20 minute read
Old Peterite News
from Oct 1965
by StPetersYork
The influence of Mr. Andrews, a qualified instructor and examiner with years of experience in training and examining life-savers, will no doubt be great.
A select group of boys did take awards during the Summer Term and details are as follows:- Award of Merit-5. Bronze Cross-8. Bronze Medallion-8.
Bronze-16 Silver-64. Gold-13.
These awards, part of the Amateur Swimming Association's scheme for the encouragement of swimming, entitle the boy to wear a nationally recognised badge.
1. UNDER 161 FREE-STYLE-25 yards I. K. Morris (M) 2. J. A. S. Benn (Q) 3. P. S. Fisher (T) Time-13.3 seconds
2. OPEN FREE-STYLE-too yards 1. G. F. Hardman (Q) 2. P. W. Brown (M) 3. M. J. Thompson (R) 4. K. A. Moffatt (D) Time-1.7.6
3. UNDER 15 PLUNGE 1. R. A. Ende (M) 2. R. S. C. Mcllroy (T) 3. A. L. Jervis (S) 4. J. Coke (Q) Distance:-52' 7" * Record * 4. OPEN BREAST-STROKE-too yards 1. H. U. R. Hyde (D) 2. R. N. Beaumont (S) 3. P. St. G. Stephenson (G) 4. M. N. Webster (M) Time-I.17.9
5. UNDER 16f BREAST-STROKE-too yards 1. M. A. Groundwater (S) 2. I. S. Donaldson (D) 3. S. Mackinder (R) 4. P. S. Fisher (T) Time-1.22.5
6. UNDER 161- DIVE I. R. A. de B. Warren (T) 2. R. E. Hardie (S) 3. J. C. Dent (G) 4. G. A. W. Stewart (M)
7. UNDER 15 FREE-STYLE-5o yards 1. K. J. Sargeant (S) 2. M. T. H. Humphreys (M) 3. I. C. D. Pilling (R) 4. P. G. Mitchell (Q) Time-26.6 seconds * Record *
8. UNDER 15 BREAST-STROKE-5o yards 1. A. Holmes (M) 2. D. H. Brown (G) 3. A. L. Jervis (S) 4. M. K. Bowen (Q) Time-37.5 seconds * Record *
UNDER 161 BACK-STROKE-5o yards 1. K. Morris (M) 2. N. G. A. Morris (D) 3. J. S. W. Cook (S) 4. P. T. Summers (T) Time-35.1 * Record *
OPEN FREE-STYLE-25 yards 1. C. W. Clegg (D) 2. G. F. Hardman ( ) 3. M. J. Winn (G) 4. R. D. Harding (R) Time-12.8 seconds
OPEN PLUNGE x. A. P. Hothersall (S) 2. R. M. Aspinall (Q) 3. R. Cressey (G) 4. M. J. T. Carr (D) Distance-51' 91"
UNDER 15 MEDLEY RELAY-4 x 25 yards r. School House 2. Manor 3. Temple 4. Grove Time-I.6.9
UNDER 161- MEDLEY RELAY 1. Manor 2. Dronfield House 3. Temple 4. Grove
OPEN MEDLEY RELAY x. Dronfield House 2. Grove 3. School House
Manor (Disqualified) Time-1.1.5
Monday 26th July, 1965
OPEN FREE-STYLE---5o yards 1. C. W. Clegg (D) 2. G. F. Hardman (Q) 3. M. J. Winn (G) 4. N. J. Beards (M) Time-28.8 seconds
UNDER 161- FREE-STYLE-5o yards r. K. Morris (M) 2. N. G. A. Morris (D) 3. F. M. Ogley (S) 4. C. R. Outhwaite (G) Time-30.7 seconds
UNDER 15 FREE-STYLE-25 yards 1. K. J. Sargeant (S) 2. M. T. H. Humphreys (M) 3. R. A. G. Lucas (R) 4. R. S. C. Mcllroy (T) Time-12.o seconds * Record *
UNDER 161- PLUNGE x. R. I. D. Mcllroy (T) 2. S. N. Monks (G) 3. P. A. Young (Q) 4. P. J. Shannon (R) Distance-52' 71-"
OPEN BREAST-STROKE-5o yards x. M. J. T. Carr (D) 2. P. St. G. Stephenson (G) 3. R. G. Robinson (S) 4. M. N. Webster (M) Time-37.6 seconds
