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C.C.F. Notes

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Editorial Notices

Editorial Notices

A continuous Film Show will include a wide variety of films, some of them directly describing careers, others giving background information to work in industry or a profession.

The Northern Secretary of the Public Schools Appointments Bureau will be attending the Convention and will also be ready to talk to boys and their parents informally, and there will be a display of literature from the Bureau and also from the Careers Research and Advisory Centre of Cambridge. C.R.A.C. is particularly concerned with the dissemination of information about universities and their courses, and arrangements will be made for purchase of their literature at the Convention.

The main new appointments for the term were P. T. Summers as C.S.M., Coxwain Fairhurst in charge of the Royal Navy Section, Sergeant Bleach of the Army Section and Flight Sergeant Willcock of the Royal Air Force Section. Lance Sergeant Bavister, coming to the School from St. Dunstan's College, has started the task of reviving the Signals Platoon, with a good prospect of support from the regular Army.

New recruits are now able to start a trial period in the Contingent in the Christmas term instead of the Easter Term, and it is encouraging to find the numbers entering as high as they have ever been under the voluntary system. A larger number opting for the Royal Navy Section is now restoring the balance among the Service Sections.

During the term we were given great help by Officers and N.C.O.s of the Depot, The Yorkshire Brigade, particularly in training for the Proficiency Test which was held at Strensall on 12th December. All but one of the candidates were successful, and Cadets C. J. D. Bond, M. G. V. Stephenson and J. A. L. Whittaker gained Credit marks. The Depot Colonel, in his report, said "an excellent standard was apparent in the candidates presented", and it is worth emphasising here that a smart appearance goes a long way towards success in this test.

Further help was given by the Brigade Depot in acting as "enemy" in the night exercise organised by Lieutenant Bulcock on Strensall Common. Arduous Training and Army Camp.

Arduous Training is planned for 29th March to 5th April in the Brecon. Beacons, but the persistence of Foot and Mouth restrictions may make it necessary for this to be changed to the Osmotherley area of Yorkshire.

Army Camp will be at Proteus Camp, near 011erton, Nottinghamshire,. from 15t11 July to 23rd July.


Recruits to the section were placed on a waiting list as the present strength was at the maximum permissible.

A successful night exercise was organised by F/Sgt. Willcock assisted by Sgt. Rutherford and was held in the Strensall training area on Tuesday,. 4th November.

Air experience flying at R.A.F. Church Fenton took place on the afternoons of Wednesday, 29th November and 6th December and altogether 16 cadets obtained Chipmunk flights.

Air experience gliding at R.A.F. Linton-on-Ouse had unfortunately to be postponed because of the weather but there is every hope that it will take place in the Easter Term.

J/Cpl. Williamson is to be congratulated on obtaining his gliding certificate B during the summer holidays.

Cdt. Harrison constructed a further six models for the aircraft museum and Cdts. Mcllroy, Blackburn and Harris built several engine powered models which they have successfully flown. During the term they have also been in the process of constructing a wind tunnel.


The term began with A.B.s Hudson, Littlefield, Eggleshaw and Marsden being promoted to Leading Seamen and Petty Officer Fairhurst to Coxwain. L/Sea. Nixon was appointed 2 i/c the section; L/Sea. Hudson i/c Stores; and L/Sea. Littlefield i/c Recruits.

Early in the term there were several fruitless attempts to sail the dinghy, but in every case the weather thwarted them. In the middle df October any further ideas of sailing were finally abandoned when the dinghy dragged her moorings (our thanks to H.M.S. Safeguard for laying the moorings so securely that they did not break) and rammed Scarborough Bridge. Luckily it was not damaged and was duly recovered and brought up to the Rise area for the winter. It is hoped to get the dinghy into the water as early as possible next term as opposed to the usual custom of waiting until the Summer Term.

The two single canoes were finished early this term thanks to the hard work of a few cadets, but work on the remaining double has temporarily stopped because of an apparent lack of interest by most of the Section. This will probably be regretted later in the year when the canoes will be available for private outings.

On 17th October our Liason Officer, Lieutenant-Commander StreatfieldJames, R.N., paid us a visit and gave a very interesting talk on Commando Carriers, illustrated by a good film. His visit bore visible fruits a few weeks later when a modern copy of "Jane's Fighting Ships" and other books arrived along with an excellent selection of Decca charts. We are extremely grateful to him for all these.

Trafalgar Day was marked by dressing ship; an accurate replica of Nelson's famous signal was hoisted.

One month later a team of naval divers from H.M.S. Safeguard gave an enlightening display of diving in the swimming baths. It is hoped that this display created interest in Sub-Aqua swimming as this sort of training is open to members of the Section. The same day as the diving display, a set of davits arrived from H.M.S. Safeguard for which we are again grateful to Lieutenant-Commander Streatfield-James.

Later in November the Section shared a successful night exercise with part of the Army Section.

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