2 minute read
Chapel Notes
from Oct 1973
by StPetersYork
SCHOOL HOUSE Braime, S. L., Brown, S. D., Burn, M. J., Glaysher, M. A., Gray, M., Johnson, G. H., Lumb, W. E., McKinlay, H. J., Mair, D. J. B., Parkinson, E. M., Scott, M. J.
TEMPLE Burn, S. M., Chilman, P. W. H., Coates-Walker, T. J., Hawkswell, C., Hepworth, R. I., Humphreys, S. W., Johnson, C. P., Kerr, J. V., Macfarlane, J. R., Morcom, J. P., Schofield, G., Wetherell, S. C., Wilson, M. E., Wilson, R. J. T.
At the last Family Communion of the Easter Term the question of introducing the new Series III Communion Service was discussed, and the interesting suggestion was made that in the Summer Term we might lead up to Series III by having first the Prayer Book Service of 1662 and then the Experimental Rite of Series II. So the pattern of our services for this term was laid down, and as each service was used the address was devoted to a short explanation of the service and the way in which the rite is evolving. Perhaps the main impression which was gathered was the contrast of the simple acts of the Lord's Supper which remain unaltered and the continually changing manner of its presentation. And perhaps some of us gained a better understanding of the construction of the service.
In every generation there are those who complain about compulsory services on weekdays. Now a new phenomenon has appeared: a group of boys and staff who meet each Tuesday for prayer together during the lunch interval although a compulsory service is due to follow at 2-0 p.m.! And during the lunch interval on Wednesdays the Christian Union group meet jointly with the group from Queen Anne Grammar School.
We are most grateful to those who have helped with the weekday services this term : Michael Naylor and a group from the Christian Union, Tony Robinson, William Andrew supported by members of the Fourth Form, and Mr. Hubbard. What a variety they gave us!—Songs with guitar, readings from Bertrand Russell, poetry of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Edith Sitwell and a week on the theme of Charity. We have been most fortunate, too, in the variety of our visiting preachers, Mr. Christopher Chapman, the retiring Vice-Principal of St. John's College, the Rev. Neville Metcalfe, recently retired from a career as an Army Chaplain, the Headmaster of Pocklington School, Sister Barbara, the Headmistress of the Roman Catholic School for the Deaf at Boston Spa. and Michael Burden—so well remembered by many ex-Olavites.
We were very sorry to hear of the death of Archdeacon Hodd, who was coming to preach at Commemoration; but in his place we were glad to welcome another Old Peterite, the Rev. Richard McDermid.
Many Old Peterites will be sorry to hear that Ronnie Allenby has had a spell in hospital. He and his wife Maisie have done so much for the Chapel. I hope that by the time you read these notes he will be back in harness again. But in future one man's work will have to be sufficient for him!