UNDER 161 BREAST-STROKE--5o yards x. M. A. Groundwater (S) 2. I. S. Donaldson (D) 3. J. Lees (M) 4. D. Hargrave (Q) Time-40.6 seconds
OPEN BACK-STROKE-5o yards 1. S. J. Bough (T) 2. N. J. Smith (D) 3. M. H. Bowe (M) 4. A. G. Slater (G) Time-39.1 seconds
22. UNDER 55 BACK-STROKE-25 yards 1. P. J. H. Fosbrook (M) 2 I C D Pilling (R) 3. S. C. Phillips (S) 4. D. H. Brown (G) Time-16.4 seconds
23. UNDER 15 DIVE 1. R. P. Taylor (D) 2. J. S. Nixon (SH) 3. E. Lack M. A. Cantrell
24. OPEN DIVE 1. R. N. Beaumont (SH) 2. D. J. McKenzie (M) B. Lumley-Holmes (D) 3. P. A. Horsman (T) 4. D. R. Baxter (G)
25. UNDER 15 FREE-STYLE RELAY-4 x 25 yards 1. School House 2. Manor 3. Queen's 4. Temple Time-6o.1 seconds
26. UNDER 16.i FREE-STYLE RELAY 1. Dronfield House 2. Grove 3. School House 4. Queen's Time-58.8 seconds
27. OPEN FREE-STYLE RELAY t. Dronfield House 3. School House Manor 2. Rise
Time-56.2 seconds
AWARD OF POINTS pts; 2nd.-3 pts; 3rd.-2 pts; 4th.-I point Relays Ist.-to pts; 2nd.-6 pts; 3rd.-2 pts; point Dronfield House 81 1- School House 76f Manor 76 Grove 33/ Temple 3 1 / Queen's 26 Rise 19
Saturday, 11th December, 1965.
Any Old Peterite wishing to play in this match should write stating full name, age, years at school, Club and position, to :- C. W. Thompson, The Flat, Mead House, North Road, Retford, Notts. Tel. Retford 2531 (Business).
The closing date for applications is 20th November. Full details will be sent to all applicants.
The Cup was won by Dronfield House. The following are the detailed results: —
Points School Awarded Grove Queen's House Dronfield Manor Rise Temple Senior Rugger ••• 20 20 - - - - -
• —Junior Rugger • • so 10 — — — — — — Senior Cricket ... •• • 20 - 20 - - - - — Junior Cricket ... • • • so — so — — — — — Rowing (1st Div.) ... • •• 20 20 - - - - - — Rowing (2nd Div.) • •• so so — — — — — — Athletics, 1st ... ••• 20 20 - - - - - — Athletics, znd ... ••• so — — — so — — — Cross-Country, 1st •• • so — sO - - - - — Cross-Country, 2nd ... 5 5 — — — — — — Swimming, 1st •• • so so — — — — — — Swimming, 2nd ... - -- Squash ... •• • so — so — — — — — Tennis ... ... ••• 10 - - - - - - so Shooting (Team) ... ... 5 — — 5 — — — — Fencing ... ... ... 5 — — — — — — 5 Junior Long Run, 1st ... 5 — 5 — — — — — Junior Long Run, 2nd • •• 2 - - - 2 - - -
187 95 55 5 12 0 5 55
1st XI Sat. Jan. 22nd Leeds Corinthian 3rd XI ... .. Away Sat. Jan. 29th Welbeck College ... •• • Home Sat. Feb. 5th Trent College... ... •• • Home Wed. Feb. 9th Scarborough College... ••• Home Wed. Feb. 16th Bootham School ... ... •.• Home Sat. Feb. 19th York Hockey Club znd XI •• • Away Wed. Feb. 23rd Worksop College •• • Away Wed. Mar. 2nd Nunthorpe G.S. •• • Away Sat. Mar. 5th Old Peterites ••• Home
Wed. Mar. 9th Styx Hockey Club ... •• • Home
2nd XI Sat. Jan. 29th Welbeck College Sat. Feb. 5th Trent College... ... Wed. Feb. 9th Scarborough College Home Home Home
Sat. Feb. 12th Archbishop Holgate's G.S.
