2 minute read
from May 1964
by StPetersYork
On Wednesday we hired another coach and drove to Verbier, a rapidly expanding ski resort high in the Alps. This produced nothing of special interest except a magnificent new church; ten years ago it was a simple Swiss village. But it showed us what a ski centre is really like, and perhaps everything will look more complete next year.
The trip was drawing to a close, and on Thursday afternoon a slalom competition was held, in which everyone participated. There were minor injuries, to Bilsborough and Ord, but the outright winner was J. R. Flintoft. The fastest single run was 38.9 seconds; the instructors finished the same course in exactly 24 seconds each! Likewise, on Friday morning a skating competition was held, and won most deservedly by D. L. Edbrooke. The afternoon was left free for visiting a glacier or walking the five dangerous miles into Martigny •to buy presents. Everyone met in Martigny and returned to organise a party for all the people we had met, ski instructors, the hotel staff, and so on. This was a great success, various people, however, having their enthusiasm cooled a little.
On Saturday morning we said our fond farewells and slightly reorganised the "parking" situation in Salvan. We left after dinner, and were seen off from Martigny by an unexpected, and most unofficial, committee, providing a fitting end to our holiday.
The trip was extremely enjoyable, and ran smoothly, apart from one or two minor miscalculations, such as losing our luggage at Basle, arriving at Dover instead of Folkestone, and the discovery of two very nice "chapeaux" in the 'fridge at the hotel. J.E.M.'s knowledge of Local Affairs astounded us, as did the driving force of B.P. We wish to offer our thanks to J. W. Hey for his amazing rapid translations and for general interpreting, and to A. D. Bailey for his equally useful, but not so official, interpreting. This is but the first, we hope, of a whole series of similar holidays. A.D. B.
The Easter Term began once again with the wonderful Epiphany Procession in the Minster, and it did not seem long before we had come to the Sung Communion on Quinquagesima Sunday.
Lent began early this term, so we only had one visiting preacher. But it was delightful to be able to welconie the Rev. E. W. Griffin, Minister at Priory Street Methodist Church, at the very moment when the Diocesan Synod was meeting to discuss closer relations with the Methodists.
As usual, we began Lent with a special Evening Service on Ash Wednesday. For the voluntary week-night service we had Compline again, but with an innovation—a short period of intercessions on topics suggested by members of the School. All the Compline Services except the first were led by Senior boys. The term ended on Palm Sunday night with St. Luke's story of our Lord's passion, read by the House Masters, the Second Master and the Head Master—with Passion music sung by the Choir and the whole School. 10