St Peter's 2-8 Newsletter I 1

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CoMPasS Registered Charity No: 1141329

Y1 Story Club Y2 Multisports Y2 Engineers & Construction

Y2 Cricket* Y3 Football* Y3 IT Y1 Multisports Y1 Sports* Y2 STEM Y2 Sports* Y3 Language Y3 Swimming

Y3 Tennis* Y1 Get Creative Y1 Cricket* Y2&3 Choir


Y1 Sign Language CANCELLED Y1 Tennis* CANCELLED Y2 Art Y2 Multisports Y3 Sewing and Craft Y3 Hockey


Y1 Film Club Y1 Street Dance Y2 Coding Y2 Football* Y2 Tennis* Y3 STEM Y3 Cricket*


Last week we hosted a new parents’ drinks reception, an opportunity for new parents to meet other new parents. It was such a lovely evening that was well received by all. My thanks to everyone who attended and particularly to Mrs Clarke and Mrs Fattorini for helping to make the evening so successful. We pride ourselves It has been a fabulous start to on the working relationships we the school year. On Monday you foster between parents and could feel the excitement as school. The more we can children arrived at school sharing strengthen those bonds the stories of the adventures they more we enhance the learning have had over the experience your child will have I hope you have a wonderful and summer. All the children have at St Peter’s 2-8. If you are restful weekend. Best wishes, settled into the routine of school unsure of anything at all please and are thoroughly enjoying do not hesitate to contact your themselves - long may this child's class teacher, Mrs Clarke continue. or myself as it’s important that Our themes for the term are: issues are dealt with at the Fortunately, The Milk in Year earliest opportunity. Our doors 1, Ye Olde Yorke! in Year 2 and are always open.



During the next two weeks we have Parent Information Evenings. These will provide you with an opportunity to hear about the ethos behind our curriculum, details of what to expect during the academic year and an opportunity to meet staff and other parents. The Year 1 information evening is 7pm— 8.30pm on Wednesday 15th and Nursery and Reception are 7pm—8.30pm on Thursday 16th. Year 3 are 7pm—8.30pm Monday 20th September and Year 2 at 7pm—8.30pm Wednesday 22nd September. I am looking forward to seeing you there. On Wednesday 15th at 8.40am we will be holding a St Peter’s 28 Friends meeting at school. I look forward to meeting anyone interested in finding out more about the Friends and those who might like to volunteer to help with the Friends activities there. Tomorrow morning our Reception children will start swimming lessons and I know they are very excited about this opportunity.


Narnia in Year 3. There have been several developments over the Summer at school. The library space has had a makeover and there has been a new Year 2 classroom created within the outside space at the rear of the school. In this development there have been three new music practice rooms created. All of these developments are amazing and huge credit and thanks must go to the Estates Team, in particular Dave Nice who has project managed these projects. This allows for direct access to the outdoors promoting our aims of improving outdoor learning.

Newsletter No: 1 Friday, September 10th 2021


May I take this opportunity to welcome all children, parents, grandparents and friends of the school to the new academic year! Compass is the weekly newsletter of St Peter’s 2-8 where we share the highlights of the week, notices of exciting activities on the horizon and general communication to the school community. We do attempt to limit the emails we send to you as parents in an effort to avoid an overloaded inbox. There will be an email with information for parents on a Tuesday and the newsletter on a Friday. (Please read all of the information in the newsletter as there may be last minute changes for the week ahead). We also post photos on our Facebook page and would appreciate it if you ‘like’ our page! There will be photos posted on Facebook, Twitter @PhilHardyCPS and @stpeters2 -8 and Instagram @stpeters2_8 regularly displaying a small glimpse of dayto-day school life.

You can follow us

Reception swimming

house points trophy

Notice Board Music award


• Emma W (1C)

• Elio M (1E)

PE award

• Irwin C (1A) value champions • Hayze L (RC)

• Lucas K (1C)

• Patrick D-B (2P)

• Max A (RJ)

• Joseph B (1E)

• All of 3C

• Tori M (RM)

• Louis B (1E)

• All of 3M

• Henry G (1A)

• Grace A-M (2H)

• All of 3S

• Max P (2J)

learning superheroes • Ted F (RC)

• Elizabeth B (1A)

• Kate E (2J)

• Rosie M-B (RJ)

• Hannah P (1A)

• Freya A (2P)

• Acer M (1J)

• Esmé C-C (1C)

• Lily E (3C)

•Thomas P (RM)

• Jo-Jo S (1E)

• Andrey Z (3M)

•Thomas W (RM)

• Sofia B (2H)

• Oliver W (3S)

Notice Board STEM CLUB YEAR 2: TUESDAYS 3:20-4:15PM YEAR 3: FRIDAYS 3:20 – 4:15PM WEEK 1

“Fishing For Ice”

WEEK 2 old CD

“CD Hovercrafts” – please bring an


“Lemon Power!”


