2 minute read
from May 1973
by StPetersYork
that they feel that everybody is part of the one soul (like a drop of water in an ocean) so therefore everyone else is part of the "self", so any injury inflicted upon them would also have its effects on the rest of the soul. The second point was that they believe in an endless number of mundane lives, no final judgment followed by Hell or Heaven, but another life of higher or lower righteousness to the one that directly preceded it, (if a man was bad, in his following life he would be a creature—a rat, for instance, who would have to work hard to become good again in his next life). That is why, in building a famous dam, every lump of earth had to be sieved in case a worm found in the lump could be grandma!
The final meeting was perhaps the most exhilarating of all. Dr. Derek Goodwin, of York University, who is well known for his work on lasers, conducted an open forum on Science and Religion. Two points of great interest: firstly, it is a scientific fact that energy can create mass. With this in mind, he added, where does the basic energy come from that created the matter that led to the creation of the universe? He added that scientists are prevented by natural limitations from knowing more than one tenth of the knowledge necessary to answer the question—"by trying to determine what's happening, we upset what's happening". Secondly, he stated that the majority of the physicists in his circle are Christians.
On behalf of the Committee and all those who attended the meetings, I would like to thank the speakers most deeply.
The Chess Club has again been well supported this season, with strong competition in the Chess Ladder every Thursday. Next term there will be a new individual Swiss tournament, which already has quite a lot of entries.
After a break of one year, a School team again entered the York and District Evening League, with Paul Winstanley as Captain. We were reasonably successful until Christmas, winning three matches and drawing one out of seven, often against adult opposition; since then our fortunes have slumped, though we did lose two experienced players, Gillgrass and Dixon, to Germany. We hope that a comparatively young team will benefit from this season's experience and have more success next year.
The new Under-15 team has played two matches this term, drawing with Bootham School and beating Queen Anne by 54--4-. Rumour has it that the ladies are seeking revenge in a return match shortly!
Within the School, the House Chess Competition has again produced some very good matches, Queen's retaining the Trophy in the final against Temple.
In individual competitions, Gardiner (St. Olave's) has won the York Under-13 Championship for the third time in four years, while Clout has reached the final of the Under-15 Competition, which is still to be played. Our congratulations to them both. A.J.L.