON. The Rev. Cornwell Robertson has died at Beyton, Suffolk.
He was Senior Mathematics master and Chaplain at St. Peter's over 60 years ago, leaving here to become Head Master of King Edward
VI School, Stratford, in 1902. After 12 years there he became a
Housemaster at Marlborough and then Rector of Cockfield, near
Bury St. Edmunds.

MAJOR A. A. CAMFIELD, R.A.O.C. (The Rise, 1942-48) is stationed in Singapore with 3 Base Ordnance Depot and operated a Floating
Ordnance Depot from one of Her Majesty's Ships during the Brunei
Revolution in December, 1962. He has met J. M. L. DOOK and
R. G. EMMETT in Singapore. M. I. DANIEL (The Manor, 1942-49). Went to Nassau in the Bahamas three years ago and for the past two-and-a-half years has been Chief
Architect with the Nassau Engineering Company, a firm of Architects,
Consulting Engineers and Surveyors, engaged in private practice. Their architectural work includes the extensions to the Terminal Building at Nassau International Airport, a new hospital, two commercial and apartment buildings, a small hotel, the renovation and remodelling of several large residences, and a number of new private houses. There appear to be only two other O.Ps. in the Bahamas, one of whom is
Duncan McLean, who was at school in the 1920s. 57
LT.-COL. J. M. DICKENSON (The Rise, 1928-37) is now serving at
Rheindahlen (near Monchen Gladbach) in Germany, where he is
Joint Secretary to the Commanders-in-Chief, British Forces, Germany.
He would be pleased to see any O.Ps. who find themselves in that part of Germany. His son is now at St. Olave's and he has a daughter at Queen Margaret's, Escrick Park. I. T. HUNTER (Temple, 1951-61) gained the Licentiate of Trinity
College, London, in July, 1963. C. D. KING (School House, 1948-51) has now left the British Shoe
Corporation and has moved to Bristol, where he is manager of Derham
Bros. Ltd., ladies' footwear manufacturers. He hopes to continue as a
Captain in the T.A. with one of the Bristol units. J. W. LOWE (The Manor, 1958-61) has passed the first part of the Law
Society examination with a Distinction in Part I. E. I. MOORE (The Rise, 1950-55) has gained an M.A. Honours Degree at Brandeis University, Boston, Massachusetts, and is now a lecturer in English and American Literature at Fordham University, New York. J. A. SHOUKSMITH (Queen's, 1951-61) has been elected Captain of
Edinburgh University Cricket Club for the 1964 season. F. I. WATSON (School House, 1954-60), after working for six months in the London office of a Building Society, is now at Hatfield College,
Durham. Since leaving school he has spent most of his time "indulging in various aspects of my two first loves, writing and the theatre".
While in London he wrote a large number of revue sketches, some of which were broadcast in the "Don't Look Now" series, some banned by the Lord Chamberlain, some published in the Leeds University's
Rag Revue, and some administered for cabaret performances by a literary agent in Glasgow. During his first year at Durham he wrote for the University paper, "Palatinate", on such subjects as racialism and pop music, eventually achieving his ambition to do theatre criticism. In his second year he became President of the University
French Society and a producer for the Dramatic Society; his career with "Palatinate" ended abruptly when the Editor discovered that he was acting in two plays which he had urged his readers to go and see! In April he directed the Dramatic Society's first production in the round and then had a B.B.C. acting audition; he was accepted and has recorded a radio play to be performed in the autumn. This summer he worked with John Arden and his wife on their 30-day
Festival of the Arts at Kirbymoorside, about which he wrote an article for "The Guardian" and at which his own production of "Little
Brother; Little Sister" by David Campton was the final production.
In August he acted as manager of the University Dramatic Society's
Company which appeared at the Edinburgh Festival, at the same time doing the job of Festival Theatre Critic to the "Yorkshire Post".
Watson is now at Vannes, France, Where he will spend the next ten months as part of his University course. R. MAXWELL WOOD (1905-09), a solicitor in St. Helen's, was awarded the M.B.E. in the last Queen's Birthday Honours List for his services as Chairman of the National Assistance Board Appeal Tribunal, which post he had held for 25 years when he retired in June this year. He is a Founder Member and Past President of the St. Helen's and
District Law Society and a former Deputy Registrar of St. Helen's
County Court. 58