Away Wed. Feb. 16th Bootham School ... Home Sat. Feb. 19th York Hockey Club 4th XI ... Home Wed. Feb. 23rd Worksop College ... Away
The Old Peterite Club's 74th Annual General Meeting was held at the School on Saturday, 24th July. The President, T. J. Lewis, was in the chair. The Headmaster was present and there was an attendance of 44 members.
The Hon. Treasurer (T. H. Burdon), presented the audited accounts for the year ended 31st December, 1964, which showed the accumulated fund for the running expenses of £158 12s. 11d.
G. E. L. Graham, R. H. Metcalfe, J. B. Mortimer, D. N. Simmons, M. I. H. Sproulle and C. W. Thompson were elected to serve on the committee for a term of three years.
K. G. Chilman was unanimously elected a Vice-President of the Club. His election was proposed by the President to the delight of all members present.
It was resolved that a properly appointed Sports Committee should be set up. This would consist of the 'President (ex-officio Chairman of the Committee), K. H. Rhodes and the organisers of the various sports. It was also resolved that the organisers should be elected for a three-year period and would only be eligible for re-election once consecutively; this is to ensure that no one serves more than six years without a break. The organisers should be elected at the Annual General Meeting.
The organisers, who were elected for a period of three years, are as follows: — Cricket: —K. M. Ratcliff. Fencing: —P. A. Morris. Golf : —P. J. Middlebrook. Hockey: —R. H. Jackson. Rowing: —C. R. G. McNeil. Rugby : —C. W. Thompson. Squash : —D. Kirby. Tennis: —B. Jones.
During a discussion on Old Peterite Club activities, T. H. V. Williams, the Editor of The Peterite, said that he would welcome more news of Old Peterites for publication in The Peterite. He appealed to all Old Peterites to send him any interesting news, either Of themselves or of their friends.
The Regional Hon. Secretaries reported that regional dinners will be held as follows : — N.E. Region : 15th October, Three Tuns Hotel, Durham. West Riding : 4th November, Griffin Hotel, Leeds. London : 12th November, Greak Eastern Hotel, Liverpool Street. N.W. Region : 11th March, Brockatt Arms, Wigan. East Riding: 27th May, Highfield Country Club, Driffield. 68
The London Hon. Secretary writes: — "The Old Peterite London Dinner will take place on Friday, 12th November, 1965, at the Great Eastern Hotel. Anybody interested in attending should contact C. H. Lewis, Esq., at 15 Longfield Avenue, London, N.W.7, who will be pleased to provide you with all the details.
"If you have business to attend to in London, why not arrange it to coincide with the London Old Peterite Dinner?"
Alan Buttrum informed the meeting that he would regretfully have to resign from the position of N.W. Region Hon. Secretary and that Ian Dutton was taking his place. The meeting expressed its thanks to Alan Buttrum for his work.
The names and addresses of the Club's Officers and Regional Hon. Secretaries are as follows : —
President: T. J. Lewis, Chebula, Clifton Road, Runcorn, Cheshire Hon. Secretary : D. Kirby, 7A St. Peter's Grove, Clifton, York. Hon. Treasurer: T. H. Burdon, 552 Toiler Lane, Bradford.
District Hon. Secretaries:
London : C. H. Lewis, 15 Longfield Avenue, Mill Hill, N.W.7.
West Riding: M. Hallas, Flat 2, Woodstone Hall, Fenay Bridge, Nr. 'Huddersfield.
North-West: I. S. T. Dutton, "Pennine Edge", Hill Top, Romiley, Cheshire.
North-East: Dr. H. Brown, 23 Highbury, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 2.
East Riding: P. S. Atkinson, Greystones, Garton, Driffield.
Birmingham: V. B. Gregory, 23 Old 'Station Road, Bromsgrove.
York: J. B. Mortimer, Mayfield House, Boston Spa, Yorks.
The O.P. Club Dinner, 1965, following the A.G.M., was held in the School Dining Hall by kind permission of the Headmaster, and was attended by 133. The Club is again indebted to the School Catering Staff for the excellent meal provided.
The time-honoured toast of the School was proposed by M. I. H. Sproulle, to which the Headmaster responded. The President (T. J. Lewis), proposed the toast of "Kenneth Chilman 0 P " and presented him with a silver salver and a cheque. Kenneth Chilman's reply, as expected, was the highlight of the evening.
