Oct 1967

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thanks to the sustained efforts of some members of the Section looked very smart for the General Inspection and for an Exhibition arranged by Hudson on Speech Day. The new entries have formed Nelson Division and have made a promising start on their C C.F. career. CAMP AT B.R.N.C. DARTMOUTH, AUG. 9th-16th. Two cadet P.Os. were among about one hundred and forty C.C.F. Cadets who arrived on the afternoon of August 9th, for a week at the Officer Training College of the Royal Navy. The week was divided into classes in a very comprehensive manner. There was hardly a spare moment during any day to relax. There was a lot of boatwork; the emphasis being on learning to sail R.N.S.A. dinghies (one of which was overturned by a certain St. Peter's Cadet) and the control of forty-foot twin-engined power-boats. A pulling regatta completed the very instructive boatwork periods. On the Sunday, the cadets and training officers set off in P.Bs., in convoy, for an afternoon on a nearby beach. The afternoon ended with most of the cadets being somewhat wet, and nearly all the officers having been thrown in the sea! The cadets were divided into four divisions; the standard of the divisional spirit being very high. The food was not top quality, but most people were satisfied. This camp affords a very worthwhile insight into the type of training which officer cadets are required to endure.

R.A.F. SECTION The influx of recruits at the beginning of the Summer Term raised the section to 57, with F/Sgt. Smith in charge, assisted by Sgts. Willcock and Rutherford. Cadet Harrison is to be congratulated on the construction of the models of World War II aircraft. These were on show at the General Inspection and at the C.C.F. Exhibition at the end of term. Senior cadets began the construction of a wind tunnel, one of the training aids recommended by Headquarters Air Cadets. The Section has also recently acquired a large dinghy which it hopes to put to good use early next term. Air Experience Flying and Gliding will be resumed next term and it is also hoped that continuous gliding courses will once again be available in 1968.

SCOUT GROUP Mr. J. Nix retired from the position of Group Scout Leader of the Chilman (St. Peter's Junior School) Group at the end of the term and we should like to record our appreciation of all that he has done for Scouting in the School over very many years. In addition to his active Scouting in the Junior School, Mr. Nix also looked after the Group equipment and was responsible for Group finances. Both these activities took a great deal of his time and many members and former members of the Scout Groups of the School owe him their thanks for all that he has done for them. We are very happy that Mr. Nix is continuing as a Scout Commissioner and Registrar of the York Scout Association.


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