Feb 1964

Page 28

R.A.F. SECTION VISIT TO R.A.F., TOPCLIFFE A party of 14 boys left School at 8-15 p.m. on Monday, 22nd October, to visit R.A.F., Topcliffe, for a navigational flight on Tuesday morning. The party arrived at Topcliffe at 9-15 p.m., and after having been identified at the guard-room, were shown to their sleeping accommodation. This proved to be comfortable, and after the party had deposited their kit, they visited the N.A.A.F.I. for refreshment, and then retired to bed. Reveille was sounded over the tannoy system at 7 o'clock, when cadets dressed and had breakfast, after which they made their beds, and assembled for pre-flight briefing. The cadets were briefed with the aircrew of the four aircraft and issued with life-jackets in case of emergency. The briefing provided information about the route of the aircraft, the expected weather conditions, and special flight routines. The cadets then dispersed to their respective aircraft, which took off at ten-minute intervals. After leaving the ground, the aircraft headed east, crossing the coast at Whitby, and then turned north towards Peterhead in the north-east of Scotland. The cadets were each allowed to take over control of the aircraft, under the supervision of the pilot, and also became acquainted with many of the instruments. The bomb-aimer's position in the blister underneath the aircraft was occupied by cadets, and was rarely unoccupied during the flight. The aircraft were kept within sight of land, and after Peterhead turned north-west towards Wick, and the northern coast of Scotland. As the Orkney Islands came into sight, the aircraft headed west, and then south. On the return trip the aircraft flew over the Tay and Forth bridges, arriving back at Topcliffe after four hours in the air. The aircraft flew at varying heights, at a speed of 150 knots, and covering approximately 560 miles. In the afternoon the cadets were left to entertain themselves as they wished, making good use of the games-room of the N.A.A.F.I., whilst some cadets explored parts of the station, before returning to School at 6 o'clock. The cadets greatly enjoyed their visit, and particularly the flying.


SCOUTS The Group again numbers just over seventy, evenly divided between the Scout Troop and the Senior Scout Troop. This year, so far, we have only one Assistant Scoutmaster from the Senior Scout Troop, namely J. J. Cooper, but we hope to promote others during the year. Once again a party sang carols in the Clifton area on two evenings after the end of term, and collected the very creditable total of £20 Os. Od., this year for the Oxford Committee for Famine Relief. They also were entertained in a most seasonable way by many of the people to whom they sang, and all felt it was a most enjoyable way of doing a Christmas good turn.


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