Cross Keys Old Peterite Magazine Spring 2022

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Welcome St Peter’s School has witnessed many changes over the last 1,400 years, and there has been a very real sense of living through history since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. This edition of the Cross Keys Magazine celebrates our transition from lockdown to a more normal way of life.

We have once again had to change and adapt on so many occasions this year, from full lockdowns to different levels of restrictions in and out of school. Set against such a backdrop, the extraordinary achievements of the last year seem even more impressive than usual. In April St Peter’s School received the TES Pre-Prep School of the Year Award, and to follow this up with the accolade of Independent School of the Year was an astonishing achievement. On the academic front it has been a time of unprecedented change as we have moved between remote learning, learning at school and a hybrid version. This has required the teaching staff to be incredibly adaptable, but the progress of the pupils has been remarkable. Our Academic Extension offer now includes the Sirius Society for academic journals and discussion, and pupils from Third to Fifth Form have had a new approach to their personal development through the Lessons for Life programme. We have also seen the successful introduction of the Sixth Form Enrichment Programme designed to better prepare pupils for life after St Peter’s. Outside of the classroom, there were restrictions to our usual co-curricular programme, but the breadth and depth has been remarkable. At one point there were over 167 different co-curricular sessions per week, requiring a tremendous amount of planning, coordination and communication. My thanks go to pupils and staff who persevered to ensure the continuity of co-curricular activities such as the Duke of

Edinburgh Award and Combined Cadet Force against all the odds. Our ESU Public Speaking team won the Regional Finals and were the youngest team to compete in the National Final. The Lower Sixth Young Enterprise Group reached the European finals of the Young Enterprise Company of the Year competition, whilst the latest edition of our school magazine Keystone won the ‘Rising Star’ award at the Shine School Media Awards. St Peter’s has also been awarded an Eco Schools Green Flag in recognition of the achievements of the Eco Committee. For much of the last academic year, sports fixtures were not possible so House sport became more prominent with mixed competitions helping to boost the physical, social and psychological wellbeing of our pupils. Even with a limited programme it has been wonderful to see various teams progressing through national competitions in recent months, and the return of competitive fixtures. Music continues to flourish and we have enjoyed a gradual return to live music this year, from Cabaret at the end of the summer term to the Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols in York Minster. Pupils also returned to the stage in December 2021 with a mesmerising adaptation of Les Misérables involving over 50 pupils. Our art pupils were thrilled to see their artwork on public display in Dean’s Park. Of particular note, design and technology pupils created a striking set of silhouettes

representing members of the armed forces past and present for Remembrance Day in a project supported by the Old Peterite Club. For much of last year, year group bubbles meant that the House system could not operate as normal and boarders have had additional challenges, with some of them not seeing their families for many months. Despite these restrictions, our House system and pastoral care remains stronger than ever, including the introduction of a new pupilled Wellbeing and Mental Health Group. Beyond school, we maintained our engagement with the York Independent State School Partnership and popular events including our Public Lecture series have also returned, a welcome opportunity to invite members of the local community back to St Peter’s. OP Day made a triumphant return in September and a dinner in the evening gave the opportunity to celebrate with Sixth Formers who left St Peter’s in 2020 and 2021. We also welcomed Old Peterites in October for the opening of our new Boathouse, and a new Old Peterite mentoring programme has been launched for pupils in the Lower Sixth. The challenges and restrictions we have faced over the last year have made us realise quite how lucky we are to be part of such a busy, varied and exciting community. I would especially like to extend a warm welcome to the newest members of our Old Peterite community, those Upper Sixth pupils who left St Peter’s last year under the most challenging circumstances. I hope you enjoy reading this edition of The Cross Keys and please do keep in touch.

Jeremy Walker Head of St Peter’s School Keys for Life -2-

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