The following were present : The President of the Club Fernside, F. H. (T. J. Lewis) Fearnside, F. The Headmaster Chilman, K. G. Kirby, D. (Hon. Sec.) Burdon T. H. (Hon. Treasurer) Hanson, J. A. (Past President) The Bursar The Head of the School (Biddle H.) Baddeley, M. J. Baker, E. T. N. Baldwin, R. R. Beckett, J. W . Bird, J. D. Blunt, D. A. C. Bolton, P. B. Bottomley, N. T. Brown, D. L. Brown, P. C. N. Burdass, R. D. Burton, S. B. Buttrum, A. P. Chilman, H. L. Clark, R. T. Clarke, C. J. L. Clegg, M. A. Coates, J. W. Coulthard, K. G. Craine, G. D. Daintry, P. Dalkin, W. R. De Mulder, A. J. Denison, E. A. K. Dickinson, E. Dodd, D. F. Dodsworth, G. H. Dronfield, M. W. Dronfield, P. J. Dulton, I. S. T. Eastwood, C. R. Fairweather, C. C. Fawcett, T. P. N. Fox, J. M. R. Fox, M. R. Gedge, H. F. S. Gillgrass, J. Graham, G. E. L. Gray, D. W. St. G. Hallas, M. Hamilton, J. M. Harding, G. W. Harding, J. T. Harding, R. F. Hamby, F. B. S. Hart, D. M. Harwood, R. H. Hick, J. K. Holdsworth, J. M. Holmes, D. C. Hopkinson, R. C. Houghton, J. C. Howat, A. T. Huntley, W. G. Huzzard, J. B. Jackson, P. E. Kemp-Welch, N. Kershaw, M. E. Kershaw, M. J. King, M. A. Le Pla, R. G. Le Tocq, L. C. Lewis, C. H. Lockwood, C. Lyth, D. MacKellar, W. G. Magson, N. J. Mathews, J. Mathews, J. B. Mervyn, R. F. S. Metcalfe, R. H. Miers, J. F. Mitchell, G. F. B. Morris, A. Moreton, P. Mortimere, J. B. Nendick, B. M. Nendrick, F. N. Norwood, D. Pacey, F. W. B. Parkin, F. N. Parkin, G. D. Phillips, J. Pickersgill, J. B. Ping, A. W. Portlock, E. S. Ratcliff, K. M. Raylor, J. M. Rayner, D. E. Rhodes, K. H. Richardson, P. Riley, G. W. Rowbottom, P. J. Ruddock, P. H. 0. Rumfitt, D. T. Scarth, C. J. Scarth, R. M. Shah, N. Shepherd, C. Shirtcliffe, J. R. Shouksmith, J. A. Shouksmith, R. P. Simmons, D. N. Simpson, F. Slater, J. G. Smith, E. M. Spencer, J. N. Sproulle, M. I. H. Stabler, D. A. Stratton, R. A. Stubbs, W. C. Thompson, C. W. Todd, G. Waine, F. Ward, C. M. Watson, M. Wick, J. A. E. Wilson, A. G. Wood, R. A. B. Wright, R. W. Young, D. G. M.
The next meeting of the General Committee will be held at the School on Saturday afternoon, 11th December, at 5-0 p.m. following the annual rugger match between the School and the Club. If any O.P. has any suggestions to be placed on the agenda, will be please let the Hon. Secretary, D. Kirby at 7A St. Peter's Grove, Clifton, York, know by 27th November.
The following crested neckwear is available : — All-silk crested ties 16 6 each plus postage 5d. Terylene crested ties ... 12 6 each plus postage 5d. All-silk bow ties ... 11 9 each plus postage 5d. All-silk batswings 19 6 each plus postage 5d. All-silk squares 60 0 each postage free. All-silk cravats 34 0 each postage free. 70
The East Riding Old Peterite Dinner was held on Friday, 28th May, 1965, at the Highfield Country Club, Driffield.
