COMBINED CADET FORCE ARMY SECTION The beginning of this year saw a respectable intake of new cadets with both girls and boys joining in almost equal numbers. Training began with special attention being given to the use and handling of the L.98 Al cadet GP rifle in preparation for the necessary weapons test. The training given for this, and all the other necessary skills that a successful cadet needs, was intensive and arduous. However, all the cadets, with the care and guidance of the officers, the NCO's and the ever-present members of the 9th cadet training team, passed all their tests with flying colours first time. Later in the year, the whole contingent was transported out to Catterick for the annual field day. This event was presided over by The Green Howards and went very well indeed. The day concluded with a presentation for the best overall section. The award was given unreservedly to Fit.
Sgt. Matthew Pittman's section. A great conclusion to a successful day. The coming year should see an intake of more than sixty new cadets into the army section. This in itself is a credit to the effort and time that all the present C.C.F. members have given. We are looking forward now to this year's annual camp to be held at Wathgill, Catterick and I am sure with the help of Mrs. Ruth Wogan and Miss Jacqui Finney it will be a successful week. Finally, I would like to thank C. Sgt. Melissa Marlow and the platoon sergeants, C. Sgt. Mark Ludiman, Sgt. Jon Lacy-Colson, Sgt. Jack Weatherall and the other senior NCO's for their help in running the contingent. During the course of the year it was invaluable. As always the whole section wishes to express sincere thanks to C O . Major Jelbert and to Captain H. A. Tombs for their unflagging support, guidance and patience during the last year. CSM. Damien Lipman