1 minute read
from Feb 1970
by StPetersYork
st Round :
final :
SENIOR HOUSE MATCHES School House beat Rise, 22-3. Grove beat Manor, 14-3. Temple beat Dronfield, 20-6. Queen's beat School House, 16-3. Temple beat Grove, 5-0. Queen's beat Temple, 8-0.
st Round :
JUNIOR HOUSE MATCHES Queen's beat Manor, 8-6. Rise beat Temple, 38-3. Dronfield beat Grove, 8-3. Queen's beat Rise, 6-3. Dronfield beat School House, 14-0 Queen's beat Dronfield, 15-6.
The following played for the Old Peterite XV v the School on Wednesday, December 10th.: —
E. D. W. Fulbrook (Rise 1956-60); J. R. Wood (Queen's 1962-67); B. D. Shearsmith (S. House 1954-59); J. A. Eatough (Rise 1960-65); J. A. S. Berm (Queen's 1962-67); J. A. Bygate (Queen's 1953-59); P. V. Zissler (Grove 196368); R. S. Johnson (Dronfield 1963-68); P. R. H. Blackford (Manor 1962-68); R. R. Baldwin (Capt.) (Rise 1953-58); M. T. Bennett (Grove 1963-68); M. B. Wilson (Manor 1952-57); A. Holmes (Manor 1964-69); P. F. A. Shearsmith (S. House 1960-65); K. J. Sargeant (S. House 1964-69).
Shooting this term started in the usual fashion, but was somewhat
altered later by the introduction of "Options". Though on the whole these were advantageous and gave more opportunities for established shooters to practise, they left little time for the first-year boys who consequently did not have as much as they wished.
We shot the P.S.S.R.A. leagues again this term, but with little success, the "A" and "C" teams losing all five rounds, and the "B" team two. The divisions are based on averages which have to be estimated before the Summer holidays—ours were too optimistic by about one point per man, and this was the result. The Spring League divisions will be based on sounder evidence.
Individual performances have in some cases fluctuated wildly, in others have been remarkably stable; some individuals have improved greatly, but an equal number have found their average declining, and there is no general improvement. This is a somewhat worrying feature which has so far eluded diagnosis.