30 minute read
Old Peterite News
from Oct 1970
by StPetersYork
Chris Cork, poker-faced and wrapped in two sweaters on a warm day, again showed what a deceptively effective player he is. Kim Bowler's serve and volley game improved during the season and next year he should be a very good attacking player. At second pair Charles Kidd's steady play combined with Simon Astley to win several important matches. Andrew Penty and John Mitchell showed confidence and aggression when promoted to the first team and both have the temperament and determination to be successful next year.
The 2nd VI and U16 matches showed that we now have a depth of talent among the younger players. With schools' tennis standards rising rapidly it is important that these players work hard to improve their game. I am sure they will.
The tennis club is particularly grateful to two excellent club men: Tren Fisher for his secretarial work and reliability as a player and Stephen Foster as captain of the 2nd VI. K.S.C.
The Easter term saw a great step forward in school life-saving activities and the first Bronze Medallions and Bronze Crosses for a long time were successfully attempted by boys from The Manor and Temple.
The results were extremely encouraging and all the people who entered for the exams passed them. After the stunning Bronze Medallion results a few boys felt inspired to attack the Bronze Cross, which is the next stage up. I hope that we shall have a few Awards of Merit and possibly some Diplomas in the next few terms.
The "Yorkshire Evening Press" offers a trophy every year to the school who amasses the most points from life-saving tests taken over that year. With the Junior School's Water Safety, Advanced and Preliminary tests and our own Medallions and Crosses we should be well on the way to winning the trophy. But we still have two more terms in which to get many more points from tougher exams. It is hoped to set up an Inter-House life-saving contest with a cup. This will be sponsored by the Royal Life-Saving Society.
The only qualifications needed to be a Life-Saver are an ability to swim long distances fairly fast and probably towing a body or person and also to think quickly in an emergency situation. If anyone should be thinking of wanting to take an exam they should see N. J. Williams (Temple) or J. A. G. Craven (The Manor). J.A.G.C.
Team spirit, a thing unusual in this highly individual sport, has been the dominant factor in the School Fencing Club's success this year. More than ever before the various teams have been a rich blend of enthusiasm and talent rather than merely held together by one or two outstanding fencers.
The first team has had an excellent season. The team has been basically unchanged from the beginning of the year until the end and its unity has been its outstanding quality. Whenever one of the team was having an off-day, the other two always managed to rally round and hence not a single defeat can be recorded against their name. Trinity College, Dublin, despite sending over a stronger team, failed to repeat last year's win. They were beaten narrowly but nevertheless soundly. In the annual match with the Y.F.A. the team fought back from 6-3 down to draw 6-6. The resilience of a very tough Army team, which included a member of the Army's first team, was magnificently broken down for what was probably the best win of the year. M. J. S. Muncer and R. G. de H. Oldham have both fenced very well throughout the season and have formed a team with a great fighting spirit and much flair as well.
The second team has had a mixed season but has displayed considerable talent.
One of the highlights of the team came in February when Muncer and Williams were filmed on video-tape fencing at the York University television studios. The re-run of the film was very instructive and helpful. We hope to extend this facility to others in the fencing club in the near future. With a recent television series on fencing, such methods are obviously on the way in.
The main training for the "Public Schools" this year has been through competitions outside and within the School.
At the end of the Easter term the inter-house competition was held. The format of this competition was changed drastically from the outdated foil team knock-out to an adventurous points aggregate based on individual competitions. The Dr. Slade cup and foil formed the foil section. The Dr. Slade junior foil was won by Benson, who was by far the most experienced fencer in the final. The senior cup was won by Williams, and the Inter-House Cup was won by Temple.
And so to the Public Schools Championships They were held again this year at Dulwich College at the beginning of April. Fourteen boys from St. Peter's participated, including three Junior School fencers. We stayed at the Crystal Palace sports centre where we were able to enjoy the many facilities there. In the junior foil two of the Junior School fencers reached the second round and Haze11 fought very well to reach the quarter-finals. In the senior foil Williams fought through to the semi-finals, where he missed the final by one victory. It was disappointingly the first time in five years that St. Peter's has not had a foil finalist but it was to be expected because only one of the team had had previous experience in the senior competition. In the epee we had two quarter-finalists, Muncer and Hazell, who both fought very capably with their differing styles and were unlucky not to reach the semi-finals. There was a poor result in the sabre. No-one reached the quarterafinals but it was delightful to see A. W. Tait, of J.4, in St. Olave's, fighting his way to the second round and acquitting himself admirably. He is still only eleven and holds great hopes for the future. Indeed, this was the impression given by all our juniors, who had a very good competition. We were unlucky not to match this by greater success at senior level.
The Yorkshire senior championships were also held during the Easter holidays. Muncer was in good form and reached the semi-finals. This was a very good performance against the best fencers in Yorkshire. 60
The summer term proved a climax to our efforts throughout the year. At the beginning of May Williams went to London for the finals of the National Novices. He found the competition very strong but got to the semi-finals before being eliminated. A fortnight later Muncer reached the quarter-finals of the Hotspur international competition at Whitley Bay. He then came second in a non-international competition, just failing to win by one victory.
