1 minute read
from May 1964
by StPetersYork
room will be put to full use in photographic activities by members in the Summer Term.
Finally, mention must be made of an enchanting lecture given in the Tempest Anderson Hall on Wednesday, 19th February, entitled "An Evening with Alfred Gregory". Six members were present to enjoy an excellent and fascinating evening in which most impressive colour slides of India and South America were shown. Mr. Gregory's skill in creating colour pictures once again brought home the creative and artistic element in colour photography.
All available time in this short term was taken for formal training. There was no march past, although the Band, with a number of new members, reached quite a good standard.
One notable result of the term's training has been the success of the Signal Platoon in Classification, all but two out of the thirteen candidates passing. Corporal Fearnside gained his Assistant Instructor's Certificate.
The former M.T. Detachment has now been officially constituted as the R.E.M.E. Section of the Contingent.
As C.S.M. Richardson has left School, S.S.M. N. G. Pace has been appointed C.S.M.
Although it has been a short term a mass of hard work has been done. Practically everybody in the Section has sat for some examination or other.
Hutchinson has been promoted Leading Seaman and Eatough and Hyde have passed the Advanced Proficiency Exam. Instructor P.O. Higgins has left us for the canoeists but has been seen squaring off the stern of the old dinghy Which is to be mounted for demonstration purposes in the seamanship room.
Ten A.B.s from White Watch passed proficiency and Peaker is to be congratulated on obtaining over 80 %, Carr, Evans, Gibson, Lazenby, Ord, Stephenson and Vooght on obtaining over 70%. Seven cadets passed the A.B. examination and Mawer and Fieldhouse are to be congratulated on getting over 80%.
Two C.S.M.'s Parades have enabled several of the senior A.B.s to experience being in charge of the Section on main parade. The drill has been changed and in future shoulder arms (the drill formerly used only between decks) will take the place of slope arms. On the last parade of term the Section donned overalls, mounted bicycles and led in four sections by the Leading Seamen carried out an exercise at Overton. The results were very encouraging.