St Peter's 2-8 I Newsletter 3

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The first three weeks of the academic year have been extremely successful here at St Peter’s 2-8. The children have settled into school life so brilliantly and are enjoying their learning and the wealth of experiences on offer. I really appreciate all of your feedback and as you will be aware we are constantly evaluating our approaches and adapting and making changes where necessary. Drop off and collection of your children is going well and I politely request that you remain socially distanced to keep the children, staff and yourselves safe.

their name label is and we will teach them how to check their labels before they put an item of kit on at school. This will help us tremendously and hopefully match children with the correct kit to go home. As the weather gets colder, please make sure your children come to school wrapped up in warm and waterproof clothing; their school coats and gloves and hats if possible.

Our return to school curriculum reflects the already well-established and robust ethos of the nurturing learners who are highly motivated, engaged and develop a strong set of learning behaviours Over the first two weeks our dining (metacognitive skills). As previously, our operation across the school concentrated curriculum does not sit outside of on the processes to enable the school to wellbeing but acknowledges that both feed the children safely. Following a academic achievement and wellbeing review of the menus at the end of last impact on each other and are mutually week our catering manager has beneficial. implemented changes providing food that is varied, nutritious and appealing to We have continued to use our thematic young children. A new menu will be approach to learning with each year circulated in due course. We are offering group adopting a theme to capitalise on more dishes with ‘hidden’ vegetables in children’s interests and through which we addition to additional vegetables on the can weave curriculum subjects. Pupils side. It would be great if you could talk have the opportunity to become experts through the menus at home with your on a particular theme and have the child and encourage them to try opportunity to make links between everything, even things they aren’t sure subject areas and practice and refine skills about! learnt in subject areas. Essentially teaching by stealth! The themes are: Year 2 The Another area where we need your Firebird, Year 3 The Resilient Romans, support is the labelling of school uniform. Year 1 Our Tribal Classroom. These Please can you show your children where themes were chosen to support the following new element to our curriculum, introduced by Mrs Clarke; the Recovery and Resilience Curriculum, based on the work on Prof. Barry Carpenter. We have been pleased that pupils have in the main settled smoothly back into school many pupils as a result of lockdown have regressed in terms of their metacognitive skills and learning behaviours in areas such as; being able to sustain effort, maintain concentration and focus and accept challenge.

Newsletter No: 3 Friday, 25th September 2020 The Recovery and Resilience Curriculum is delivered explicitly through PSHE lessons and is implicit within all other areas of school life. It is built on five principles, which aim to use protective factors to build resilience on an individual and school level. Putting emotional wellbeing first for everyone including staff Reaffirming the school core values and re-establishing a sense of community Placing relationships front and centre teacher – pupil, pupil-pupil, teacher-teacher. Establish new routines and ensure everyone feels safe Acknowledge loss, change and bereavement This curriculum supports the wellbeing of the children and supports the development of metacognitive skills so that pupils become learners who can think about and purposefully plan, direct and reflect on their own learning. So far, we have seen positive change in the majority of pupils within the first two and a half weeks and are identifying areas of specific need that will be targeted over the course of the term. This term our open events will be predominantly virtual. Parents can register online here. Please also watch a number of short videos displaying our school; Sports and PE and an introduction to St Peter’s 2-8. Finally, Mrs Taylor, a part-time Teaching Assistant in Year 3, leaves St Peter’s 2-8 today after fourteen years of loyal service. We wish her well for her move to London to be with her family. Wishing you a fantastic exeat weekend,

MISSING UNIFORM Please look out for: •Sepehr A’s missing school coat •Dark blue Zara raincoat age 4-5years - no name label •St Peter’s coat - named Tilly T •St Peter’s coat - named Emilia B •Blue PE shorts (not named)

Notice Board MRS TAYLOR We said goodbye to Debbie Taylor, our lovely Year 3 TA, after 14 years at St Peter’s 2-8. Good luck with your move down South, Mrs Taylor. We will miss you!