“Pan Flutes”

WEEK 5 “Wind Powered Car” – please bring a toy car WEEK 6

“Craft Stick Catapult”

WEEK 7 “Pipe Cleaner Maze” – please bring a shoebox lid

We are really excited about Stem Club this half term, and above is a list of the activities we are planning to do with the children. There are a couple of activities where we need your help by sending your child into school with an item from home. These are CD Hovercrafts, Wind Powered Car and Pipe Cleaner Maze; we would like your child to bring in an old CD you no longer listen to, a small toy car and the lid from a shoebox. Thank you for your support,

With best wishes Mrs Jones & Mrs Johnson

PARKING AT SCHOOL Please could we remind all parents to drive and park with courtesy to our neighbours. Please do not block any access or park illegally in the roads surrounding the school. We also ask that you always turn your engine off when waiting to protect the health of our community. Also, please remember that major roadworks are due to begin on Bootham from Sunday 19 September for up to 5 weeks. You may wish to consider alternative ways to travel to school, including: Using public transport: Bus routes and timetables Train routes and timetables Car sharing: please contact Sarah Opie if you are happy for us to share your contact details with people in your local area to arrange car sharing. Walking or cycling. Information on routes and maps can be found on iTravel York Park and Stride from Marygate car park. You can park free of charge for 20 minutes at pick up and drop off times.

Notice Board MUSICAL NOTES It has been fantastic to see all the children back in school this week and to hear their lovely voices once again! We had an amazing first choir practice on Wednesday singing in 5 parts already, wow, what a fabulous bunch of children we have! Thank you so much for your patience whilst I have been sorting out all the individual music lessons. I have sent all the emails out now with details of your child’s teacher and the day of their lesson. If you haven’t heard from me, but have signed your child up for individual instrumental lessons, please can you let me know so I can sort the lessons out for you. We have 129 children learning instruments so far this year which is fantastic news.

HEADLICE Please be aware that we have had cases of headlice in Nursery and Reception. Please check your child’s head and treat accordingly. Please see the NHS guidance on treatment here.

TERM DATES Term dates for 2022 / 2023 can be found on the school’s website here

COVID-19 UPDATE Across the school we have had some cases of COVID-19 confirmed by PCR test this week and have contacted all families directly affected by this. Thank you for your cooperation. Please could we ask you to remain vigilant about symptoms of COVID-19 and to continue with hygiene measures throughout the school. Further information is available at coronavirus-covid-19/

New Year, new sparkling trainers and we have certainly put them to the test this week! It's been great to have the children back at St Peter’s 2-8. I was delighted with the energy and enthusiasm they have shown through various activities even with the sun

shining at the start of the week.


Reception, the children have We focused on changing our pace settled straight through several running activities back into school this week. I am pleased to say that life! the children have grasped the Here are a few photos of some of difference between a jog and a the skills that have been on sprint. From hockey in Year 3 to display this week! balance and co-ordination skills in

Day Monday Monday Tuesday Tuesday

Year Group 2H, 2J 1A, 1C, 1E RC, RJ, RM 2P

Clothing White socks, white t shirt White socks, white t shirt White socks, white t shirt White socks, white t shirt

Tuesday Wednesday

3C, 3M, 3S 2P, 2J, 2H


3M, 3S

Wednesday Thursday

Acorns 1E, 1C



Friday Friday Friday

Conkers 1A RM, RJ, RC

Core PE- White socks, white t shirt White socks, white t shirt Games- Stripy socks, white t shirt, gum shield and shin pads White socks, blue t shirt White socks, white t shirt Games- Stripy socks, white t shirt, gum shield and shin pads White socks, blue t shirt White socks, white t shirt White socks, white t shirt


Well, what a wonderful first week the little Acorns have had! They have all been so brave coming into a new unfamiliar setting. It has been so good to be able to welcome Mums and Dads into the classroom too. The little Acorns have enjoyed the bright sunshine and have played in the sand, on the bikes, in the mud kitchen and inside the classroom. We are looking forward to the many adventures we are going to enjoy together



Oh how brilliant our first week back in Nursery has been! We have welcomed all our fabulous little learners, old and new, into the Conkers! It has been full of excitement and adventure and we cannot wait see what this year has in store for us! Bring on week 2!

