2 minute read
C.C.F. Notes
from May 1965
by StPetersYork
in the original coffee-house. Before leaving Lloyd's we were shown some relics of Lord Nelson, and the Committee Room which was moved piece by piece from Bowood House, Wiltshire. We were also given tea at Lloyd's.
Where some members of the party went in the next two hours will never be known. Nevertheless, we were all back at King's Cross in time to catch the Aberdonian. This was the end of a long, tiring, but above all, most enjoyable day.
It only remains for us to thank Mr. Coulthard most sincerely for arranging a visit which let us see things most of us are never likely to see again.
Many cadets completed the statutory three years membership of the Contingent at the beginning of term, and while many then left, a large number wanted to stay on, and for the time being this is possible; but it is likely that in future it will be less easy to arrange satisfactory occupation for many when they have completed their three years.
One effect of the resignation of cadets was the reduction of the Band to less than half its size, but the vacancies were quickly filled, largely as the result of energetic recruiting by Drum Major Lazenby, Lance Sergeant Brown and Corporal Gagg. At any rate the new Band was able to perform for the German Television programme at the start of the Summer Term.
In an otherwise uneventful term, a successful Field Day was held on 2nd March; the Royal Navy Section went to Linton-on-Ouse, the Royal Air Force Section to Lindholme, and the Army Section and all detachments to The Depot, The Yorkshire Brigade at Strensall. We would like to record our appreciation of the hospitality and practical help given by all three of the regular Services during these visits.
The Contingent now has a one ton truck on charge; this should be very helpful in general training, and its servicing has become the accepted responsibility of the R.E.M.E. Section. ANNUAL INSPECTION
The General Inspection will be on Tuesday, 22nd June. The inspecting Officer will be Colonel J. F. Lake, M.C., the Chairman of the Joint Cadet Executive. He will be accompanied by Officer Cadet A. C. Jowett, 0.P., of the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst, acting as a Temporary Aide. ANNUAL CAMP
There has been a change in the arrangement for the Army Camp. The base of the camp will be with the Royal Air Force Regiment at Catterick, but the same training areas will be used as under the previous plan.
As a result of the three-year contract of many senior members of the section ending at Christmas, there were several promotions at the beginning of the term. T. B. A. Evans was promoted Petty Officer and put in charge of the section. Leading Seaman M. J. T. Carr was put in charge of 20