2 minute read

Classical Civilisation


The study of Classical Civilisation at A level gives pupils the opportunity to understand and explore the historical, cultural, political and literary life of the Greeks and Romans. In so doing they will gain an appreciation of the roots of western society. The topics studied provide natural links with art, politics, literature and history, but the course is unique in so far as it seeks to understand through one subject the interrelation of these aspects of any society.

Pupils will learn to develop a critical understanding of primary sources and of the links between them in their classical contexts, an awareness of the parallels between the classical world and later times, and they will be able to apply analytical and evaluative skills to evidence of different kinds.

There are three topics for study. In “The World of the Hero” we study Homer’s Iliad and Virgil’s Aeneid. We consider these texts both as great works of literature in their own right and as reflections of the moral, historical and political worlds which produced them. The way Rome’s first Emperor, Augustus, presented himself to the world through coins, art and literature is the focus of the Imperial Image topic. Augustus’ extraordinary success in creating an image for himself which was often at odds with the historical reality has analogues throughout world history, from Nero to Napoleon, Stalin, Mao, Churchill and Trump. In The Politics of the Late Republic, we look at how Rome transitioned, usually violently, from a dysfunctional republican democracy to a monarchic empire. Here we meet some of the most able, influential and ruthless leaders of western history – Julius Caesar, Cicero, Pompey the Great and Cataline.

The course incorporates approaches and skills used in other subjects including, History, History of Art, Politics, English Literature. As such it is uniquely interdisciplinary amongst A level choices.

Additional Notes

There is no requirement to have studied Classical Civilisation at GCSE. The course equally suits those who aim to continue their study of the Classical World and those who are looking for something new.

Additionally, to support and extend the topics studied, we enjoy regular theatre trips, visits to museums and study days at universities across the UK. The department also offers regular trips to Mediterranean countries.


Paper 1 2hr 20min The World of the Hero Paper 2 1hr 45min Imperial Image Paper 3 1hr 45min The Politics of the Late Republic

Examination Board: OCR

40% 30% 30%

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