Newsletter No:
Registered Charity No: 1141329
One of the highlights of my week is the Celebration Assembly on Friday mornings. This is an opportunity for each class teacher to award a learning superhero to a member or members of their class. Each class teacher will award it for a child who has demonstrated superpowers from one or more of our learning superheroes, Ricky Resourceful, Rita Resilience, Reflective Rory and the Collaborative Twins. It is lovely to observe the joy on the recipients face and their peers who delight in celebrating the learning superhero from their class. Each class teacher will also award a value champion award to a child who demonstrates one of our seven school values. I also enjoy presenting the House Point trophy to the winning House Captain. It was lovely to have Mr Walker in attendance this morning.
Over the past two weeks we have been joined by eight Austrian students on placement from the University of Linz. The students are all completing a teacher training degree in Austria and have made an impact throughout their time with us. They have also talked to the children about their Austrian culture, and I even saw one or two wearing lederhosen which must have been a little chilly as we head towards Autumn. My thanks to all our fabulous students, we shall miss them next week and would like to wish them all the very best as they complete their
Yesterday, the St Peter’s 2 8 Friends ran two coffee mornings in support of the Macmillan charity. All proceeds from the events go directly to the Macmillan charity, and these events would not be possible without your continued support, thank you. My huge thanks to the Friends for organising such a lovely event for this amazing cause. The St Peter’s 2 8 Friends have also organised a parent social event next Friday at the Old Grey Mare. Please see further details later in the newsletter. Next Friday the Friends will also set up a nearly new uniform shop at morning drop off and also at the end of the school day in the atrium, outside Reception. Thanks to Mrs Houlston for organising the event.
Next week we are collecting donations for the York Foodbank by providing items from the list. Please help us support this amazing charity, its never too early to start teaching children to give or to engage children with the concept of charity. Any parent trying to get an active toddler to share with others can understand. Generosity can provide better health with benefits on individual wellbeing.
This morning we gathered on the 1st XV rugby pitch for the St Peter’s 2 18 Whole School Photograph. This is the first time the whole school have come together as one since 2018 and it was quite a task to
position everyone on the staging. I’m sure you will enjoy looking at the photograph when it is
Friday 30th September 2022
School Council
Year 1 Creative (First Half of Term)
Year 1 Netball
Year 2 & 3 European Cultures
Year 2 & 3 Football*
Year 2 Cricket*
Year 2 IT (First Half of Term)
Year 3 Cookery (First Half Term)
course. Please click the link for a timelapse video of the set up. St Peter's whole school photo YouTube
Last Monday we held the public consultation for the new all weather pitches in the library at St Peter’s 13 18. It was great to see so many families interested to learn more about these plans with over 80 families joining us throughout the afternoon and early evening. My thanks to Mr Giles Roberts, Head of Operations and Mr Matt Carr, Chief Operating Officer for organising such a valuable meeting for the school community and local residents.
It is exeat weekend at school this weekend. Therefore, there is no swimming for Reception tomorrow.
Next week (Wed Fri) I will be travelling to Edinburgh for the IAPS Annual Head’s Conference. There are inspirational speakers and an opportunity to meet other Headteachers from across the country.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend and I look forward to seeing you all on Monday.
Best wishes,
Year 1 Football*
Year 2 Tag Rugby
Year 2 STEM (First Half of Term) CANCELLED
Year 2 & 3 Dance
Year 3 Swimming
Year 3 Tennis*
Year 1 Animal (First Half of Term)
Year 1 Cricket*
Year 1 Football* CANCELLED
Years 2 & 3 Choir
Year 1 Board Games (First Half of Term) CANCELLED
Year 1 Tag Rugby CANCELLED
Year 2 Tennis*
Year 2 Art (First Half of Term)
Year 3 Hockey (First Half of Term)
Year 3 Environment
Year 1 Story
Year 1 Street Dance*
Year 2 Film Club
Year 2 Football
Year 3 Board Games
Year 3 iPad
Year 3 Football*
You can follow us
Notice Boardhouse points trophy MONK • Tiaa (2H) • Elio (2J) Music award learning superheroes value champions • Thomas (2J) • Ava (RC) PE award • (RC) Lily • (RJ) Arthur • (RP) Charlie • (1A) Acer • (1C) Theo, Kalan • (1E) Ayla • (2H) Arjun, Adam • (2J) Emilia • (2P) Lucas • (3C) Jack • (3M)Sasha, Molly • (3S) Patrick • (RC) Annora • (RJ) Amalie • (RP) Angus • (1A) Erin • (1C) Elizabeth • (1E) Xander, Emmy, Rosie • (2H) Iker • (2J) Austin • (2P) Melanie • (3C) Caleb • (3M) George • (3S) Max, Dylan
New house captains!
