4 minute read
from May 1973
by StPetersYork
Yet it may be that some of the less notable events were of greater spiritual help to certain members of the School. For example, it was a great joy to have Brother Raphael of the Society of St. Francis staying with us for several days; and those who attended Mr. Duncan's "happenings" in Chapel on Wednesday evenings in Lent will always be grateful for his sincere and informal talks—and the help of his guitarists!
It is not easy to provide continual variety throughout the year, especially for the week-day services. So we are always grateful to boys or masters who volunteer to take the services from time to time. This term our thanks are due to members of the Third Form and to Mr. Wilkinson, our Student Master from Oxford, who was helped by some of the newly formed branch of the Christian Union. . This branch meets at lunch time each Wednesday with Queen Anne Grammar School. We are grateful too to Graeme Perks for taking three services on the theme of "help for others", leading to a special collection for "Release".
On the last evening of term a small group of singers gave us the "Passion according to St. Matthew" with music by Vittoria. Several people afterwards expressed their appreciation of this carefully prepared devotion.
Finally our warm thanks are due to Canon Burbridge of the Minster and to two Headmasters, Mr. Cushing of Nunthorpe Grammar School (a Methodist) and Mr. Gray of Bootham School (a Quaker) for coming to preach at Evensong. N.H.K-W.
The number of trebles in the Choir has been very encouraging this year—it is very important to have a good supply as voices begin to change at such unpredictable times. Recently, altos and trebles have been jostling for places on the front rows. By contrast, the tenors and basses have been fewer in number and it would be nice to see an increase here. Most sections of the Choir have tended to rely on one or two experts whose occasional, unavoidable absence has shown up weaknesses in the remainder. It has been most encouraging to see that the support for Family Communion increases and we have always had a representative Choir. At some of the Evening Communions we have tried the Gelineau music for Series 3. Choral Evensong has been sung on two occasions, one of which was St. Cecilia's Day when, after a supper. we returned to Chapel for a Concert in honour of the Patron Saint of Music. The Minster Epiphany service was revived this year and though the service itself went reasonably well, the rehearsal was found to be very lengthy and tiring. The Senior and Junior School Choirs joined for the First Communion of the newly confirmed when the Archbishop was the celebrant. Unfortunately, pressure of other events had prevented a joint rehearsal being held and this caused several things to be below standard. Once again we finished this term with a performance of Vittoria's St. Matthew Passion sung by a section of the Choir. This was a most moving event.
Rehearsals have been held regularly under Mr. Sandercock's direction and it is hoped to perform some items next term.
Although the band is increasing in numbers there are problems of balance. It is good to have clarinets and trumpets in strength, but we are now feeling the lack of middle and low pitched instruments. A certain member of the music staff puts in some alarming notes on the tuba, but it would be very good to see someone expressing an interest in the euphonium, which so often is given a good tune. The Summer Term will no doubt give the band opportunities for its Music School Lawn Concerts.
This was restored to its popular place in the Christmas Term and although none of the items offered was highly sophisticated, the standard of singing was excellent, both from the technical and enthusiastic angle. The event was obviously well enjoyed by competitors and audience alike. The idea of limiting the choice of song to one particular song book enabled a comparative standard to be achieved and yet still have variety. The judges were not willing to choose between Queen's and Dronfield and the Cape Cup was awarded jointly on two fine performances.
The Choral Society, joined by an impressive band of trebles from the Junior School, performed Haydn's Nelson Mass in the Minster on 16th March. There was good support for this and a collection raised £35, some of which was allocated to our fund to obtain a concert grand piano for the Hall. Mr. Cooper was responsible for training the Choral
Society and conducting the orchestra. II'
Christine Batty Susan Ford
Soprano Contralto
Gordon Pullin Philip Mindenhall Keith Pemberton
Conrad Sandercock Tenor Bass Organ
Leader of the Orchestra
David Cooper Conductor
IORGAN CONCERTO in F Op. 4 No. 4 Handel
Allegro—Andante—Adagio—Allegro MASS in D minor (THE NELSON MASS) Haydn
We wish to thank the Dean and Chapter for permission to use the
Minster; also the Minster Staff for help in preparing for the Concert. K.R.P.