Six School fencers represented York in a youth match against Huddersfield in June. The 'A' team won 11-5, with Muncer and Williams contributing six wins between them. The School provided the complete second team which drew 8-8. This was an excellent result as Huddersfield are considered to 'be the best youth team in the West Riding.
Our greatest success came on 6th/7th June when St. Peter's staged the Yorkshire schoolboys epee and sabre. The first four places in each event secured a place in the National Schoolboys finals later in the year and the School gained nine of the sixteen possible qualifying places, winning every event. This was a magnificent performance by the whole School team and came as a fitting reward for a year of near-misses. In the epee the senior was won by Muncer after a barrage with A. Corser. Oldham was third, Prendergast fourth and Hodgson sixth. In the junior Hazell won convincingly with Woodcock fourth and Benson sixth. Williams won the senior sabre without conceding a defeat, Muncer was fourth and Oldham sixth. Woodcock won the very stiff junior sabre after a barrage for first place. Atkinson was the only other Peterite in this final and was sixth. For his success, Woodcock was awarded the Peter Wood sabre, a new trophy for achievement in the schoolboys sabre championships.
During the term Hazell and Benson were both awarded colours for the great progress that they have made this year.
This has been a very enjoyable and successful year. The standard of fencing has advanced immeasurably and, with no fencers leaving School until December, the prospects for the future are bright indeed. We are all grateful to Mr. Power for the patient coaching he has given us over the year and for all the competition we have had from the many fencers in York. Finally we all hope that the club's success will continue next year and bring new and greater honours to the School. ANALYSIS:
Results of inter-house tournament: 1st Temple-84 points;; 2nd Manor-43 pts.; 3rd Queen's-36 pts.; 4th Dronfield-17 pts.; 5th School-15 pts.; 6th Grove-12 pts. Matches: First team (foil) Jan. 17 Bootham Home Won 5--4 24 Bootham Away Won 8-1 Feb. 15 Trinity College, Dublin Home Won 5-4 20 Y.F.A. Away Drawn 6-6 22 Army Home Won 5-4 22 Y.F.A. Ladies Home Won 9-0 25 York University Home Won 11-5 Jun. 11 Bootham Home Won 5-4 61
Second team (epee) Jan. 24 Bootham Home Lost 3-6
Feb. 15 Y.F.A. 'A'
Home Won 5-4 22 Y.F.A. 'B' Home Won 9-0 25 York University Home Lost 3-6 Jun. 13 Y.F.A. 'A' Away Won 5-4 13 Y.F.A. 'B' Away Won 5-3 Junior team (sabre) Jan. 24 Bootham Home Won 5-2 Feb. 15 Pocklington Home Drawn 4-4 25 York University Home Won 6-3 TEAMS: First team: J. C. W. Williams, M. J. S. Muncer, R. G. de H. Oldham. Second team: R. H. Hodgson, R. J. Hazell, D. H. A. Broom, J. Prendergast. Junior team: J. R. Woodcock, S. A. Atkinson, K. N. G. Benson.
Results of matches were: 'Under 15' XV Jan. 24 v. Archbishop Holgate's G.S. Away Cancelled Feb. 4 v. Hymers College Home Lost 16-25 Feb. 7 v. Pocklington School Home Lost 3-12 Feb. 11 v. Ampleforth College Home Lost 0-23 Feb. 14 v. Ashville College Away Cancelled `Under 14' XV Jan. 24 v. Archbishop Holgate's G.S. Away Cancelled Feb. 4 v. Hymers College Home Won 15— 3 Feb. 7 v. Pocklington School Home Lost 0— 6 Feb. 11 v. Ampleforth College Home Lost 3— 8 Feb. 14 v. Ashville College Away Cancelled Feb. 21 v. Scarborough College Home Won 9— 0 RUGBY FIXTURES 1970 1st XV Saturday 19th September, Headingley R.U.F.C. Eaglets XV Home Saturday 26th September Harrogate R.U.F.C. Colts ... ••• Home Wednesday 30th September Headingley Wanderers XV •.• Home Saturday 10th October Bradford G.S. ... ... •• • Home Saturday 17th October Denstone College ... ••• Home Wednesday 21st October Ashville College ... •• • Away Saturday 7th November Giggleswick School ... ••• Home Saturday 14th November Ampleforth College ... • • • Away Saturday 21st November Durham School • • • Home Saturday 28th November Worksop College ••• Away Saturday 5th December Pocklington School ••• Away Wednesday 9th December Old Peterites ... ••• Home Saturday 12th December Leeds G.S. ... ... ... ... ... Away
Those wishing to play in the O.P. rugger match should contact R. R. Baldwin, Corner House, Upper Poppleton, York (Tel. Upper Poppleton 4611 (home)).