•Amara A and Leela A are missing full swimming kits •School blue jumper and navy swimming trunks belonging to Teddy S

LABELLING UNIFORM Please ensure all uniform is clearly named. If your child is in Year 2 or 3, please make sure they know where their clothes are labelled so that they can keep track of their kit.


Please could we ask you to support us by not allowing children to bring Lego and other collectable cards into school– they can cause upset and distress, particularly when they are lost around school..

FLU VACCINE Please see the letter at the end of this newsletter for information on how to sign your child up for a nasal flu vaccine if you haven’t already done so.

RECEPTION SWIMMING Don’t forget that there is NO RECEPTION SWIMMING tomorrow because it is a St Peter’s exeat.


IIt’s been lovely to be able to restart our choir this week! We are meeting on a Tuesday for Year 3 and a Wednesday for Year 2 once the children have had their lunch. If your son or daughter missed it this week, they can still come along next week and give it a go.

The children are now settled into their individual music lessons, if your child’s lessons haven’t started and you were expecting them to, please drop me an email! We will be holding our first concerts for Years 2 and 3 towards the end of this half term via Zoom. Our newly formed choirs will be singing alongside our soloists. If your child would like to take part by playing a solo please email so I can add them to my list. If your son or daughter has only just started learning their instrument we will hold off their concert debut until they have a few more notes under their belt! Unfortunately we will not be able to have a live audience for our concerts this time, however, they will be available via Zoom and we will record each one for parents, more details to follow.

value champions

Notice Board learning superheroes

• Isabella V

• Alexei • Andrey

• Alfie S-D • George • Nate • MaryJane • Drishya




•Olivia M




•Annabel W

• Jack

• Rafe



• Pierce

• Felix

•India C



•George L

•Grace A-M


•Oliver T-P




house points trophy


PE award Tilly T Lizzie K-L

Music award

Monk & Walmgate

Angus Oscar R

PE Acorns had a wonderful start to the week, enjoying the sunshine in PE! We had the parachute out playing some funfilled games, testing our colour knowledge and coordination. There has been a great deal of improvement with the children's rolling skills this week, which is very encouraging. On Wednesday we had National Fitness Day, where we shared PE lessons and lunch time pictures on Twitter. Please have a quick look at what the children were up to.

HOUSE CAPTAINS Micklegate Walmgate


Hello. I’m James, the new house captain for Micklegate. I joined the school in Reception and I can’t believe I am already in Year 3. I love to read and learn new facts. My favourite subjects are History, Maths, Music and PE. I am learning to play the guitar and piano and I love to sing. Team sports are really important to me, I play with the U8s in rugby and U9s in cricket. I also enjoy mountain biking with my mum. I was born in Australia and enjoy travelling to learn about different cultures. In my role as house captain, I want to be a good role model for the younger children, promoting kindness to all, gratitude and encourage others to have a go at everything with a smile.

Hello! My name is MaryJane. I live in a village called Lower Dunsforth. I live with my mum, dad, brother and sister. My brother Patrick is 12 and my sister Alice is 10. I also have a dog called Bob. He is 4. I like swimming, eating and playing with Bob. As house captain I would like to make sure that everyone is as happy as possible at school. Lots of house points would be good too!

Go Micklegate!

Hi! I’m Amelie your house captain for Walmgate. I live with my mummy, daddy and brother Jacob. I don’t have any pets, but I’m desperate for a dog! When I’m not at school I like going outside on my scooter and hoverboard. I am so happy to be house captain for Walmgate. I hope we win the trophy lots of times! Go Walmgate!

Go Monk!

Acorns On Monday we had a special delivery… some eggs! We put them in a safe place then watched and waited patiently. The next day we returned to see two little chicks had hatched! It was amazing to see the other eggs slowly crack and open! We now have ten little chicks to look after!

splashing in the puddles, collecting conkers and acorns! We came back to Nursery for a cup of hot chocolate and a biscuit! Oh! AND we mustn’t forget that we made our own pancakes on Tuesday. We measured out the ingredients, mixed it all together, then chose our own toppings! I wonder what next week will bring us!


