1 minute read
from Newsletter Week 16
by StPetersYork

This week’s sporting highlight is focused on Year 3's Sport Workshop with Yarm School. This Tuesday, the children took part in netball and football workshops hosted by amix of Yarm and St. Peter's staff. It was a great opportunity to work collaboratively and share ideas when developing our aims in sportforYear3.Wewere all so pleased to see our children make new friends and host the Yarm students during their time on the 1st XV Rugby pitch and Clifton Courts.

As always, these large eventstakeahugeteam effort to ensure they run successfully. An enormous thank you goes out to the Year 3 staff, the Graduate Sports Assistants, and to Miss Flockhart. And, of course, a massive well done and thank you to our Year 3 children for their hard work and excellentmanners.