2 minute read
Young Farmers' Club
from May 1973
by StPetersYork
The third meeting was composed of three short talks, given by members of the Society on "The Solar System", "Mental Illness" and "Energy and Life".
The last meeting of the term was a very detailed and lengthy talk on psychology which went down surprisingly well, again the speaker's personality and interest in the subject playing a large part in keeping the interest of the Society.
There will be meetings of the Society next term for the first time. This is due to many of the Society's members expressing a desire to keep the Society going over the summer.
The meetings consisted of two lectures by guest speakers and two meetings.
The first talk was given by two representatives of the North York oors Railway, who described, with a large selection of slides, the methods of preserving the railway. As a result of this meeting there will be a visit to the railway in the near future.
The other talk was given by Mike Cantrell, an Old Peterite, about a zoological expedition to East Africa and his studies of animal behaviour patterns.
The film meetings included films on hovercraft, radio astronomy, oil, metals, paint and one about "Ernie", the premium bond selector. M.A.J.F.
Christmas and Easter Terms, 1972-73
The club has had quite a full year starting in the Christmas term with five meetings. The first meeting was on 28th September when Lord Bolton came to talk about Forestry. He talked about the history of forestry and the basic work involved in it and then he closed by telling us about some of the new developments. On 12th October Dr. Hawker came to talk about grain storage and drying; he talked about the various methods of storage and drying, and the pros and cons of each method. On 2nd November we had a film meeting when two films were shown, "Growth on a Pennine Farm" and "New Grass for Old". On 16th November Mr. Hague gave a talk about cereal varieties; he talked about prevalence of such things as disease in different varieties and the problems and tests involved in introducing a new variety on to the market. He illustrated his talk with slides and with various samples of cereals. On 30th November Mr. Creymer from 1.C.I.'s experimental farm gave a talk on Suckled Beef; he illustrated the talk with slides showing the farm and the methods used, and then slides of different breeds of cattle.
The club also helped with the Yorkshire Agricultural Society Harvest „Testival service in the Minster, and organised the School Harvest Festival 'fiervice.