1 minute read
from The Peterite 2021-22
by StPetersYork
The Careers and Higher Education Department offers help and guidance to pupils considering their next steps after St Peter’s. This might include higher education, employment, apprenticeship schemes or gap years.
National Careers Week

The Careers Department organised a series of events from 7-12 March to mark National Careers Week (NCW). In addition to the virtual events organised by NCW, the Careers Department asked members of staff to fill out a plaque to display on their door, which explained their career journey, previous jobs, the skills they have gained and careers advice. Pupils were also invited to the Careers Department to add their future aspirations to a National Careers Week display in exchange for a cupcake.

Old Peterite Mentoring Scheme
The Careers Department and Development & Alumni Department at St Peter’s School launched a new mentoring programme for pupils in the Lower Sixth Form this year. The project brought together Old Peterites and current Lower Sixth pupils to help the pupils develop the skills required for life after school. The scheme officially launched on Wednesday 10 November and all Lower Sixth pupils had been mentored by the end of the year.
Each mentor was allocated six pupils, and the pupils had the opportunity to choose their mentors. Sessions were held every Thursday for five weeks and were delivered both in person and virtually via Zoom. Topics covered included interview skills, decision-making and future planning.

Philippa Dunford-Jeffs, Development & Alumni Manager at St Peter’s, said: “We are delighted that we’ve had such a positive response from the Old Peterite Community and that they have been so happy and willing to volunteer their time, and share their experiences with the pupils in this way. It’s a wonderful opportunity for pupils to hear first-hand about the many experiences of Old Peterites, as they themselves begin to plan their next steps after St Peter’s.”