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Old Peterite Section

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History Society

A meeting of the General Committee of the Old Peterite Club was held at the School on March 1st.

The Committee unanimously elected Mr. A. T. Howat an Honorary Life Member of the Club in recognition of his services to St. Peter's and St. Olave's.

The following dates for regional dinners late in 1969 were announced : North East—Friday, October 10th. West Riding—Thursday, October 30th. London—Friday, November 14th.

It was resolved that the next meeting of the General Committee should be held on Saturday, December 13th, 1969.


Old Peterites are reminded that the 1969 School Commemoration will be held on July 11th, 12th and 13th and Old Peterites are urged to support it. far The Headmaster has again kindly agreed that a limited number of unaccompanied O.P.s (in order of application) can be accommodated in the Junior School, charge 12s. 6d. per night for bed and breakfast.

Old Peterites are reminded that the President of the Club will, as is customary at Commemoration, lay a wreath on the Memorial Shrine in the Ante-Chapel at 10.30 a.m. on Saturday, July 13th, and it is hoped that O.P.s attending Commemoration will accompany him.

The official programme is circulated with this issue of the Peterite. Please complete the proforma and return it to the Headmaster's secretary without delay.

Organisers for the O.P. teams for the Sporting Events, with whom members wishing to take part are asked to communicate as soon as possible, are as follows:—

Boat Races—C. R. G. McNeil, Thorganby Lodge, Thorganby, York.

Cricket—J. A. Shouksmith, Denstone College Preparatory School, Smallwood Manor, Uttoxeter, Staffs.

Golf—P. J. Middlebrook, "Highfield", Brayton, Selby, Yorks.

Tennis—B. Jones, 12 Elm Park Vale, Stockton Lane, York.

The O.P. Club Annual Dinner will be held at the School on Saturday, July 12th (price £1). It is hoped that Old Peterites, who wish to come to the Dinner, will apply for tickets as soon as possible.

To mark the 50th anniversary of the opening of The Manor, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Shuttleworth will be at home to old Manorites at 7.0 p.m. on July 12th.

NOTES The following crested neckwear is available : —

All-silk crested ties-20s. Od. each, postage free.

Terylene crested ties-13s. Od. each, postage free.

All-silk bow ties-12s. 3d. each, postage free.

All-silk batswings-20s. Od. each, postage free.

All-silk squares-60s. Od. each, postage free.

All-silk cravats-34s. Od. each, postage free. 34

The Editor, "The Peterite", St. Peter's School, York. 24th May, 1969.

If Tony Gray thinks that he is being original he is mistaken, one of his predecessors thought of that one 49 years ago. Of course it wasn't a Yul

Brynner cut, but it was considered just as shocking by "The Establishment".

A very Senior member of the School, I believe he was actually a

Prefect, made a bet with three others that he would have a "prison crop", the other three did not find it convenient to pay-up so also had their heads cropped. Sam Toyne was not amused, but they got a considerable amount of hero worship. Of course, it is inconceivable that, in those days, they could have got themselves photographed with admiring females and hit 11 the headlines in the National Press. One of the four was Tom Donkin who had a marvellous crop of ginger curls, another was Elliot-Smith, who was reputed to be quite a good oarsman. I have no doubt that Kenneth Rhodes could supply the names of the other two. Needless to say all four of them came from School House, the inmates of the Rise, Grove and Manor were seldom given to such forms of

Exhibitionism. Yours faithfully, H. W. JUDGE, Grove 1919-23.


As was expected, Old Peterite reactions to the Peterite News-sheet issued for the first time last term, varied from high approval to deep disgust. Two Old Peterites, writing jointly, deplore "this form of pennypinching", and compare it to a "low-caste industrial journal", (D. M. Howard, School 1959-1962, and N. F. Perry, Grove 1959-1963).

The Editorial in the News-sheet explained the experimental nature of the innovation, and future policy is yet to be decided. Meanwhile it is hoped that Old Peterites will continue to send news of themselves or of others to the Editor.


G. E. King-Reynolds (Temple 1932-37-42) at present Second Master at Solihull School has been appointed Head Master of Dauntsey's School, Wiltshire

P. M. Emsley (Grove 1959-64) is now working for Texaco Inc. in Belfast; his brother D. M. Emsley is in the First Battalion, The Greens in Bella British Honduras and will be going to Minden in Germany in October.

R. S. Johnson (Dronfield 1964-68) has gained a Vickers Industrial Scholarship.

P. J. Wright (School House 1942-45) is a Vice-President of MasseyFerguson Ltd., Toconto, Canada, and Managing Director of MasseyFerguson (Export) Ltd., Coventry.

R. M. Aspinall (Queen's 1958-60-65) and G. R. Monfort (Temple 1953-57-62) graduated at the R.A.F. Aircrew Officer Training School at Church Fenton and go forward to Pilot or Navigator training.

M. A. C. Reid (Grove 1963-67) has passed out of the Royal Military College, Sandhurst.

R. D. Harding (Rise 1960-66) has been playing Squash as Captain of Bede College, where he is in his last term; he has also played for Durham University, the Northern Universities, and for England in the Universities' International Match against Scotland; in this match were two Old Peterite students of Durham University, M. Willstrop and J. C. Richardson.

Harding will start teaching in September at Foremarke Hall, the Repton Preparatory School.

