St Peter's 2-8 | Newsletter 15

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CoMPasS Registered Charity No: 1141329

Newsletter No: 15 Friday, January 21st 2022

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Reception Drama (Group 1) Year 1 Story Club (Group 1) Year 2 Engineers (Group 1) Year 2 Multisports Year 2 Cricket* Year 3 Film Year 3 Football* Year 3 Sports Workshop with Yarm Reception Film Club Year 1 Football* Year 2 Multisports Year 2 STEM (Group 1)

Year 3 Language Year 3 Swimming Year 3 Tennis*


Reception Story Time (Group 1) Year 1 Creative (Group 1) Year 1 Cricket* Years 2 & 3 Choir


Bateson and the Wellbeing Champions. I look forward to the next lesson. I thoroughly enjoy supporting the sport across the whole school at St Peter’s 2-18. We have a wonderful community at St Peter’s and it is a privilege to keep in touch with the pupils by seeing the pupils around school and coaching the U18 Boys and Girls hockey teams, as they grow and progress through the school developing into wonderful young adults as they reach the final years of school. Coaching the older children in hockey and working across the school supporting the sports department leads me to reflect on how much the children here at St Peter’s 2-8 have to look forward to. They are laying down the foundations now for friendships which will hopefully stay with them throughout their time at St Peter’s, and beyond, as well as an enthusiasm for the opportunities they have in sport, learning and exploring, and developing curiosity about the world they live in. Have a lovely weekend,


of the fur is like a strip of Sellotape, so you can see through it but when you lay many strips of Sellotape on top of each other you can’t see through it and the fur of the Polar bear appears white. (You are never too old to learn something new). I have been incredibly impressed with the writing of the children this week. Fact sheets based on the Arctic Circle, diary entries from the Last Bear and wonderful poetry based on the Northern Lights in Year 3, writing adjectives in Topsy Turvy Land about how Year 1 would feel and what would it look like and creating films, What a busy week this has been. The and writing potion recipes in Year 2. I children have been immersed in their have included a selection of pieces themes and excited about their below. learning. The children in Nursery have On Monday I attended the start of the enjoyed flying kites, creating winter School Council meeting to award the pictures, dancing during dough disco school councillors their badges. The and enjoying Forest School where School Council is made up from one they even had hot chocolate. representative from each class. It was Reception have been busy being lovely to hear about what is on their architects, bakers, whittlers, builders, agenda and to do list. Next week the environmentalists and fashion School Council are meeting the Ecodesigners based around the weekly team from St Peter’s 13-18 to find out text of ‘Someone swallowed Stanley’. how they achieved the Green Flag The children in Year 1 have had a status for the school and how the Bushcraft workshop today. They have children at St Peter’s 2-8 can help and learned how to build shelters, create support their work and come up with campfires by using flint, make their own initiatives to support the chocolate bread and were taught environment. I am looking forward to survival skills including the Rule of hearing about that. Three; a human can survive for three On Wednesday morning we had our weeks without food, three days first ‘Wellbeing Wednesday’. Many without water and three minutes children in Year 3 have volunteered without air. to be Wellbeing Champions. Their Year 2 have been creating potions this role is to teach children in a younger week, and have enjoyed concocting class a wellbeing strategy to help the recipes to make you faster, invisible, children. This week’s strategy was more loving, time travel to name a Rainbow relaxation https:// few. On Thursday the Year 3 children Yorkshire Wildlife Park BT9c4 and the children in each class specifically to investigate Polar Bears. were taught how to be stretching They had a workshop from a Polar muscles and breathing deeply. The Bear expert. The children have Year 3 children were excellent enjoyed explaining to me that the fur teachers and I know the children who of a Polar bear is actually clear and were being taught loved the short not white! They told me that one hair lesson. Thank you to Mrs Clarke, Mrs

Year 1 Sign Language Year 1 Tennis* Year 2 Art (Group 1)

Year 2 Multisports Year 3 Netball Year 3 STEM


Year 1 Film Year 1 Street Dance* Year 2 Coding (Group 1) Year 2 Football* Year 2 Tennis* Year 3 Cricket* Year 3 Groovy Greeks


Reception Swimming

house points trophy

Notice Board Music award • Immie (3M) • Joseph (3S)

PE award • Emilia (RC) • Molly (2P)


value champions

• Arlo (RC)

• Austin (1C)

• Lucy(2P)

• Benjamin (RJ)

• Joseph (1E)

• All of 3C

• Toby (RM)

• Novem (2H)

• Seb (3M)

• David (1A)

• Ethan (2J)

• Edmund (3S)

learning superheroes • Ellen I (RC)