Pts. Dronfield Manor Rise Awarded Grove Queen's Senior Rugger ... • • • 20 — — 20 Junior Rugger ... • • • 10 10 —
Temple S. House — —
Senior Cricket ... • • • 20 — — 20
Junior Cricket ... • • • 10 10 — —
Rowing ... ... • • • 20 — 20 Athletics, Sports • • • 15 15
— — Athletics, Standards • • • 15 — 15 — Cross-Country ... • • • 10 — 10 — — Swimming, Sports • • • 15 — 15 Swimming, Standards • • • 10 10 Squash ... ... • • • 15 — — 15 Tennis ... ... • • • 15 15 Shooting (Team) • • • 15 15 — Fencing ... ... • • • 15 — — 15 Junior Long Run • • • 10 10 — — 215 15 35 15 65 10 25 50 — — —
The Old Peterite Club's 79th Annual General Meeting was held at the School on Saturday, 11th July. The President, F. W. B. Pacey, was in the Chair. The Headmaster was present and there was an attendance of 44 members.
R. D. Harding, C. H. Lewis, F. N. Newdick, D. T. Rumfitt, E. Sheriff and J. A. Shouksmith were elected to serve on the General Committee. The Meeting expressed its thanks to Rev. J. C. Houghton, who retired from the Committee.
Regional dinners were announced as follows: North East: 16th October, 1970, at the St. George Hotel, Teesside Airport. West Riding: 22nd October, 1970, at the Hotel Metropole, King Street, Leeds. London: 13th November, 1970, at the Charing Cross Hotel. North West: 5th March, 1971, at the Brocket Arms Hotel, Wigan. East Riding: 28th May, 1971, at the Highfield Country Club, Driffield.
The President reported on the progress of the K. H. Rhodes Memorial Fund and urged all members to send in their contributions.
The next meeting of the General Committee will be held at the School on Saturday afternoon, 21st November, at 4.45 p.m. If any O.P. has any suggestions to be placed on the agenda, will he please let the Hon. Secretary, D. Kirby at 7a St. Peter's Grove, Clifton, York, know by 10th November?
The following crested neckwear is available (from the Hon. Secretary): —
All-silk crested ties Terylene crested ties All-silk bow ties All-silk batswings All-silk squares All-silk cravats s. d. 20 0 each postage free 13 0 each postage free 12 3 each postage free 20 0 each postage free 60 0 each postage free 34 0 each postage free
There will be a Buffet Supper in the School in the new Art Studio on Saturday, 21st November, at 730 p.m. for 8 p.m. All Old Peterites and their Lady Guests are warmly invited. There will be a Bar, and Knife and Fork Buffet for which the cost will be £1 2s. 6d. Please apply to J. C. M. Rayson, St. Olave's School.
The North-West Old Peterite Annual Dinner was held at the Brocket • Arms Hotel, Wigan on Friday, 6th March, 1970
Those present were
The President Graham, G. E. L. (F. W. B. Pacey) Graham, P. R. G. The Headmaster Hanson, J. A. Buttrum, A. P. Harding, R. F. Dronfield, J. Hodd, H. N. Dutton, I. S. T. Kirby, D. Lewis, T. J. Rainford, T. C. Ratcliff, K. M. Rayson, J. C. M.
The Sheffield Old Peterite Annual Dinner was held at the Royal Victoria Hotel, Sheffield, on Friday, 1st May, 1970.
Those present were:— The Headmaster Chadwick, C. I. Dronfield, J. Fulbrook, E. D. W. Goolden, P. Ibberson, C. D. Kirby, D. Masser, P. Moore, J. E. Parkin, F. N. Parkin, G. D. Ratcliff, K. M. Rayson, J. C. M. Rucklidge, J. M. Shirtcliffe, J. Smith, D. Thompson, C. W. Wainwright, C.
The East Riding Old Peterite Annual Dinner was held at the Highfield Country Club, Driffield on Friday, 22nd May, 1970.
Those present were: — The President (F. W. B. Pacey) The Headmaster Atkinson, J. S. Atkinson, P. S. Beachell, F. M. Beachell, H. M. Burdass, C. M. C. Burdass, C. U. Burdass, J. U. Chadwick, C. I. Chilman, J. G. Dee, C. C. Harding, R. F. Hardy, F. Homby, M. R. Kirby, D. May, A. May, M. Megginson, J. S. Megginson, P. R. B. Ogley, F. Ogley, M. Oxley, D. S. Patchett, D. Potter, B. Powell, W. Rayson, J. C. M. Richardson, H. Thompson, C. W. Tomlinson, T. G. Wildsmith, E. Wood, J. Wood, M.
The Old Peterite Club Annual Dinner was held on Saturday, I 1 th July, 1970 in the School Dining Hall, by kind permission of the Headmaster. The time-honoured toast of the School was proposed by K. M. Ratcliff. The Headmaster responded and also proposed the health of the 'Club', to which the President responded. The Club is again indebted to the School Catering Staff for the excellent meal provided.
