Oct 1993

Page 82

LIBRARY & ARCHIVES is thanks in major part to a very generous donation from Sir Donald Barron. It will be a considerable help in improving the library's seating accommodation. Finally, I would like to place on record my thanks to the Headmaster and all members of staff (including my predecessor as Librarian, Mr. J. V. Mitchell) for their help in making my first year at the School such an enjoyable one. Avril Pedley, Librarian

ALCUIN LIBRARY The end of my first year as librarian gives me the opportunity to take stock of progress in the library during 1992-93. About 750 volumes have been added to the library, covering every aspect of the curriculum and many out of School activities. Ten new journals are now being received including " S t e r n " for those studying German, The Economist, Greece and Rome, BBC Wildlife, Fact File, and Check It Out (the new offshoot of Which? magazine specifically intended for teenagers). We also have our first CD-ROM, " T h e interactive space encyclopedia" and are planning to buy more next year.

ARCHIVES DEPARTMENT The unavoidable absence of the archivist for part of the year has meant that work has not proceeded as quickly as was hoped, but nevertheless considerable progress has been made. Various volumes of "The Peterite" were sent south so that a start could be made on an index of names and subjects for the last 150 years — a task which the archivist reckons will take him the next 150 years to complete. Day to day enquiries were efficiently handled by Avil Pedley, our librarian, to whom grateful acknowledgement is made.

The library has received a generous donation from Mrs. E. M. Reid (School Governor) of fifty books from her late father's collection, and from Robert Stevens a set of the " N e w Grove dictionary of music and musicians", twenty volumes, in memory of his late father who was a member of staff at the School. Hugh Murray (OP) has given us some of his fascinating books on York history, and the Headmaster has kindly given us a copy of his new book, "Head to head". In addition, the following pupils have presented books to the library as leaving gifts: Lissa K. Beckitt Sarah J. Brayshaw Fiona C. Burnett Laura G. Clark Stephen R. Dowding Sarah E. Gibson Ewan F. Graves-Tarnvakis

Interest in the archives continues to grow, and the number of enquiries for genealogical research has increased considerably. It is always pleasing when records can be completed both for the School and for the enquirer. Sometimes new and useful information comes back to us from enquiries. Several telephone calls and letters from Australia sought information on an Old Peterite, still living in Australia, who was thought to have been a survivor of " T h e Titanic". His reminiscences would have been most interesting, but unfortunately we have not so far discovered any evidence of his link with the School.

Steven M. Harrison Michael A. Lang Damien L. Lipman Melissa A. Marlow Philippa J. Mortimer Rebecca E. Sherbourne Claire L. Walker

We are extremely grateful to all these donors and to those others who have come in from time to time with a book or two and left them with me with instructions that no acknowledgement is required or desired — our thanks to them all. The most visible change in the library is the appearance of the new computer. Currently nearly 3,500 books have been added to the computer catalogue, including virtually all those published since 1970, and covering every section of the library's stock. Philosophy, religion, sociology, politics, economics and law have now been added in their entirety (by virtue of coming first in the numerical sequence), and during 1993-1994 the work of adding the rest of the books will continue as time allows. Besides allowing pupils to search for books that they require, the new system allows the librarian to produce a wide variety of reports, statistical analyses and so on. The next stage will be to computerise the borrowing system, and it is hoped to begin this during the next School year.

Gifts during the year have included: An early photograph of the Corps Rugger blazer and 2 Hockey blazers Cricket photographs, exam papers etc. Spanish coins of Philip II Cricket fixture cards 1905/6/7 Petrana 1917/20/30s Mourning envelope addressed to John Fell 1857, Rev. W. Harrison's House, St. Peter's, York Photographs, prize books, etc.

Mrs. Hartas J. T. Harding (33-38) J. A. Denison (33-42) E. A. K. Denison (36-46) Mrs. Johnson-Perry Harold Colley, for J. F. Colley (08-10) for Theodore Dixon (19-20) by his niece Miss E. Jordan

Miss S. M. Ingham, daughter for B. H. Ingham (01-06) Photographs, programmes, diary G. W. Alderson (56-61) and pages, exam papers, calendars and for his father, Basil (23-26) whom we mis-named last year. many other items of great interest Hockey Cap Mrs. M. Davies, for her father, L. C. Carney (20-26) Items of news and interest J. B. Dixon (32-36)

Those pupils and staff who venture up on to the Chapel Gallery will find that it now houses a splendid new table. This has been specially made for us, and its acquisition


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