RECEPTION What an amazing first week we have had! It has been so lovely welcoming our children to Reception this week. We have been so proud of them all and how well they have settled - our little superstars! This week we have spending some time getting to know our new friends and teachers. We have been playing lots of games, reading lots of stories and singing lots of songs. We have also been showing the children all of our lovely areas across the setting. The children have had so much fun playing and exploring and we have been so impressed by all the learning superpowers they are already demonstrating in their play of resilience, resourcefulness, collaboration and reflectiveness.


In our Oak room there has been a lot of creative projects! There has been many drawings of families and dinosaurs, paintings with powder paints and watercolours and our sewing area has proven to be very popular this week! The children have been making their own teddies and have enjoyed practicing their sewing and weaving skills. Our pet corner has also proven to be very popular. The children have shown a lot of responsibility with feeding their puppies, rabbits and grooming the horses in the stables every day!

In the Hazel room there has been some fantastic models and structures created. The children have been labelling their models themselves and explaining how they have made them. We've had aeroplanes, robots, transformers and monster trucks. There has also been lots of small world play, Outside the children have been enjoying our with dinosaurs being a firm favourite, as sand areas - designing tunnels, hiding and well as lots of pizzas and cupcakes being discovering dinosaurs and bones and made in our playdough area! building structures. They have been washing In our Birch room there has been an and caring for their dolls and experimenting opportunity for the children to have some with capacity with water beads in our water quiet time relaxing with their friends and to area. They have been creating concoctions share a book. They have also enjoyed in our mud kitchen, cutting and smelling exploring the objects in our curiosity area sage, rosemary and mint in our herb garden as well as looking after our pet fish in the and created menus and price lists for the nature area. food and drink they have made. The children It's been a busy first week and the children have also been having lots of fun constructing pirate ships, towers and dens have been amazing. We are looking forward to having lots more fun playing together with our large construction blocks and next week!



What a wonderful first week back we have had in Year 1! We have been super busy exploring our new classroom environments and making new friends. The highlight of our week was most definitely our trip to forest schools, where we were surprised when the characters from our new core text, Fortunately The Milk, jumped out and introduced themselves. We were very excited to read our new book with the characters and we can't wait to find out what happens next!


What a wonderful start to Year 2 we have had! All of the teachers have been blown away by the children's positive attitudes; it was lovely to come down to the playground on Monday morning to smiling faces and eager little learners! After exploring our new classrooms and catching up with friends, old and new, we discovered scrolls on the tables that were written in an unfamiliar language which we soon discovered was... Latin! We used a code breaker system to translate the writing and discovered that this term we would be learning about the history of our incredible city York. We were told that first we needed to transform into Romans by making our own laurel crowns. These were worn as a symbol of triumph by the Romans, which was very fitting for our triumphant Year 2 children after conquering their first day in a new class! There was also a message about some cross keys in the scroll; after going on a trail around the grounds we soon realised that there are dozens of cross keys across the campus and that this is the symbol of St Peter, the patron saint of York Minster where a Roman fortress once stood! We were also introduced to a very cheeky raven this week, Croakbag, who delivered a story for us to read called 'Romans on the Rampage' which we are

thoroughly enjoying so far. It turns out that Croakbag is a big fan of biscuits (just like the Year 2 teachers)! In maths, we have been recognising Roman numerals and looking at their patterns, as well as revising number and place value. The children have used a range of equipment such as Base 10 to consolidate their understanding of tens and ones by making two-digit numbers and beyond. In art, the children have been transforming themselves into Roman Statues using charcoal pencils and skills involving shading and smudging. We are so impressed with how the children have settled in and adjusted to the new environments and routines - well done Year 2! Have a well-earned rest this weekend after a very busy week, where will next week's learning take us?


What a fantastic start to the new academic year! It was a delight to see the children in school and eager to explore our new theme based on the book The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. We quickly discovered that the story begins with four children finding themselves in the countryside having been evacuated from London during the Second World War. So we decided to immerse ourselves in WWII this week and discover what it would have been like for children during wartime Britain.

get through the endless list of chores! We had to listen carefully for the air raid siren and make sure we found our way to the shelters quickly! We also found out that it wasn’t that pleasant to wear a gas mask during our gas mask training session! It really was a smashing day!