Those present were: — The President (F. W. B. Pacey) The Headmaster The Hon. Secretary (D. Kirby) The Hon. Treasurer (T. H. Burdon) The Head of the School (M. G. V. Stephenson) Atkinson, D. Baker, E. T. N. Baldwin, R. R. Black, M. J. Blake, J. P. Brooks, R. F. Brown, A. C. Brown, H. G. Brown, J. C. Browne, F. D. Butterworth, M. A. Chadwick, C. I. Clark, R. T. Clarkson, I. G. Coates, J. W. Coles, D. P. Coles, J. R. Croft, P. G. Dickerson, J. M. Dimoney, H. Dodd, D. F. Dodd, I. L. Dronfield, J. Dronfield, M. W. Emsley, D. J. Ferguson, M. J. Gedge, H. F. S. Gipson, S. C. Gilgrass, J. Golightly, H. A. L. Graham, G. E. L. Hall, M. S. Hallas, M. Hamilton, J. M. Harding, J. T. Harding, R. D. Harding, R. F. Harnby, F. B. S. Harris, P. L. Harwood, R. F. Hick, J. K. Hodges, A. J. E. Holmes, D. 0. Hopkinson, R. 0. Houghton, J. C. Huntley, W. G. Johnston, D. P. Kelsey, R. J. Kemp-Welch, N. H. King, H. A. Knowles, G. D. B. Le Pla, R. G. Le Tocq, L. C. Lewis, C. H. Morris, P. A. Nendick, B. M. Parkin, F. N. Parkin, G. D. Peacock, R. Penty, J. R. Penty, P. R. Pickersgill, J B. Ping, A. W. Place, J. S. Plews, G. W. A. Powell, W. B. Powell, W. W. Ratcliff, K. M. Raylor, A. W. Raylor, J. M. Rayson, J. C. M. Riley, G. W. Rurnfitt, D. T. Saville, J. Saville, J. M. Sheriff, E. Shouksmith, J. A. Simmons, D. N. Skerrett, R. J. H. Smith, J. E. Smith, W. Spilman, R. A. Stanley, R. M. Stevens, R. Stubbs, W. C. Swiers, C. J. Thompson, C. W. Tindall, J. S. R. Ward, C. M. Wilks, C. E.
President : F. W. B. Pacey, Lea Close, High Lane, Maltby, Middlesbrough, Teesside. Hon. Secretary: D. Kirby, 7a St. Peter's Grove, Clifton, York. Hon. Treasurer: T. H. Burdon, 552 Toller Lane, Heaton, Bradford 9. District Hon. Secretaries: London: P. J. Dronfield, 36 Peaslands Road, Saffron Waldon, Essex. West Riding: M. A. Butterworth, 9 Station Road, Upper Poppleton,
York. North East: Dr. H. Brown, 12 Lindisfarne Road, Jesmond, Newcastleupon-Tyne 2.
East Riding: P. S. Atkinson, `Greystones', Garton, Driffield. York: J. C. M. Rayson, 2 St. Olave's Road, Clifton, York. Birmingham: M. Hollway, Local Director, Barclays Bank Ltd., Local
Head Office, P.O. Box 34, 63 Colmore Road, Birmingham 3.
The North East dinner will in fact be organized by J. N. Roe, 4 Heather Drive, Acklam, Middlesbrough, and the North West Dinner by Dr. G. E. L. Graham, Netherby House, Wigan. Otherwise, the dinners and the Buffet Supper are organized by the District Hon. Secretaries.
Sports Organisers: Cricket: J. A. Shouksmith, Denstone College Preparatory School, Smallwood Manor, Uttoxeter, Staffs. Golf : P. J. Middlebrook, 'Highfield', Brayton, Selby. Rugger: R. R. Baldwin, Corner House, Upper Poppleton, York. Squash: G. W. A. R. Alderson, Flat 4, Beehive Manor, Cox Green
Lane, Maidenhead, Berkshire Tennis: B. Jones, 12 Elm Park Vale, Stockton Lane, York.
This season the Club has again had a team in the "Londonderry Cup" and we reached the Fourth Round before being beaten by a strong Haileybury side. The details are:
1st Round-beat K.C.S. Wimbledon 3-2.
G. W. Alderson beat R. Wheeles 9-7, 9-3, 9-4.
W. M. Howard beat C. Bush 9-5, 9-7, 2-9, 9-3.
R. D. Harding beat D. Burford 6-9, 7-9, 9-3, 9-2, 9-4.
P. W. Shepherd lost to P. Wehgraff 6-9, 3-9, 4-9.
2nd Round-beat Blundells 3-2.
J. C. Richardson lost to D. D'Arcy-Hughes 5-9, 4-9, 9-3, 3-9.
G. W. Alderson beat A. A. H. Dudes 9-3, 8-10, 9-4, 7-9, 9-2.
W. M. Howard beat G. Stimson 9-4, 9-7, 9-4.
R. D. Harding beat J. S. Dean 9-1, 9-2, 9-0.
D. R. Wallas lost to J. S. D. Emmett 7-9, 10-9, 1-9, 9-1, 0-9. 3rd Round-beat St. Edward's, Oxford 3-0.
M. Willstrop beat R. Webb 9-3, 9-6, 7-9, 6-9, 9-2.
G. W. Alderson beat M. Balfour 9-1, 9-4, 9-6.
W. M. Howard beat T. Usher 8-9, 9-2, 9-0, 9-3. 4th Round-lost to Haileybury 0-3.
J. C. Richardson v. N. H. R. Bloomfield-did not play.
G. W. Alderson lost to C. H. Stahl 0-9, 0-9, 9-7, 5-9.
M. Willstrop lost to I. K. M. Moody 9-10, 5-9, 1-9.
W. M. Howard v. J. D. Faircloth-did not play.
R. D. Harding lost to M. Debenham 9-4, 9-10, 0-9, 6-9.
All these matches were played in London, and the Secretary, G. W.