My goodness we have been busy in Conkers this week, I just cannot believe how much we have managed to fit in! We really love to spend time outside and this week the weather hasn’t stopped us! We’ve been climbing, building, rolling and making in the mud kitchen. On Wednesday we put on our wellies and ventured out for a walk in the rain,

It’s been another fantastic week in Reception! The week started with glorious sunshine and lots of play outside where we were pretending to be pirates around the tower. The pirates set sail looking for undiscovered lands and digging for treasure in the sand area. Some pirates were made to walk the plank! The children had lots of fun balancing on the planks and adapting them into ramps to slide down. On Tuesday afternoon, Reception went down to the sports fields to play some circle games. All the children listened carefully to the instructions and were very patient taking


turns. We had so much fun with the parachutes, working as a team to roll the ball around and we even sat underneath the parachute! As the weather turned a bit wet mid week, it didn’t dampen our spirits and we continued our learning inside and outside the classroom. Outside, the children helped to plant a range of herbs next to our mud pie kitchen. We are going to let them grow a little bigger but when they are ready, we will have so much choice for our mud recipes! This week, the children have really shown an interest in horse show-jumping! They have played with the small world horses, made their own rosettes and galloped over jumps built outside. We are hoping to do a show-jumping extravaganza on Friday morning so watch this space for photos! Well done Reception, you’ve all been fabulous this week. Have a lovely weekend!


Another busy week in Year One. We can't believe that we are in week three already. The learning taking places in our classrooms this week has been wonderful and we can see the beginnings of some fabulous artists, engineers, builders, actors, problem solvers, chefs... the list is endless! We enjoyed the wonderful weather on Tuesday afternoon and had a pop-up

classroom trip to museum gardens. We read stories in the sunshine and the squirrels even came to join us too! Inspired by the morning fly-by, we also made paper aeroplanes and had so much fun testing them out. We hope you all have a lovely weekend and look forward to another week of busy learning.


2H have all now settled into a brilliant daily routine! As soon as we get in from the playground, it’s shoes off and we either do yoga or a Joe Wicks session. Phew! Then we’re ready for work and this week has, as ever, been a busy one, packed full of busy-ness. We grabbed the last of the summer sun on Monday and went down to Forest School where, sure enough, there was a reply to all our letters to the Firebird! We had read about golden eagles in Scotland laying eggs in a man-made nest, so we all wanted to make nests. We used what we could find down there to make the nests- all the Year 2 staff were impressed with our imagination, collaborative team work and weaving skills! We have spent all week learning about an old Viking way of making poetry called Kennings, which gives clues to the subject, but not the actual word. Our team work came in again as we worked on group poems, describing the Firebird, using a noun and a verb. Some of the phrases were so impressive, such as ‘Sleep sorcerer’wow! Now we are going to use our best Year 2 handwriting to write up our poems and illustrate them. In Art we made 3D models of the Firebird, using any media we wanted towe love Art Wednesdays! Mrs Hall and Mrs Franey are very proud of Team 2H again this week- well done all!


Another incredible week in 2J! The children were inspired by a news clip we watched last week on our weekly Espresso News Bites, all about the birth of a Golden Eagle chick for the first time in 40 years! The surprising fact was the nest has actually been man made! Of course, with all our learning around the Firebird over the last couple of weeks, we decided to make our own nests down at Forest School. Some children made them in case the Firebird paid us another visit, and others purely to encourage some more birds into our woodland area.

it came to writing poems. We have been learning all about Kennings poetry; a type of poetry that gives clues using only two words per line for the reader to guess the subject of the poem. Of course, we had to use the Firebird as the subject for our poems and the children used their knowledge of nouns, verbs and adjectives to write their own lines. We then combined these with the rest of our group to create a full poem - incredible teamwork was shown by all! In science we learnt about the forces that help a bird to fly; thrust and lift as well as the features of birds that help with this movement. See if your child can tell you one thing a bird has that helps them to fly! We then had lots of fun and giggles filling up balloons and letting them go! We discussed the forces that were causing the balloon birds to whizz through the air and why this was happening. Again, some great collaboration and discussion!

