3 minute read
Colour Section
from Oct 1995
by StPetersYork
7 *'

He's old, a frail man of ninety-four years, brave chap though. He lost both his legs to a German sniper in the 'Great War'. He's confined to a wheelchair now. He can't get out, he doesn't have a family to care for him either, but that shouldn't matter, should it? They said if you signed up, you'd be a hero and would be cared for until me day you died. Except it's not quite like that though, is it? He sits mere day after day as the outside world forgets what he did for them. Then he thinks me unthinkable; was it worth it?
Lucy Richardson
Gemma Scott

They stood together then. But even my fragile mind could not displace the change in emotion upon mat face. So in my mind
I created a world which was theirs. Where even the myriad of emereal colours captured on a mountain lake, could not amount to their love. But, fate
will have its way. As if I could create anything. Too many years have passed, but the sadness remains — I stood then, as life stands now, steeped
in summer breezes, where love had grown and men had died; and all the pain in all the world, could be shown reflected in the single tear of a child... Katherine Dowds
(inspired by Hardy's "Neutral Tones")
Staring silently into the ice, cold and opaque, They watch the disappearance of the orange glow As the sun dies behind the horizon, and below The pearly sphere they sit, overlooking the frozen lake.
The memories of that summer's eve flood back to him, And he turns towards her as so many times before, Yet a glimpse of icy features beckons him no more And the bitter wind blows away his momentary whim.
The crimson love-token which he offered her that night, With its cleverly concealed thorns of fateful woe, Reared its ugly head and thrust them into his heart, so Deep and painful, when she took back her meaningless plight.
And so "adieu" they say, and go their separate ways; He stops for one last look at the scene, the iron ground, The stone lake, the ice — the place where their "true love" was found. Then lost.
David Hancock
Richard Beckett
This story was written in response to the following question which was set as prep for one of the Fifth Form sets.

Last Saturday your mother asked you to help with the shopping. In town an incident occurred. Explain why your mother needed help and about the incident.
Samedi dernier ma mere m'a demande si je pouvais l'aider parce qu'elle voulait acheter des haricots rr agiques et alors nous avons du emmener une vache en ville. Nous sommes arrives chez l'homme qui vend des laricots magiques et lui avons donne la vache et il nous a donne trois haricots en disant, "II ne faut pas les mouiller avant de rentrer chez vous."
Ma mere les a mis dans son porte-monnaie. Plus tard quand nous etions en train de rentrer chez nous, un homme a saisi le porte-monnaie a ma mere. Je l'ai suivi en courant mais il a laisse tomber le porte-monnaie dans une flaque. Les haricots fumaient beaucoup et puis il y avait un grand eclat et un bruit et trois Tours Eiffel ont paru avec les hauts dans les nuages. Ma mere a crie, "Kirk! Vite! Monte celle-ci!"
Alors parce que j'avais lu Tricolore je savais qu'il y a un ascenseur dans le Tour Eiffel et je l'ai utilise pour aller au sommet de la Tour. Quand je suis arrive je voyais a pert de vue des petits souvenirs de la Tour Eiffel — j'ai saisi deux modeles miniatures (fabriques en plastique, bien sur) de la Tour et puis je suis retourne a la terre ou ma mere m'attendais. Je lui ai donne un des modeles et nous sommes rentres chez nous.