Those present were: — The President of the Club Chilman, K. G. Megginson, J. S. (T. J. Lewis) Coles D. Megginson, P. R. B. The Headmaster Cooke, J. Patchett, D. M. Atkinson, P. S. Dixon, D. Peacock, R. W. Armstrong, R. Dronfield, P. Pexton, R. D. Baldwin, R. R. Fenton, P. A. Potter, B. Beachell, F. M. Franks, M. Rhodes, K. H. Beachell, H. M. Hardy, F. Richardson, H. Blunt, D. A. C. Hart, D. M. Rowbottom, J. Botterill, J. S. Huzzard, J. H. Rowbottom, P. Burdass, C. Kirby, D. Stephenson, R. F. Burdass, J. U. Lockwood, C. Walton, J. 0. Burdass, W. J. May, A. Wick, J. A. E. Burnett, H. B. May, M.
The Burnett Trophy was played for on Sunday, 25th July, 1965. at York Golf Club, and the result was : — 1. P. J. Middlebrook : —67-6--61. 2. A. T. Booth : —75-3-72. 3. A. Robson : —76-3-73.
There were thirteen entries. Next year the event will again be held at York Golf Club, and it is hoped that more players will enter.
To the Editor of The Peterite.
Dear Sir,
Through the medium of your current issue, may I take this opportunity of thanking all the members of the Old Peterite Club for their handsome gift to me, of an inscribed Silver Salver and cheque at the O.P. Dinner held in the Dining Hall of the School on Saturday, 24th July, on the occasion of my retirement from the Staff of St. Peter's School. Yours very sincerely, Kenneth G. Chilman.
71 Meadowfields Drive,
Huntington Road, York.
BOULTON.—On 8th May, 1965, to Helen (née Brown) and Dr. Tom
Boulton (1940-43), a son. KERSHAW.—On Thursday, 9th September, 1965, to Judith (nee Dawson) and Maurice Kershaw, at Solihull, a daughter (Lucy). MORTIMER.—On 4th October, 1965, to Judy (née Page) and Barry
Mortimer, at the Leeds Maternity Hospital, a daughter, sister for Charles and Nicholas.
BARTON—CAYZER. The Engagement is announced between Nicholas
Robin, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Barton of 6 The Avenue,
Clifton, York, and Joy, younger daughter of Captain and Mrs. H. M.
Cayzer of Merlingate, Hayling Island, Hants. (Queen's 1954-60). WHEELER—MASKELL. Jeremy C. G. Wheeler of Foxfield, Quinton,
Northants, to Valerie Maskell, of 9 Gledholt Road, Huddersfield. (Grove 1951-61).
SMITH—O'CALLAGHAN. On 7th August, 1965, at St. Charles'
Church, Gosforth, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Clive Kelday Smith to Ann
M. O'Callaghan, both of Gosforth. WHEELER—TARLING. Rupert Montagu Wheeler, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. G. Wheeler, of Foxfield, Quinton, Northampton was married on 31st July, 1965, to Fiona Margaret Tarling, only daughter of Mrs. M. Tarling of St. Albans, at St. Peter's Church, St. Albans. (Grove '1949-59).
Ruddington, Notts. (Tel. Nottingham 212286). DR. P. R. PENTY, 57 Chewton Street, Eastwood, Notts. CAPTAIN J. R. MAXWELL, 94th Medical Det., A.P.O. 96318, San
Francisco, California, U.S.A. DR. J. J. F. KNAPTON, Apt. 10., 2227 Filbert Street, San Francisco,
California, U.S.A. K. M. RATCLIFF, "Fairways", Ratcliffe Lane, Sheepy Magna, Athelstone,
SURGEON CAPTAIN B. R. ALDERSON (School House, '23-6) has retired from active service after thirty years in the Royal Navy. He has been appointed Final Examining Medical Officer for the East
Midlands at the R.N. and R.M. Careers Headquarters at Derby. G. W. A. ALDERSON (School House, '56-61), is O.C. (Mech.) at the
High Street Branch of Barclay's Bank, Colchester. In April he won the Suffolk County Squash Championship, beating the reigning champion 3-1. P. COLLINS (School House, '56-61) has been elected to a McMahon Law
Studentship at 'St. John's College, Cambridge. 72
DR. JAMES J. F. KNAPTON (Grove, '49-57) left England in 1963 to work as a research engineer with a large Textile Machinery Co., in
Pennsylvania. After one year on the East coast he moved to San
Francisco to take up an appointment with the Western Regional Research
Laboratory, an Agricultural Research centre of the United States
Department of Agriculture, where he is employed as a scientist working in wool research.
