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The Choir

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Old Peterite News

Old Peterite News

free (it was his only free morning for weeks!) to come in the Archbishop's place, and we are most grateful to him for coming.

The following boys were confirmed on 17th March: St. Olave's: M. W. Bainbridge, K. D. Bowler, R. C. M. Dickenson, R. L.

Elsy, A. Gray, P. L. Hall, R. J. Hamilton-Williams, G. Hodgson,

J. J. Les, I. D. Raley, C. N. Roberts, I. Robinson, D. M. Schofield,

A. D. A. Smith, J. S. R. Tindall, T. J. Young. Dron field: I. A. Blomfield, S. R. Buckman, R. P. Morris, R. P. Taylor,

J. Watson. The Grove: P. J. G. C. Bleach, C. J. Bond, C. M. Fairhurst, K. V. Holland,

M. J. R. Warnock. The Manor: P. Holmes, J. A. L. Whittaker. Queen's: J. E. Dickenson, H. J. Gration, E. Lack, T. J. Simpson, P. H. N.

Turner, P. M. Wright. The Rise: I. A. Gill, J. M. Lillie, R. A. G. Lucas, C. H. Noble, G. W. A.

Plews, R. M. E. Raley, J. D. Rawlings, R. E. Rowbottom, M. G. V.

Stephenson, A. N. Varley, S. P. Withers. School House: R. A. Exell, A. L. Jervis, W. E. Sherlaw, P. D. Wilson. Temple: W. R. Copeland, P. J. Elliott, D. M. L. Jackson, P. A. Lockwood,

J. R. Lund, K. C. Slee, J. R. Willcock, J. R. Young.


The Choir came back to what was to be a very busy and varied musical term. Only five days after the beginning of term, the School took part in the Epiphany Service in York Minster, in which the Choir sang the Carols "The Noble Stem of Jesse", "O'er the hill and o'er the vale", "Out of the Orient Crystal Sky", "All they from Saba" and "The Carol of the Star". Owing to the shortage of time for practices, only the basses joined the Minster Choir in singing the Carol "A Spotless Rose".

It was at this early stage in the term that the flu epidemic, that swept through the lower parts of the School, began to affect the Choir. This epidemic caused the postponement of the Choir Supper until later in the term, as most of the trebles were in the sanatorium during the earlier weeks of the term. So it was a depleted choir that sang in the Memorial Service to Dr. Vergette, the late School doctor, in which the Sentences by Croft were sung.

The first anthem that was sung in the School Chapel was "The Three Kings" by Peter Cornelius, which was essentially a baritone solo, admirably handled by Thirlwell. The Choir was joined by the School the following Sunday in rendering "The Creation's Hymn" by Beethoven, which was followed a week later by the Choir singing "Rejoice in the Lord, 0 ye righteous" by Pelham Humfrey.

The Service of Sung Communion took the same form as that of last term with music by Merbecke once again providing the foundation of the service, whilst the Sanctus, Benedictus and Agnus Dei were taken from the setting by Darke in F, J. R. Wood, Barker and Wright taking the solo parts in the service. On the first Sunday in Lent the Choir sang the anthem "Lord, for thy tender mercies sake", by Richard Farrant.


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