2 minute read
from Oct 1990
by StPetersYork
12 2 3 4
14 11
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24 21 22
ACROSS 1. Britain's premier roofing specialist? (8) 5. Hong Su, unstable eastern potentate. (6) 9. Victorian philanthropist who founded orphans' homes. (8) 10. He fed on music (especially viola). (6) 12. Add this to injury if you really want to rub it in. (6) 13. Occidental country whose chief product is the helicopter. (8) 15. This year it was May 24th. (9, 3) 18. Get in a crazy racoon, old-timer! (12) 23. These can clog up the works. (8) 24. O, Malta is an explosive combination! (6) 26. Mature trees. (6) 27. Species of dog (or frog?). (8) 28. Pinches loose slates. (6) 29. England's answer to Fmisterre. (5, 3)
Completed entries should be sent to:
The Editor, The Peterite, St. Peter's School, York. A book token will be awarded to the first correct entry received. DOWN 1. Former Tory chairman — and future leader? (6) 2. There are two sorts of this — cardiac and criminal. (6) 3. French town painted by Van Gogh after church briefly. (7) 4. Icelandic sagas add up to a point. (4) 6. Hamlet's pal also had his eye on Lady Hamilton. (7) 7. Mad, mad girl I found at the circus. What a joker! (8) 8. "There are flashes struck from midnights, There are fireflames kindle" (Browning). (8) 11. A point in the middle of the Sahara for afters. (7) 14. Holy man reincarnated as a dog? (7) 16. Seasiders use these to pass the port. (8) 17. Stray darts led to legs being wide apart. (8) 19. & 21. Industrial action sounds militant, or even military. (7, 6) 20. Badge of office or token of sympathy. (3, 4) 21. See 19. 22. Ned climbed alp and made a smooth finish. (6) 25. We hear a tiny insect run away. (4)
The Editor would welcome letters on issues of interest and relevance to the School, next year's Peterite. for inclusion in

fhoto: tsntisn Kau
Mr. David Rayner presents a locomotive name-plate from an Inter-City 125 train to the Headmaster and the Heads of School. The name-plate had travelled over 1.5 million miles in less than six years' service on the East Coast main line. Mr. Rayner, himself an Old Peterite, is British Rail's managing director of operations and engineering.