A. R. Alderson, wishes to thank the members for the time and expense
involved; and he further wishes to thank those who played against the School.
MARRIAGES: EMSLEY—SCOTT. The marriage took place at Stormont Church, Belfast, on Saturday, 5th September, between Sheila Carole Scott, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Stuart Scott of Knock, Belfast, and Peter Michael Emsley, elder son of Major and Mrs. Philip J. Emsley of Alderside, Easingwold, York. (Grove 1959-1964).
FOSTER—SIMSON. The marriage took place on June 30th, 1970, in Winnipeg, Canada between Colin, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Foster, North Cave, E. Yorks., and Tildet, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sami Simson, Izmir, Turkey. (Rise 1958-1963).
RANSON—NISBET. The marriage took place at Blackburn on 20th
August, 1970, between Michael, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ranson of
Blackburn, and Janette, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Nisbet of Lusaka, Zambia.
RAYMOND—RICH. At Northwood Road Synagogue, Stoke Newington, on November 16th, 1969, D. M. Raymond (Temple 1961-1963) to Pamela Rich.
BIRTHS: COLLINS. To Julia and Peter Collins of Foxlair, Scothern, Lincoln, a daughter, Sarah Jane. (S.H. 1956-1961).
GARDNER: To Susan and David, on July 22nd, a daughter, Bridget (S.H. 1949-1954).
ENGAGEMENTS: SHOUKSMITH—GIBBS. The engagement is announced between John, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Shouksmith of Bishopthorpe, York and Pamela, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Gibbs of Hanbury,
Staffordshire. (Queen's 1955-1961.)
WISE—WYLES. The engagement is announced between Edward John
Wise, of 31 The Crescent, Filey, E. Yorks and Christina Wyles, of 184 Abbots Road, Abbots Langley, Herts. (Manor 1957-1962.)
Special news of an Old Peterite came from Bournemouth recently. John Cunningham Ford (1881-1883) celebrated his 104th birthday on February 8th; we offer our warm congratulations, and thank Mrs. Ford for sending us news of him. His last appearance at the School was in 1884, when he won the Old Boys' race. Ford was a civil engineer, and worked on the first railway lines laid in Malaya before the turn of the century. Although blind, he makes baskets and trays at a great rate, and he is still very interested in the School and has no doubt that it still flourishes.
BRADLEY, S. H. (Temple 1958-1963) joined Rolls-Royce on a 'Thick
Sandwich' course in 1958, taking his degree at Durham University.
Now works with Associated Semi-conductor Manufacturers Ltd. in
Southampton. He is married.
BURDASS, W. J. (Rise 1946-1951) attending a one year's course in
Agricultural Extension at Queensland University, St. Lucia.
BURNELL, D. A. (Queen's 1960-1965 has been doing V.S.O. in Ghana.
COLLINS, P. (S.H. 1956-1961) is an assistant solicitor with a firm in
EGGLESHAW, R. C. (Temple 1965-1969) now a trainee Manager at the Savoy Hotel, London.
FLINT, P. J. (Rise 1961-1964) has qualified as a Chartered Accountant.
FOSTER, C. F. (Rise 1958-1963). A graduate of St. Andrew's University, is studying for his Master's degree in Oral Surgery at Dalhousie
University, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
FLJSSEY, M. J. (Rise 1963-1967) completed the course at Lindsey
College of Agriculture, gaining the National Certificate of Agriculture with credit.
GARDNER, G. D. (S.H. 1949-1954) assistant manager for Wm. Smith and Sons (Bd. Castle) Ltd. Chairman of the Barnard Castle &
District Round Table for 1970-71, and a selector for Darlington
Rugby Club, who have several O.P. players.
HOUGHTON, J. C. (Rise 1934-1936) The Revd. Canon John Houghton was appointed Canon of Ripon Cathedral in January.
JOHNSON, P. F. (Grove 1957-1961) is temporarily working in San
Francisco and Alaska.
KING-REYNOLDS, G. E. (Temple 1937-1942), Headmaster of
Dauntsey's School, has been appointed a member of the BBC's regional advisory council. He has been invited to direct a production of 'Much Ado About Nothing' in Bermuda next year.
KITCHING, C. J. (Temple 1959-1963). A graduate of Durham
University, having completed three years' post-graduate research, is now an Assistant Keeper (Grade II) in the Public Record Office, an established Civil Service post.