CAPTAIN JOHN R. MAXWELL (Grove, '49-57), after completing his
M.D. at the Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin, spent a year an an intern at St. Mary's Hospital, Saginaw, Mich., U.S.A., before being requested to join the American Army. He underwent six months basic training at Fort Rutter, Alabama, and now, with the rank of Captain, he is spending a year's tour of duty as a Flight Surgeon with helicopters based in Pleiku, South Vietnam.
Both are, apparently, "in the fortunate position of remaining unmarried".
D. C. KELLY has sent a most entertaining account of his hitch-hiking trip over sixteen thousand miles to Australia, with M. W. Rudd (at least as far as India). A lot more was, in fact, printable, but there is only room for the three following extracts : — "Our first lift in Iran was rather an auspicious affair, for we were in the jeep carrying the Chief of Banking, accompanied by the Chief of Police (of one of the States). The latter, a strikingly handsome fellow, kept us entertained throughout, exercising his knowledge of
English. He also gave us some cause for alarm along the route by his "cloak and dagger" methods. As we approached a small outcrop of rocks the jeep suddenly screeched to a halt. Our "James Bond" dived out before the jeep came to a halt, rolled over several times, flattened himself to the ground, and whipped out his revolver. We waited with some trepidation, holding our breath and automatically crouching lower in the jeep, expecting the banshee yells and ringing of shots. Then, with a terrific flutter and whistling of wings a flock of pigeons rose from the desert floor behind the rocks—and flew off in the opposite direction, much to the annoyance of our intrepid hunter. "Leaving Ispahan the desert was now upon us—nothing but miles and miles of blinding sun and searing heat. It seems that here, one makes one's own laws and with a great deal of corruption besides. In these surroundings lifts were few and far between, and yet, as always, fortune smiled upon us. Our next particular chariot was some four tons overweight and carrying fourteen passengers. They bulged, hung, and draped onto whatever hand or foothold that they could—like survivors on a raft from a sinking ship. Truly the survival of the fittest. Each had contributed a somewhat hefty donation to the driver's charity fund, from which we were fortunately exempt. We found some spare hand and foot-holds and, after some three hours of preparation the whole conglomeration spluttered off into the haze, groaning but determined. Several hours of bone-aching travel passed and, as dusk was closing upon us seven or eight soldiers suddenly materialised from the earth, brandishing guns and yelling at the top of their voices.
Exactly what their intentions were we shall never know, but when all seemed lost our fellow travellers came to the rescue by hurling live 73
chickens down at them from the top of the load. As we drove away the desert air was filled with curses and the cackling of terrified chickens as the soldiers pursued them in all directions across the desert. "When we joined forces again some months later, I learned that my intrepid sparring partner, Bill, had transported himself to Thailand by devious means, where he was quite taken with the local girls. In order to prolong his stay, and give this fascinating subject further study, he made the excuse of taking a job as an English teacher. This consisted of spending two weeks singing rock and roll songs, and demonstrating the "twist" to his willing young students. He then toured Malaya, ending up in Singapore where he spent his time spinning tall stories, extolling the wonders and virtues of Cod Liver Oil. These, through the gullibility of the natives—white and coloured alike—provided him with the reasonable essentials of board and lodgings. Tiring of this he boarded a German fishing vessel, and appropriately enough, ended up shipwrecked off Cooktown, Australia, along with nine other hitchhikers. Having worked in a Queensland "Pub" for two weeks, presumably to quench his seven month old thirst, he hastened down to our pre-arranged rendezvous in Melbourne, where a fitting re-union took place (over which a veil should be drawn)."
PETER STUTTARD (Queen's, 1954-62) led an Expedition from
Cambridge to the Balkans this Summer. He writes : — "The main objects of the expedition were to cover as much of Bulgaria as possible keeping a record of birds seen; collecting plant specimens from a variety of habitats; and compiling a photographic record of the country, its people, flora and fauna. My main interest was with the ornithology and from our observations I hope to be able to learn something about the migration of birds across the Balkan peninsula.
This was helped by a programme of bird ringing carried out under the auspices of the Bulgarian Ringing authorities in Sofia. "Over 200 species of birds were seen and nearly 1,000 birds ringed.
The botanists collected over a thousand specimens, and vast quantities of film were exposed by everybody. I only hope that I am able to return again to Bulgaria whose people are the friendliest and most generous people I have met in Europe."
Estd. 1860