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ICT and Computing

Learning history “should inspire pupils’ curiosity to know more about the past.” Working towards this ideal is an essential focus for the history curriculum at St Peter's 8-13. Learning history will help pupils to develop their knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. It will inspire pupils’ curiosity to know more about the past, which is an essential part of developing an enquiring mind, and promotes curiosity and originality. Learning history will equip pupils to ask perceptive questions, think critically, weigh evidence, sift arguments, and develop perspective and judgement. History helps pupils to understand the complexity of people’s lives, the process of change, the diversity of societies and relationships between different groups, as well as discovering their own identity and the challenges of their time. History is an exciting subject to learn at St Peter's 8-13. It combines fascinating stories with challenging questions and ideas, and encourages pupils to think for themselves about both the past and the present.

Christmas Easter Summer


Invaders and

Settlers (Anglo Saxons/Vikings) Chronology Archaeology/Evidence Reasons for invasion Seafaring Settlement

Anglo Saxon/Viking

Culture Village life Religion Kings and leading figures

The Aztecs

Introduction Timeline Settlement

The Aztecs

Sources Farming Aztec society Religion Cortes and the end of the Empire


The Norman Conquest

Cause and Consequences Fighting William takes control Domesday Castle Building Feudalism

Could people have fun in Medieval England?

Comparison of life then and now Town life compared to rural life. Methods of farming The importance of the Church Guilds and Crafts Medieval Games

The Benin Kingdom

A world study to provide insight into the way in which people lived as part of the Benin Kingdom.


Tudor England

Using source skills to discover the truth about Richard III, discovering how Henry VII made peace and finding out what Henry VIII was really like as a king.

The Reformation

Discovering the reasons for the dissolution of the monasteries, and considering the significance and impact of the changes that were made, independent monastery research task, describing change and continuity in the church under the Tudor Monarchs.

The Wider World 1300-1500

How well connected was the world? A broad exploration of the nature of travel, communication and exploration in this period. Did people in the rest of the world have similar beliefs, lifestyles and systems of government to those in England? A depth study of Yuan Dynasty China and Renaissance Italy.


The Gunpowder Plot

Can we really trust the story that has been told?

Why did Civil War break out in England in the reign of Charles I?

An overview of the causes, prioritising factors and constructing explanation.

How was the Civil War fought?

Visit to the Royal Armouries in Leeds, outcome of fighting.

Why have interpretations of Oliver Cromwell changed over time?

What was life like in Cromwell’s England? An interpretations study into why people have remembered Cromwell in different ways.

The Wider World 1550- 1745

Were the Mughals more successful than the Tudors and Stuarts? A comparative study of the Mughal empire in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.

Did Britannia rule the waves by 1745? A broad exploration of warfare, international relations and the growth of empire.


The Social and Economic Impact of the Industrial Revolution

Assessing the nature of change, social impacts and public health reform.

The Slave Trade

Why was it so difficult to abolish the slave trade? Developing knowledge and understanding of the nature of the trade, and considering interpretations of the abolition.

What is a revolution, what revolutions have we studied at 8-13 and what revolutions would we like to

study? Investigating the concept of revolution. Revisiting and reconsidering previous learning. Choosing and researching a historical enquiry focused on

a social, political, ideological or economic revolution.

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