1 minute read
from Newsletter 18
by StPetersYork

The sun has been shining this week which has been lovely, the Acorns have had another fun filled week and the children have continued to bring in their favourite stories from home which we have loved reading together.

We have had a Chinese story too which was very special.
Our adventures down into Forest school took us on a new route which led us into the perfect spot to retell the story of 'The Three Little Pigs. The children have loved the story and are getting good at 'huffing and puffing and blowing down the house.'

We built a house from straw, wood, and bricks and the forest was the perfect setting.
We have enjoyed playing outside on the big climbing equipment and the children are getting more confident each day.
We have had running races and have got faster and braver on the bikes.
We are looking forward to a visit from Dr Beach, Annie's Dad who is coming into school to tell the Acorns what it is like to be a doctor. Thank you so much!
For those of you going away, have a lovely holiday and a good break over half term.