3 minute read
OA'. News
from Oct 1968
by StPetersYork
The Old Peterite Club's 77th Annual General Meeting was held at the School on Saturday, 13th July. The President, K. H. Rhodes, was in the Chair. The Headmaster was present and there was an attendance of 41 members.
The Hon. Treasurer, T. H. Burdon, presented the audited accounts for the year ended 31st December, 1967, which showed the accumulated fund for the running expenses of £386 6s. 2d. The meeting expressed a vote of thanks to H. L. Creer, who retired from the position of Honorary Auditor.
G. E. L. Graham, M. Hallas, J. B. Mortimer, J. A. Shouksmith, D. N. Simmons, G. D. Smith and C. W. Thompson were elected to serve on the General Committee. The meeting expressed its grateful thanks to R. H. Metcalfe for his services as a Committee member and to M. Hallas for his services as the West Riding Hon. Secretary.
The following were elected as the Club's Sports Organisers for three years:— Cricket—J. A. Shouksiiiith. Fencing J. H. Reiss. Golf—P. J. Middlebrook. Rugger—R. R. Baldwin. Squash—G. W. A. R. Alderson. Tennis—B. Jones.
The meeting thanked K. M. Ratcliff and C. W. Thompson for their services as organisers of Cricket and Rugger.
Regional dinners were announced as follows:— West Riding, 31st October, at the Griffin Hotel, Leeds. North East, 1st November at the Ramside Hall Hotel, Durham. London, 8th November at the Charing Cross Hotel.
J. C. M. Rayson was congratulated on the success of the Buffet Supper held at Betty's after the 1967 O.P. rugger match. He reported that another Buffet Supper would be held this year at Betty's on Saturday, 14th December.
F. Waine, who was leaving the School after many years as Director of Music, was unanimously elected an Honorary Member of the Club.
The names and addresses of the Club's Officers and Regional Hon. Secretaries are as follows : — H. President: K. Rhodes, St. Peter's School, York. Hon. Secretary: D. Kirby, 7a St. Peter's Grove, Clifton, York. Hon. Treasurer: T. H. Burdon, 552 Toiler Lane, Bradford.
District Hon. Secretaries: London: P. J. Dronfield, 34 Holland Rd., Ampthill, Bedford. West Riding: M. Butterworth, 9 Ashlea Avenue, Brighouse, W. Yorkshire.
North West: T. D. J. Layfield, "Roseberry Topping", 27 Peel Hall
Lane, Ashton, Nr. Chester. North East: Dr. H. Brown, 12 Lindisfarne Rd., Jesmond, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 2. East Riding: P. S. Atkinson, "Greystones", Barton, Driffield. Birmingham: M. Hollway, "Tredene", 1 Sharmans Cross Rd.,
Solihull, Warwickshire. York : J. C. M. Rayson, 21 Chalfonts, Tadcaster Rd., York.
The East Riding Old Peterite Annual Dinner was held on Friday, 24th May, 1968.
Those present were: — The President (K. H. Rhodes). The Headmaster. Atkinson, J. S. Atkinson, P. S. Beachell, F. M. Browne, F. D. Burdass, C. M. C. Burdass, C. U. Burdass, J. U. Burdass, R. D. Burnett, H. B. Burnett, P. N. R. Byass, D. E. Bulmer, H. C. Chilman, K. G. Cooke, J. D. Dawson, J. R. Dee, C. C. Dronfield, J. Hardy, F. Harding, R. F. Hart, D. M. Hopkinson, R. C. Hornby, M. R. Kirby, D. McNeill, C. May, A. May, M. Megginson, J. S. Megginson, P. R. B. Peacock, R. W. Raohauge, M. P. W. Reed, R. Rhodes, B. V. Richardson, H. Rowbottom, P. J. Thompson, C. W. Tomlinson, N. E. Tomlinson, T. G. Wick, J. A. E. Wood, J. Wood, M.

1st XI Wed. Jan. 29 Wed. Feb. 5 Wed. Feb. 12. Sun. Feb. 16 Wed. Feb. 19 Sat. Feb. 22 Wed. Feb. Sat. Mar. 1st. Wed. Mar. 5 2nd XI Wed. Jan. 29 Wed. Feb. 5 Wed. Feb. 12. Sat. Feb. 22 Wed. Feb. 26 York University 1st XI Bootham School 1st XI Scarborough College 1st XI Pandas H.C. Nunthorpe G.S. 1st XI York H.C. 1st XI Worksop College 1st XI Old Peterites Styx. H.C. York University 2nd XI Bootham School znd XI Scarborough College 2nd XI York H.C. IVth XI Worksop College znd XI
Fixtures against Archbishop Holgate's G.S. and 3rd XI against Bootham School to be arranged.