KNAPTON, J. J. F. (Grove 1952-1957). Dr. J. J. F. Knapton has returned to Yorkshire after some years in the U.S.A. and South
Africa, and will start an appointment as Senior Lecturer in Textiles at Leeds University in October.
MACKELLAR, W. G. (Temple 1950-1956) is a Director of Stuart Leishman and Partners Ltd., Consultants to Industry, in Stirling.
OGLESBY, P. S. (Queen's 1961-1967) has completed the course at the College of Air Training, Hamble, and is now a qualified BOAC pilot.
RANSON, E. M. H. (Rise 1955-1960) has been an Assistant Solicitor with Ellis and Co., of Lusaka, Zambia since 1968. He represented
Zambia in the East African Hockey Tournament at Kampala in 1968, and he played for the Midlands Sports Club in the Gold Cup
Hockey Tournament at Nairobi in 1969. He is now working with the Anglo-American Corporation Ltd., in Lusaka.
SPENCER, C. P. (Queen's 1957-1962). A graduate of St. Edmund Hall,
Oxford, has gained the D.Phil. degree in Psychology at Linacre
College, Oxford, and is now a Lecturer in Psychology at Sheffield
STONES, D. I. (S.H. 1953-1958). A graduate of Sheffield University, he emigrated to the U.S.A. in 1968, and would like to meet other
O.P.'s in his area. (See Changes of Address.)
SUTTON, J. A. (Temple 1950-1954), who was a prominent musician at School, works for Unilever Ltd., but continues an active musical life as conductor of a 150-voice Choral Society in Surrey, as Organist and Master of the Choristers at the Royal Memorial Chapel of the
Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst, and as a performing contributor to musical life at Wellington College.
VAIGO, L. K. (Temple 1956-1961) works for the Core Laboratories Inc., with headquarters in Dallas, U.S.A.
WRIGHT, J. C. H. (Temple 1960-1964) is now living in Vancouver B.C.
WISE, E. J. (Manor 1957-1962) has a B.Sc. Honours Degree in Zoology, and is doing research for a PhD at Newcastle University. His fiancee, similarly qualified, is pursuing the same course.
Some of those still at School, and many recent Old Boys, will remember Timothy Newhouse, Head of the Rise 1965-1966, and would wish to express their sympathy to Mrs. Newhouse and to Jeremy for their sudden tragic loss when Timothy was killed in a road accident on March 12th.
The Editor can only accept news items from members of the Old Peterite Club.
AMBLER, J., 'The Orchards', Fulstow, Louth, Lincs. ANDREW, J. K., U.K. Address : 53 Wentworth Road, The Mount, York.
Overseas Address : P.O. Box 134, Teheran, Iran. BARNEY, M. J., Flat 13, 3 Cedar Gardens, Sutton, Surrey. BARTON, C. R., Christ Church Vicarage, Nailsea, Bristol. BATTRICK, A., 14 Spoutwells Place, Scone, Perth, Scotland. BLACK, V. M., "Mayville", East Lane, Chieveley, Newbury, Berkshire.
Tel. Chieveley 317. BLAICE, J. P., Wellfield, Halifax Road, Dewsbury, Yorkshire. BLOOMFIELD, A., 10 Kilburn Road, Fulford Road, York. Tel. York 27746. 69
BRADLEY, S. H., 23 Arnwood Avenue, Dibden Purlieu, Hythe, Southampton, Hants. SO4 5HQ. BRINDLEY, R. A., "Little Garth", Marygate Lane, York. Tel. York 26832. BRUCE, D. St. C., c/o "The Gables", Cranmer Road, Riverhead, Sevenoaks, Kent. BRUCE, R. L., c/o "The Gables", Cranmer Road, Riverhead, Sevenoaks,
Kent. BURDASS, W. J., 12 Kobeelya Avenue, Katanning, Western Australia 6317. BURDON, J., 21 Capel Road, Rayne, Essex. CARR, Dr. A. M., P.O. Box 40, Catalina, Newfoundland, Canada. CARR, J. D., White House Farm, Shipton, York. CARTER, M. T., 52 Stowey Road, Yatton, Bristol. BS19 4HU. CRAVEN, B. W. A., 52 Nalders Road, Chesham, Bucks. COLLINS, P., "Foxlair", Dunholme Road, Scothern, Lincoln. Tel.