J. C. M. Rayson (Rise 1942-47) has taken up his appointment as Master-in-Charge of St. Olave's.


The Sheffield Old Peterite Club Dinner was held at the Royal Victoria Hotel on Friday, May 2nd.

Those present were:— K. H. Rhodes (President), P. D. R. Gardiner (Head master), J. Dronfield, D. Kirby (Hon. Secretary), M. Adcock, R. Adcock, P. T. Baldwin, A. Broadhurst, I. Chadwick, J. Fox, E. Fulbrook, C. Ibberson, J. Ibberson, R. Le Pla, P. Masser, J. Moore, F. N. Parkin, G. D. Parkin, E. Peat, H. W. Ping, K. Ratcliffe, J. Shirtcliffe, G. D. Smith, C. W. Thompson.

The Toast of "The School" was proposed by I. Chadwick and the Head Master responded. Special thanks were given to P. Masser, the Manager of the Royal Victoria Hotel, for arranging what had been an excellent meal.


The Birmingham Old Peterite Club Dinner was held on May 9th at the Union Club, Birmingham.

Those present were: —K. H. Rhodes (President), The Head Master, H. Bamforth, J. M. Bannister, M. J. Bond, R. Bower, R. F. Coates, D. F. Dodd, H. F. S. Gedge, M. Hollway, C. C. Houghton, J. M. Inglis, P. J. Wright.



Pandas H.C. has continued to .flourish despite the adverse weather. As before, one or two members of the School team have played, but we are always on the look-out for new members. Anyone interested should contact J. A. Shouksmith, 2 The Courtyard, Bishopthorpe, York. 36

Dec. 26th v. Civil Service. Lost 1-3. Jan. 5th v. Wharfedale Rats. Lost 1-2. March 30th v. Acomb. Drew 0-0. April 2nd v. York Wednesday. Won 2-1. Bridlington Hockey Festival v. Dragons. Lost 0-1. v. Norton. Lost 2-4. v. Angels. Won 1-0. v. Rotherham. Drew 1-1. v. Harrogate. Drew 0-0. April 12th v. Civil Service. Lost 1-2. April 13th v. Hull Kingfishers. Won 4-2. J. A. Shouksmith, Hon. Sec.

Anyone interested in playing Cricket for the O.P.'s on Friday and Saturday, July I 1 th and 12th, should contact J. A. Shouksmith, 2 The Courtyard, Bishopthorpe, as soon as possible.

O.P. CHANGES OF ADDRESS ARCHER-BURTON, R. A., c/o 4 Quebec Mansions, Filsham Road, St.

Leonards-on-Sea, Sussex. ARUNDALE, J. N., Greenacres, Sawdon, Scarborough, Yorkshire. Tel.

Snainton 212. BARTON, DR. D. G., 64 Western Esplanade, Herne Bay, Kent. BIRCH, J. D., 25 The Glade, Escrick, York. YO4 6JH. Tel. Escrick 413. BROWN, A. C., 2 Hazeldene Drive, Pinner, Middlesex. DENBY, G. W., White House, 91 Walkeshwar Road, Bombay, 6, India. DICK, D. C., Back Lane, Wheldrake, York. Tel. Wheldrake 247. EMSLEY, P. M., Flat 4, 26 Stranmilis Road, Belfast. FENTON, P. A., Sea View Farm, Mappleton, Nr. Hornsea, East Yorkshire.

Tel. Hornsea 2914. GARTSIDE, Flying Officer J. F., R.A.F., 8 North Close, Officers' Married

Quarters, Medmenham, Marlow, Bucks. GILDENER, G., c/o 67 Boroughbridge Road, York. Tel. York 71377. GLASSON, G. E., 32 Knutsford Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire. GREGORY, C. B. M., 44 Station Road, West Hagley, Stourbridge, Worcestershire. LirmEwoop, J. V., 50 The Green, Acomb, York. Tel. York 78864. MACKEAND, J. C. B., Box 93, Convent Station, New Jersey 07961, U.S.A. MCCALLUM, A., 347 North Forest Avenue, Rockville Centre, New York 11570; U.S.A. POWELL, M. T., Downside, Cavendish Terrace, Carlisle, Cumberland. (Permanent address of M.T.P. whilst he is in Malawi, Africa.) POWELL, W. B., c/o "Wall Garth", 13 St. George's Crescent, Stanwix,

Carlisle, Cumberland. POWELL, W. W., "Wall Garth", 13 St. George's Crescent, Stanwix, Carlisle, Cumberland. Tel. Carlisle 24193 SAMUELS, W. S., 1 Fairlop Close, Hornchurch, Essex. SHUBROOK, Flying Officer, D. C., B.A., R.A.F., Temple Hill Officers' Mess,

R.A.F. Changi, c/o G.P.O., Singapore. SKERRETT, R. J. H., "Long Rydon", 24A Mingle Lane, Stapleford, Cambridge. (Invites O.P.s who knew him to call). 37

WATSON, G. M., c/o The Wanderers Club, P.O. Box 55019, Northlands,

Johannesburg, South Africa. WIGHTMAN, D. J., 6 King Edwin's Court, Leeds. LS8 4DA. Tel. Leeds 654586. WISEMAN, F. J., M.A., 4 Cranbrook Court, Fleet, Hants.


NORWOOD, D., M.A., 46A, East Beach, Lytham, Lancs. Joined, 1909-13.

Left, 1918. Master, 1922-30 (see page 2).


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