• Georgia (1A)

• Lucy (2P)

• Ayla (RJ)

• Freddie (1C)

• Reuben (3C)

• Raffy (RJ)

• Tiaa (1E)

• Sadie (3M)

• William (RM)

• Charlotte (2H)

• Freddie (3S)

• Ethan (2J)

Notice Board WELLBEING CHAMPIONS Children in Year 3 can choose to be Wellbeing Champions. Their role includes being friendly and spreading happiness and kindness throughout school as well as noticing when other children are feeling sad or worried and offering to help. They know about the five ways to wellbeing which are connect, take notice, give, keep learning and be active. Another very important part of the Wellbeing Champion's role is to be assigned to a class and to deliver an activity for our new initiative Wellbeing Wednesdays! This Wednesday was our first session following our training on Monday lunchtime. The Wellbeing Champions introduced themselves and taught their assigned class the Rainbow Relaxation mindfulness activity. https:// They did a brilliant job of demonstrating the activity and connecting with children in other year groups who loved experiencing their first Wellbeing Wednesday. It was a great start to the day and we hope to have lots more Wellbeing Wednesdays in the future!


It’s been another busy week in Music! The Acorns have enjoyed having their Music lessons in the main school this week, singing songs about different toys and some Dabbling Ducks! Conkers have been continuing to work on playing to a steady beat and we had fun making up different rhythms to some well know drinks and chocolates! Reception have started to think about different sounds in Music ready for us starting our first compositions next week. The children enjoyed playing on the chime bars, trying out different tunes to simple rhythmic patterns. Year 1 have been focusing on the heartbeat of music, the pulse. They have listened to music carefully working out which pieces are fast and which are slow. Year 2 have really enjoyed singing some new songs from Alice in Wonderland, they particular enjoyed the challenge of singing “I’m Late” as quickly as they could! Finally Year 3 have enjoyed another week getting to grips with their new orchestral instruments, and have started to think about how some famous composers write music. They have

started to listen to Beethoven’s 5th Symphony, tracking the famous four note motif through the 1st Movement. On Tuesday seven very brave children auditioned for the chance to become choristers when they move up into J1 in September. I was so proud of all of them. They behaved so well and all sang beautifully and were all a real credit to our school. They made Mr Sharpe’s job very tricky indeed! Finally, in case you missed last week’s news, we will be singing in Sheffield on Thursday 28th April which is our first week back at school after the Easter holidays. We will be checking audience ticket numbers next week so please look out for a separate email. In the meantime, if your child would like to practice any of the songs or wants to give you a sneak preview, you can log into the Myclassmate app here code=mXwKcknBTxVZe9fc where you will be able to sign in your child and access all the learning tracks for the songs.








Hi. I’m so excited to be your house captain this term! My name is Lottie. I live near school with my brother Isaac, the best brother! He is 10 years old and in J3 and very funny. I also live with my fabulous mum and dad. I have two pets, one called Lillyshe’s fierce and she’s a ginger cat. The other one is Poppy, a slow black Labrador. She’s 11, she’s 77 in dog years! In my free time I really enjoy piano and cello. I love to play hockey and lots of other sports like tag rugby. I also enjoy playing board games with my family. I would like everybody in Walmgate to have a very happy, fun term and get lots of house points. I can’t wait for the Swimming Gala- go Walmgate! Who is the best house? Walmgate!

Hi my name is Norman. My sister lives in university in Edinburgh and my brother lives in boarding school in Scotland. I like with my two brothers and my mum. I have two goldfish and one snail that lives in the tank with my goldfish. My favourite hobby is football and I platy for Hamilton Panthers. I am looking forward to being House Captain for Micklegate.

Dear everyone,

I am the House Captain of Monk. My top three sports are tennis, football and biking. I have one pet hamster. She is called Cookie. Cookie likes to sleep a lot and when she is awake she eats almonds. I have one brother, Eddie. Eddie is in 2J. Together we like to climb trees, play football and explore.

Acorns have been working really hard on their fundamental movements through the bean game. By demonstrating jumping, balancing and running skills. They have also demonstrated great imagination when practicing their galloping around the playground.


children by adding 6 balls eventually onto their parachute! The balls weren’t allowed to fall off therefore the children had to communicate effectively, to ensure the lion, giraffe, snake and a balls did not come too hippo. Miss Flockhart and close to the edge! Miss Hopper were very impressed with their Conkers have been using impressions. They were their imagination very loud and fierce!! throughout their dance Can you guess what Acorns have also loved lessons, to impersonate animals the children are playing fun games with animals from Africa! The acting out in the the parachute in PE. Miss children replicated the pictures? Flockhart challenged the characteristics from a



Brrrrr! It’s been a very chilly one this week but that hasn’t stopped us Conkers having fun indoors and out! Flying kites, creating winter pictures, dancing during Dough disco, exploring ice, and walking Doug the dog are just a few of the things that have kept us all busy and warm!