Scothern 526. DALTON, Major E. L. (Ret'd), Crimple Mill, Crimple Lane, Harrogate,
Yorkshire. Tel. Harrogate 85261. DAVIDGE, R. L. D., 27 Laugherne Road, St. John's, Worcester. DICKIE, A. V. A., Gate House, 230B Grange Road, Plaistow, London
E.13. Tel. 01-476-5109. DODD, Colonel N. A., R.A., The Old Forge, Plymtree, Cullompton,
Devon. EX15 2JY. DRONFIELD, Dr. M. W., Kingston General Hospital, Beverley Road,
Hull, Yorkshire. EGGLESHAW, R. C., 248 Albion Road, London, N.16. Tel. 01-254-7150. EMSLEY, P. M., 28 Buckingham Terrace, Glasgow, W.2. FERGUSON, J. D., M.D., F.R.CS. Professional Address: 149 Harley
Street, London, W1N 2DH. Tel. 01-935-8273/01-935-4444. Private
Address: 82 Portland Place, London, W.1. Tel. 01-580-4739. FITTON, J., 5 Park Drive, Heaton, Bradford 9, Yorkshire. FOSTER, A. J. D., 1 Belvedere Drive, Wimbledon, London, S.W.19. GARDNER, G. D., Croft View, Cotherstone, Barnard Castle, Co. Durham. GEE, D. H., c/o 5 The Courtyard, Bishopthorpe, York. YO2 1RD. GEE, J. P., c/o 5 The Courtyard, Bishopthorpe, York. YO2 1RD. GEORGE, S. P., O.B.E., 38D Chestnut Avenue, Bedhampton, Havant,
Hants. Tel. Havant 72585. GILBERT, M. C., 146 Stepney Road, Scarborough, Yorkshire. Tel. Scarborough 4074. GOSSOP, E. R., 93 St. James Road, Bridlington, Yorkshire. Tel. Bridlington 77334. GREENWOOD, K., 2F Green Lane East, Sowerby, Thirsk, Yorkshire
YO7 1NA. HARLAND, The Rt. Rev. M. H., White Chimneys, Rookwood Road, West
Wintering, Nr. Chichester, Sussex. Tel. West Wittering 2351. HARNBY, F. B. S., Running Beck, Woodgate Lane, Weeton, Leeds.
LS17 OAW. HILLABY, D., Ministry of Defence (Army), Command Secretariat, H.Q.
Far East Land Forces, c/o G.P.O., Singapore. HORSLEY, J. D., "Marven", Oakum Bay, Newmills, Fife, Scotland. HOWAT, Lt. C. G., R.N., c/o A. T. Howat, Esq., M.A., 61 St. Peter's
Grove, Clifton, York. Humna, C. D., A.C.A., Rookery House, Crayke, York. 70
HUNTER, I. T., 6 St. Augustine's Mansions, Vincent Square, Westminster,
London, S.W.1. IBBERSON, C. D., 37 Woodholm Road, Sheffield. Si! 9HS. JACQUES, S. H., c/o Manila Machinery & Supply Co., P.O. Box 607,
Manila, Philippines. JENKINS, P., Seematte, 6315 Oberageri, Switzerland. KAZEROONI, S. K., Home Address: Khyaban-i-Behar, No. 10 Khyabani-Bakhtiar, Teheran, Iran. Tel. 762455. Business Address: c/o Scientific Control Systems International, Ltd., Bezrouke House, Fifth
Floor, Takht Jamsheed Avenue, No. 140 Forsat North, P.O. Box 11-1622, Teheran, Iran. Tel. 48703, 48704, 40176. KING, C. D., T.D., Stoke House, 166 Stoke Lane, Bristol. BS9 3RP.
Tel. Bristol 626863. KNAPTON, Dr. J. J. F., Temporary Address: c/o John Knapton, Esq.,
Foxhill, Wetherby, Yorkshire. KNOWLES, G. D. B., Hazelwood Farm, Crayke, York. Tel. Easingwold 622. LEACH, A. C., 37 Woolsington Gardens, Woolsington, Newcastle-upon-
Tyne. Tel. Newcastle 869250. MACILDOWIE, Wing-Commander S. M., F.C.A., "Cranford", 71 Christchurch Road, Cheltenham. MACKELLAR, W. G., 2C Forrester Park Gardens, Corstorphine, Edinburgh. MARSHALL, J. C. H., 6 Belgrave Crescent, Harrogate, Yorkshire. MEDLvcarr, A. S., Hornby Cottage, Danby, Whitby, N. Yorkshire. MERVYN, R. F. S., "Palmerston", 25 High St., Port St. Mary, Isle of Man. MIDDLETON, T. C., 42 Oakland, Gosforth, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, NE3 4YP. MONTAGUE, W. E., Beryl Farm, Bristol Road, Wells, Somerset. Tel.
Wells 3288. MOORE, J. E., 56 Bents Road, Sheffield. Si 1 9RL. NEALE, C. A., P.O. Box 2194, Metaxas Square, Nicosia, Cyprus. PARKER, Dr. R. M. S., The Surgery, Allendale, Hexham, Northumberland. Tel. Allendale 280. PATTISON, D. C., "Beechburn", 22 Station Close, Riding Mill, Northumberland. PEACOCK, R. A., 59 TongWay, Leeds. LS12 5NA. PEAT, R. S., 7 Bryan Close, Church Garth, Hurworth-on-Tees, Co.
Durham. PENMAN, Flt. Lt. J. 0. R., B.Sc., C.Eng., AFRAES, RAF Western Hill,
Penang, Malaysia. PENTY, Dr. P. R., Eastfield, Church Street, Uttoxeter, Staffs. ST14 8AB.
