1 minute read
from Oct 1972
by StPetersYork
The Choir sang Evensong in York Minster on the Eve of Ascension Day and attended the Royal School of Church Music Festival in Ripon Cathedral. The Choral Evensong for St. Peter's Day in our own chapel, the St. Peterstide service in the Minster and Commemoration were also highlights of the term. Socially, the revival of the Choir Supper is noteworthy. Members of the Choir were given the chance to bring guests, which was interpreted by the majority as meaning parents. The School provided a fine meal for 50 of us and entertainment was supplied by the leaving members of the Choir—John Craven, John Pearson, Peter Rivers, Peter Bell and Peter Nash—a happy thought of theirs and much appreciated by the audience.
In the last issue of this magazine it was reported that the Gentlemen of Japan were still in action and were awaiting developments. Their efforts eventually appeared in the form of a Victorian evening compered by Mr. Hubbard in the delightful setting of the Music School lawn. The singers gave an assortment of glees, partsongs and Pirates of Penzance selections: the ubiquitous wind band played waltzes and marches: the organists continued their search for the chord that eludes them (assisted appropriately by the Chaplain) and the Head Master transformed the gentle garden into the fearsome ravine of a railway cutting to chill our spines with Dickens's Signalman. Refreshments completed the enjoyment of this unusual and varied entertainment.
STRING ORCHESTRA The orchestra has worked mainly on Mozart's Eine Kleine Na musik, of which it performed the first movement at the Victorian evenin Unfortunately a Lyke Wake walk depleted the numbers rather drastical and those who rallied round did very well in difficult circumstances.
The band has been active in many directions, playing for Chapel on many Tuesdays, supplying atmosphere to a garden party, and appearing at the Victorian evening. Their theme tune seems to have been "Ain't we got fun" and what better slogan could any band wish for?
The competitions postponed from the Christmas term were held in May. The singing was outstandingly pleasing both from the quality point