Our Reception children have been busy architects, bakers, whittlers, builders, environmentalists, and fashion designers this week! Last week our focus story book, 'The Journey’, ignited a lot of discussion about water pollution as the little boat journeyed past the city in the murky river. The children have really enjoyed reading our focus story book this week, ‘Someone swallowed Stanley’ and have felt quite passionate about making sure we look after our world, particularly the sea, and recycling our waste. Some children were determined to pick up all the litter they could find on our walk down to Forest School! This passion to reuse wrappers and plastic waste has also led to some fabulous designs and creations taking place in our sewing and craft areas. There has been a dress made out of carrier bags as well as toys for pets being made out of junk model boxes.

RECEPTION the world. In our home corner there have also been a lot of restaurants and cafes set up with our new menus and money being added! Outside the children have enjoyed investigating how water is filtered. They have been filtering water mixed with sand, soil, pebbles and anything else interesting they can find! At Forest School we have enjoyed finishing making our flatbreads, making slug farms, climbing trees, running up and down huge piles of leaves and starting to learn the skills of whittling wood! Always a funpacked week in Reception!

We hope you all have a lovely weekend and we'll see what adventures the children take In our construction area the children have us on next week. As ever, if you have any been busy designing and building their own environmental based projects going on at towers, colosseums and castles. There have home or ways you help look after the been some super architectural designs and environment at home, please do share them with us on Evidence me :) learning about different buildings around


A very funny week in Year One as we have been very topsy turvy after reading the next chapter of the Faraway Tree and the first land at the top of the tree was 'The Land of Topsy-Turvy'. We have been making our own topsy-turvy collage worlds, walking on our hands upside down and making TopsyTurvy videos using the green screen. The children have also been creating the most wonderful watercolour and wax crayon enchanted woodlands. We have also loved hearing about the slippery slip and in provision time lots of the children have been building their very own in construction. They have used the animals


and beanbags to test out their creations and see if the animals can travel all the way down great collaboration and teamwork. As we write this week’s news, we are looking forward to a very special forest school visit on Friday. We are going to be cooking on the fire, den building, identifying leaves, making chocolate bread, and learning survival skills. I wonder which land will visit the Faraway Tree next week?



Well- where should we start this week?! Year 2 have thoroughly enjoyed Potion Week and have been ( quite literally…) fizzing with excitement! Our text ‘Alice in Wonderland’ told us all about Alice’s experiences with the bottles labelled ‘Drink Me’ and ‘Eat Me’, and so our journey began… Maths this week just had to be all about Capacity and we have been practising reading scales and understanding the units of measure used, as well as different language involved such as what is meant by ‘half full’ and ‘empty’. On Monday we made our own Alice cocktails, following recipes and measuring out lemonade, cordials and other lovely drinks, which we then

enjoyed with our friends. On Tuesday we followed more recipes to make potions! There were 3 different potions to make and we tried them all, which was very exciting! Mrs Hall then wanted a ‘Please make my room tidy again’ potion, but we couldn’t seem to find one…! Art was, obviously, drawing potion bottles, fizzing with glitter and mysterious liquids… Our literacy has focused on learning how to write instructions, using bossy verbs and adverbs, for our own, imaginary potions. We have even found time to try ‘Eat Me!’ marmalade and to become rabbits with pink noses and whiskers. Well done, Year 2, great learning. I wonder what excitement next week will bring?!


The highlight of the week was our amazing visit to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park. Not only did we learn so much about polar bears in the brilliant workshop, we saw the only polar bears in England! We stood in awe as these magical creatures strolled in front of us (one even stood on his two back legs which caused lots of excitement). It was such a fun filled day! In class we have investigated the science behind the Northern Lights and explored pictures and videos of the Northern Lights around the North Pole. We were fascinated that that the Northen Lights were seen across the North East last weekend and


enjoyed the news articles that showed pictures of the majestic lights in familiar places, such as York and Whitby. We used the collection of videos and images to inspire our own free verse poems, and we were very impressed with the fantastic figurative language the children used in their poems. Our focus in maths was dividing numbers that give rise to remainders, and we had lots of fun exploring this concept with sweets!