At Forest school, we explored the woodland, finding lots of fascinating insects and plants as well climbing trees and making dens, just like evacuees would have done when they arrived in One definite highlight of the week was our trip the countryside. We also created our own to Murton Park, and the children looked great amazing propaganda posters to help persuade dressed as evacuees. We experienced first-hand wartime Britain to ‘Make Do and Mend’ and “Dig life on the ‘Home Front’ and learnt so much for Victory’. It was also great to see brilliant about wartime Britain with the help of Mrs W, teamwork when the children made their own our wartime teacher and Mr T, the ARP Warden! model Anderson Shelters and bake rock cakes We were kept busy doing the washing (by hand!) with rationing in mind! and making rag rugs- it really was rather Next week, we look forward to peeking inside exhausting! We even had to put blast tape on the wardrobe and discovering the magical world the windows and help put out fires! Luckily, Mrs of Narnia… we cannot wait! W had biscuits and cocoa on hand to help us


Friends of St Peter's 2-8 Meeting The Friends of St Peter's 2-8 (FoSP) will hold their first meeting of the school year on the morning of Wednesday 15th September after drop-off (approx 08:40am) in the Dining Hall. Everyone is welcome to join and we look forward to seeing lots of new faces.

Easyfundraising Friends of St Peter’s 2-8 - York are registered with easyfundraising, which means you can raise FREE donations for us every time you shop online. Over 4,000 shops and sites will donate to us when you use Easyfundraising to shop with them – at no extra cost to yourself!

These donations really mount up and make a BIG difference to us, so we’d really appreciate it if you could take a moment to sign up and support us. It’s completely FREE and only takes a moment.

You can find our easyfundraising page at https:// utm_campaign=raise-more&utm_content=gs-e1

Tomato and basil sauce with pasta bows

French bread pizza with cheese and tomato

Homemade focaccia, Broccoli and sweetcorn

Lightly spiced potato wedges

Jacket potato with hot or cold fillings

Tomatoes, cucumbers and carrot sticks Jacket potato with hot or cold fillings

Sultana and coconut flapjack

Chocolate and raspberry cake

Fresh fruit

Fresh fruit

Mild creamy chicken curry with rice and chapati Vegetable and chickpea curry and chapati

Beef burgers

Pork casserole with roasted potatoes, carrots, peas and Yorkshire pudding Quorn vegetable stew Jacket potato with hot or cold fillings Apple crumble and custard Fresh fruit

Week One Christmas Term 2021

Vegetable burgers

Cauliflower and green beans

Oven baked chips, baked beans and mini corn

Jacket potato with hot or cold fillings

Jacket potato with hot or cold fillings

Frosted Carrot cake

Fruit Jelly

Fresh fruit

Fresh fruit

Minerals make healthy skin, strong bones and teeth Fibre helps the body digest food, it is found in vegetables, whole grains and fruit Protein is found in meat, milk, fish and beans. It helps build our muscles

Beef meatballs with fusilli pasta tomato and basil sauce

Pork bangers and mash with onion gravy

Homemade Focaccia bread

Vegetarian Glamorgan bangers and mash with onion gravy

Tomatoes, cucumbers

and carrot

swede, carrots, green beans

Jacket potato with

Jacket potato with

hot or cold fillings

hot or cold fillings

Turkey breast casserole Vegetable casserole Yorkshire pudding, Roast potatoes, cabbage and cauliflower

Jacket potato with hot or cold fillings

Treacle sponge

Date crispy square

Jam and coconut sponge Fresh fruit

Fresh fruit

Fresh fruit

Deep Fried scampi pieces

Not all oranges are orange!

Oven chips,

A banana is not a fruit but a herb!

Week Two Christmas Term 2021

Jacket potato bar Mild creamy chicken curry, beans, tuna mayo or cheese Fresh broccoli florets Chocolate cake with icing Fresh fruit

peas and beans Jacket potato with

hot or cold fillings Fruit pieces in jelly Fresh fruit

There are 7000 different types of apples

Strawberries have around 200 seeds on the outside of their skin A banana is 75% water and will float if you put it in a bowl of water!

Tomato and basil sauce, penne pasta

Chicken and vegetable pie

homemade focaccia

Red lentil and vegetable pie

Carrots, Sweetcorn

Tomato, Carrot and cucumber

Roasted new potatoes, carrots, peas

Jacket potato with hot or cold fillings

Jacket potato with hot or cold fillings

Jacket potato with hot or cold fillings

Flapjack squares

Syrup sponge

Chocolate cake

Fresh fruit

Fresh fruit

Fresh fruit

Homemade Sausage rolls

Deep fried haddock goujons

Cottage Pie Vegetable cottage pie

Week Three Christmas Term 2021

Vegan “sausage roll” Half a cheesy jacket potato, baked beans and green Beans Jacket potato with hot or cold fillings

Not all oranges are orange!

A banana is not a fruit but a herb!

Oven chips, mushy peas or beans

Jacket potato with hot or cold fillings

Apple Crumble and Cream

Fruit pieces in jelly

Fresh fruit

Fresh fruit

There are 7000 different types of apples

Strawberries have around 200 seeds on the outside of their skin

A banana is 75% water and will float if you put it in a bowl of water!

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