The Peterite 2003-2004

Page 19

Vale wealth of knowledge on all manner of topics. As a colleague he

support everybody. His ability to work so well with so many people

has been most supportive and I have much appreciated his

is a rare quality. He has also spent a significant amount of his time

patience and good humour. It was never going to be an easy task

in support of ICT classes at St Olave's.

to stand in for PT during his illness and soon afterwards, his untimely death. Philip however handled the situation with sensitivity and care, and we thank him for all he has done for the Classics department and wish him happiness as he takes up a job at Tees Girls High School in September.

He has always shown a readiness to find out new things and, when faced with a problem he has not faced before, he has shown dogged perseverance in search of a solution. The qualities of rising to a challenge and getting involved are evident in other aspects of Chris's life. Whilst at St Peter's, Chris successfully gained his Open

Elisabeth Ellis

University degree. He also attended a number of technical seminars and training courses and gained a First Aid in the Workplace qualification last year. Chris also pursues an active role

Helen Briggs

in the Easingwold Lions, taking part in such fund-raising events as the Christmas delivery of gifts and the annual brass band contest Helen joined St Peter's

in Easingwold. He has involved himself fully with the life of the

as Librarian in September

school and students past and present will have enjoyed his

2003 after previous employ-

company on the French exchanges.




Grammar eighteen

School months


and at





his friends and colleagues at St Peter's and still very much a part of the life of the three schools. I am sure that all of the qualities which Chris brought to bear on his work at St Peter's will serve him

She quickly joined in all aspects

He leaves us this summer to take on a new challenge as Head of ICT at St Olave's School. He will still be nearby, in contact with




producing useful innovations in our Library and also being involved in the foundation of a new

well in his new post, and staff and students will continue to benefit. St Olave's gain is St Peter's loss. We thank him for all his hard work over the years here and wish him every success in his new post.

Yorkshire and Humberside Branch of the School Library Association. She worked with the CCF and helped with the admin-

M Jones

istration of the annual round of House and team photos. The longjourney from home (still in Heckmondwike) each day took its toll, however, and when a post was advertised at a much more convenient school Helen applied and (our loss!) got the job. We wish her all the best in her new role and hope very much that she will not lose touch with her friends at St Peter's.

Tory Gillingham Tory joined St Peter's in 2001





Foundation and Marketing Manager. She had previ-

Avril Pedley

ously held the post of Marketing

Chris Lawrie Chris Lawrie joined the ICT


Peter's, in the





technical support, in April 1996. He came to us after 4 years in a similar post at Joseph Rowntree's School which




service career in the Royal

and developManager


Pocklington School where she gained valuable experience

in the



field. She get


Foundation up and running, steering the school towards long term fund raising, whilst also dealing with much of the marketing and development, working closely with the Board on the new Vision for 2010. She even made time to have a second baby! During her time with the Foundation she did much of the hard work on creating a data base of Old Peterites, Friends and parents

Air Force. Few





Peter's have not benefited from the breadth of his knowledge and expertise, always dispensed with his characteristically reassuring calmness, goodwill and humour. From installing new computers, fixing printers, helping students with dodgy discs, admin staff with word-processing problems, to members of the teaching staff working on a teaching presentation, Chris has willingly given of his time and skills to

past and present, whilst developing valuable links with other professionals in the fundraising field, keeping us in touch with new initiatives and developing ideas, many of which we hope to put into practice. She successfully organised reunions for OP rowers, Queens House, The Rise and the House of Lords reception in May. Tory worked hard to support and encourage our scholars and donors, in addition she organised and ran The Peterite magazine for two years.

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