Tomato and basil sauce with pasta bows

French bread pizza with cheese and tomato

Homemade focaccia, Broccoli and sweetcorn

Lightly spiced potato wedges

Jacket potato with hot or cold fillings

Tomatoes, cucumbers and carrot sticks Jacket potato with hot or cold fillings

Sultana and coconut flapjack

Chocolate and raspberry cake

Fresh fruit

Fresh fruit

Mild creamy chicken curry with rice and chapati Vegetable and chickpea curry and chapati

Beef burgers

Pork casserole with roasted potatoes, carrots, peas and Yorkshire pudding Quorn vegetable stew Jacket potato with hot or cold fillings Apple crumble and custard Fresh fruit

Week One Easter Term 2022

Vegetable burgers

Cauliflower and green beans

Oven baked chips, baked beans and mini corn

Jacket potato with hot or cold fillings

Jacket potato with hot or cold fillings

Frosted Carrot cake

Fruit Jelly

Fresh fruit

Fresh fruit

Minerals make healthy skin, strong bones and teeth Fibre helps the body digest food, it is found in vegetables, whole grains and fruit Protein is found in meat, milk, fish and beans. It helps build our muscles

Beef meatballs with fusilli pasta tomato and basil sauce

Pork bangers and mash with onion gravy

Homemade Focaccia bread

Vegetarian Glamorgan bangers and mash with onion gravy

Tomatoes, cucumbers

and carrot

swede, carrots, green beans

Jacket potato with

Jacket potato with

hot or cold fillings

hot or cold fillings

Turkey breast casserole Vegetable casserole Yorkshire pudding, Roast potatoes, cabbage and cauliflower

Jacket potato with hot or cold fillings

Treacle sponge

Date crispy square

Jam and coconut sponge Fresh fruit

Fresh fruit

Fresh fruit

Deep Fried scampi pieces

Not all oranges are orange!

Oven chips,

A banana is not a fruit but a herb!

Week Two Easter Term 2022

Jacket potato bar Mild creamy chicken curry, beans, tuna mayo or cheese Fresh broccoli florets Chocolate cake with icing Fresh fruit

peas and beans Jacket potato with

hot or cold fillings Fruit pieces in jelly Fresh fruit

There are 7000 different types of apples

Strawberries have around 200 seeds on the outside of their skin A banana is 75% water and will float if you put it in a bowl of water!

Tomato and basil sauce, penne pasta

Chicken and vegetable pie

homemade focaccia

Red lentil and vegetable pie

Carrots, Sweetcorn

Tomato, Carrot and cucumber

Roasted new potatoes, carrots, peas

Jacket potato with hot or cold fillings

Jacket potato with hot or cold fillings

Jacket potato with hot or cold fillings

Flapjack squares

Syrup sponge

Chocolate cake

Fresh fruit

Fresh fruit

Fresh fruit

Homemade Sausage rolls

Deep fried haddock goujons

Cottage Pie Vegetable cottage pie

Week Three Easter Term 2022

Vegan “sausage roll” Half a cheesy jacket potato, baked beans and green Beans Jacket potato with hot or cold fillings

Not all oranges are orange!

A banana is not a fruit but a herb!

Oven chips, mushy peas or beans

Jacket potato with hot or cold fillings

Apple Crumble and Cream

Fruit pieces in jelly

Fresh fruit

Fresh fruit

There are 7000 different types of apples

Strawberries have around 200 seeds on the outside of their skin

A banana is 75% water and will float if you put it in a bowl of water!


Creative Workshops - ages 5-8 21—25 February 2022 After a successful launch last summer at St Peter’s with excellent feedback from both parents and kids, Creative Coliseum return for another exciting camp. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO


* Please note this is organised by an external company


HOLIDAY CAMPS at St Peter’s School 2-13

All Out Sports / Cricket Camps - ages 4-14 21—25 February 2022 All Out is an exciting sporting option for children. Fun & friendly multi-sports and specialist cricket camps are available for booking at St Peter’s School 8-13 sports hall, all abilities welcome. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO * Please note this is organised by an external company

Monday 4 - Friday 8 April 2022 An exciting mix of fun-packed activities including swimming, sports, crafts, baking, games and outdoor adventures all delivered by St Peter’s School staff. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO


St Peter’s Holiday Club - Nursery - J5


Creative Workshops - ages 5-8 Tuesday 19—Friday 22 April 2022 More exciting themed workshops run by Coliseum’s team of professional actors & teachers welcoming all imaginations from beginners to entertainers. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO * Please note this is organised by an external company

Tuesday 19— Friday 22 April 2022 The All Out sports coaches and teachers are bringing to St Peter’s more multi-sports and specialist cricket camps in the last week of Easter outside and inside at 8-13 School, all abilities welcome. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO * Please note this is organised by an external company


All Out Sports or Cricket Camps - ages 4-14

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