Tel. Uttoxeter 2010. PHILLIPS, Wing Commander J. S. P., D.F.C., 10 The Verneys, Old Bath
Road, Cheltenham. PHILLIPS, S. C., 10 The Verneys, Old Bath Road, Cheltenham. PICKERING, J. B., 17 Vernon Road, Shipton Road, York. POWELL, W. B., 9 Lockwood Close, Farnborough, Hants. RANSON, E. M. H., c/o Anglo-American Corporation (C.A.) Ltd., P.O.
Box 1986, Lusaka, Zambia. RATCLIFF, K. M., 24 Marlborough Rise, Grove Hill, Hemel Hempstead,
Herts. RAYMOND, D. M., 49 Allerton Road, Stoke Newington, London, N.16. RELTON, R. A., 4 Manor Gate, Manor Park, Long Newton, Stockton,
RICHARDS, W. J., 6 Paterson Drive, Wood End, Helensburgh, Dunbartonshire. RICHARDSON, Dr. J., Rickstones, Colwall, Malvern, Worcs. RIDLEY, D. S. H., 42 Market Place, Pickering, Yorkshire ROBINSON, D., 44 Glynswood„ Camberley, Surrey. RODGERS, Sir John C., Bt., M.P., 72 Berkeley House, Hay Hill, London,
W.1. ROWBOTTOM, Q. G., 200 (Singapore) PRO COY, Royal Military Police, c/o G.P.O., Singapore. SARGEANT, K. J., The White House, Worsall Road, Yarm-on-Tees,
Yorkshire SHEPHERD, G. E., 63 North Park Drive, Blackpool, Lancashire. SHERIFF, E., c/o The Shoulder of Mutton Hotel, Heworth Green, York.
Tel. York 25293. STONES, D. I., 180 Andover Street (Apt. 20), Ballardvale, Mass. 01810,
U.S.A. SUTTON, J. A., 7 Fir Glen Drive, Yateley, Camberley, Surrey. TENDALL, R. E. F., Les Fontaines, St. Saviour, Jersey, Channel Islands.
Tel. Central 26320. THOMPSON, C. W., F.A.I., Barclays Bank House, 28 Market Square,
Retford, Notts. Tel. 3627 (Home), 3887 (Business). TURNELL, J. S., 3 Garland Avenue, Emsworth, Hants. P010 7QA WARREN, K. A., 11 Ravenswood Drive, Bolton. BL1 SAJ. Tel. Bolton 41836. WARRINGTON, I. U., The Old Vicarage, Pocklington, York. WATSON, B. D., A.R.I.B.A., 1-3 Dudley Street, Grimsby, Lincs. Tel. 0472-55288/9. WEBBER, Lieutenant-Commander R. S. F., D.S.C., R.N., Ensleigh Lodge,
Ham Common, Richmond, Surrey. WENNINGTON, B. B., 22 Mayford Road, Branksome, Poole, Dorset. WHARLDALL, R. B., Ness House, Nelson Terrace, Stockton-on-Tees, Teesside. WHITAKER, E. A., "Apple Trees", Froggatt Lane, Froggatt, Sheffield. WILDSMITH, E. E., Knights Garth, Callas Road, Bishop Burton, Beverley, Yorkshire. HU17 8QL. Tel. Leconfield 276. WILKINSON, C. E., 31 Kent Road, Harrogate, Yorkshire. Tel. Harrogate 2153. WILLIAMS-RAAHAUGE, M. P., 6 Park Avenue, Barford, Norwich, Norfolk. NOR 38X.
JOHNSON, A. N. 102 Cooden Drive, Bexhill-on-Sea, Sussex. Joined: 1918,
Left: 1921 (died suddenly 19th March, 1970). MILLHOUSE, G., 59 Leyborne Park, Kew Gardens, Surrey. Joined: 1912,
Left: 1913 (died 24th August, 1969). NEWHOUSE, T. J., "Herdholt", Great Ayton, Middlesbrough, Teesside.
Joined: 1960, Left: 1966 (died in motor accident 12th March, 1970). ROUTLEDGE, D. G., 48 Cambridge Avenue, Marton, near Middlesbrough.
Joined: 1958, Left: 1963 (died July, 1970). THOMAS, H. H., Hastoe House, Hastoe, Tring, Herts. Joined: 1923,
Left: 1927 (died August, 1969).
Attention is drawn to the facilities at the above, which are available to all members of the Old Boys' Association.
The Public Schools Club is situated at 100 Piccadilly, London, W.1., and in addition to luncheon and dining facilities, overnight accommodaton is available for members at very reasonable prices.
The Club rooms comprise a bar, smoking room, dining room, television and writing rooms, together with a Ladies' Annexe with a separate entrance in Whitehorse Street. There is an active Club Golfing Society, and under reciprocal arrangements, members may use the squash courts of the Naval & Military Club, 94 Piccadilly, W.1.
Full details, Club brochure and forms of application for membership are available from the Headmaster and the Secretary of the Old Boys' Association.
The attention of school leavers is particularly drawn to the special `Junior' membership, under which on reaching the age of 18 and within six months of leaving school, for a single payment of 7 gns. benefits of full membership are covered for seven years.
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