In maths, we have begun looking at multiplication using pictorial representations of arrays. We used the conkers we found at Forest School to create our own arrays and record the appropriate number sentences. We have also been consolidating how multiplication can be done in any order; 2 x 5 or 5 x 2 - you still get the same answer! We A flapping, fantastic week again 2J! Enjoy your weekends! have had some impressive collaborative workers in 2J this week when


We have had another fantastic week in Year 3! We have made some careful observational drawings of the artefacts we discovered last week. We had a wonderful time at forest school making our very own gladius swords! We have adding similes to our writing to make it more interesting. We have then done a ‘big write’ on Corvus in our class text adding all the correct punctuation, adjectives and similes to make our writing exciting for the reader. We have been

looking at the position of Rome and located it on map and then investigated how Rome was ruled and looked at the Roman Empire. We have also enjoyed playing rota which was a popular Roman game. In Maths we have been ordering numbers, looking at numbers with zero as a place holder and comparing numbers. Next week we will be moving onto rounding numbers.

St Peter's School, York 01423 542360

September 2020 Dear Parent/Guardian, Protecting Children Against Influenza (Flu) and Complications The nasal influenza vaccination is being offered to all children in Reception-Year 7. Our team is scheduled to visit St Peter's School, York this Autumn as part of this programme. If you would like your child to receive this immunisation, please ensure your consent form has been submitted no later than 01/10/2020 – if you submit your consent form after this date your child may be missed when we visit school.

Please see below for details of how to consent for your child, as well as answers to common questions about the influenza vaccination programme. How do I give my consent? Go to Enter the School Code 121724 and click “Find School”. Complete the form with your child’s information and parent/guardian contact information*. Click the green “Submit” button. *If you provide a valid email address you will receive an automatic email confirmation to say your form has been submitted. We will also email you to let you know that your child has been vaccinated in school. If your child has specific medical requirements one of our nurses may need to get in touch before we are due to visit school. We never pass on your contact information to third parties.


Chairman – Angela Schofield

Chief Executive – Steve Russell

Why is the influenza vaccine being offered? This vaccination programme is in place to help protect your child against influenza (flu) and stop the spread of the virus within schools, families and the wider community. Influenza is an unpleasant illness that can lead to school absences and sometimes causes serious complications requiring hospitalisation. Vaccinating your child doesn’t just project them – by helping to stop the spread of influenza this winter they will also be protecting vulnerable friends and family of all ages. How is the influenza vaccine administered? Unlike most vaccinations, the nasal influenza vaccine is a quick and simple spray up the nose. There are a small number of children for whom the nasal vaccine is not appropriate. In these cases we offer an intramuscular injection as an alternative. Please check the link below for more information. Does the nasal influenza vaccine contain pork gelatine? Can my child have the injection instead? Yes, the nasal influenza vaccine contains trace amounts of porcine gelatine. If you would like your child to receive the injectable influenza vaccine, which does not contain porcine gelatine, please do not complete the online consent form. Instead, please give us a ring on 01423 542360. You will need to bring your child to a local community clinic as we cannot give the injection in school. Where can I find out more? Please visit for more information about the childhood influenza vaccination programme. You can contact the childhood immunisations team on or 01423 542360. We are a small team and we cannot always answer the phone straight away, so please leave a message if there is no one available to take your call. We endeavor to respond to all queries within one working day. Yours sincerely,

Lois Alderson Clinical Lead for Childhood Immunisations in North Yorkshire and City of York

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