Notice Board
Hi. My name is Harriet and I am very pleased to be house captain for Micklegate. I have been at St Peter's since Nursery. I live with my mum and dad and my brother Alex who is in J5 at 8-13 and he is 12 years old. I also have a dog named Bess. My hobbies are drawing, kick boxing and baking with my mum. I walk to school every day as I live close by.
I will do my best to be a good house captain for Micklegate and encourage everyone to get lots of house points by being kind, friendly and helpful.
My name is Kalina and I'm very proud to be Monk's house captain. I am originally from Bulgaria where I love to go every time when I get the chance. I live in York with my mum and dad and my little sister Lexie, who is in Conkers. We have a ten year old chihuahua called Max.
In my free time I love playing outside, riding my bike and skating on my roller blades. I also like to play chess and snakes and ladders. I do swimming and gymnastics out of school too.
As house captain I will act responsibly and will be a role model for the house. I would like to develop meaningful relationships with others and encourage everyone to be positive and helpful.
My name is Jack and I’m a huge Manchester United fan. I like to do front flips and swimming. I have met a giant tortoise and a rhino. My two dogs are called Billy and Bruno, and I live at home with my mum, dad and big sister Chloe.
I want Walmgate to be the politest and kindest children in school. I will do this by being polite and kind myself. I will encourage my team to do their best.
Notice Board
The well-being champions are working to organise a Harvest collection to be taken to the Foodbank in the last week before half term. The flyer towards the end of the newsletter shows the items that the Foodbank have asked for. There will be
boxes at the gates in the mornings for items to be dropped off as well as a table in the foyer for parents to drop things in the afternoons. Many thanks for your support.
Before School Care
We are making some changes to Before School Care which will take effect from Monday 3rd October.
Nursery and Reception
If your child is in Nursery or Reception and is attending before school care, you should drop them in the Rayson Room (the room at the top of the main staircase on the right) between 7:45 8:20. Miss Hopper and Mr Lomax will be on duty to welcome your child/children.
Please can we ask that children have been to the toilet before they arrive. Colouring, construction and some toys will be available.
Please note classrooms are not open at
this time as teaching staff are preparing for the day ahead.
Years 1-3
If you child is in Year 1-3 and is attending after school care please drop them in the dining room or in the playground between 7:45-8:00. Children gather in the dining room and are then taken outside, unless the weather is inclement in which case they will remain in the dining room. Mrs Deri Clark will greet and sign your children into before school care.
If your child is arriving from 8:00am onwards they should enter through the top gate in the playground where they will be met by Mr Hardy/Mrs Clarke or Mrs Hallgate.
The latest version of our Privacy Notice has now been published and can be viewed here.
The past few weeks in Reception the children have been working incredibly hard on their fundamental skills of movement and throwing and catching.
This week the children explored a variety of different balls which range from big to small and light to heavier balls. After exploring the variety of balls the children put their throwing and catching skills to the test by playing treasure island.
The children have also looked a variety of different ways to move on their feet the last few weeks. These have consisted of jogging, sprinting, galloping, sidestepping, skipping, hoping and jumping. This week the children were able to put these skills to a game called on the line and off the line. I was extremely impressed with the collaboration and communication skills that the children adopted during these games. Take a look at our throwing and catching skills plus our super movers in action!
The Acorns have had a great week. It began with a trip to the supermarket to see if we could find bananas. We visited the school library before setting off and read a book called TheShopping Basket. We thought about what we needed to put on our shopping list and each had a turn to choose something. Each Acorn
had a shopping basket and we walked to the shops together. We are also very proud of the littlest people in the school as we made it all the way to Forest School this week. The sun was shining and we were able to collect lots and lots of shiny Conkers. We sat in a big pile of brown and orange leaves and read a story called Little Acorn. It was a fantastic adventure.
A pinch of pixie dust landed in the Conkers this week… full of magical moments!
What a magical week we have had in Reception! We have made woodland magic wands in Forest School, learning knotting, pressing and wrapping skills to create our unique, beautiful and powerful magic wands! We had great fun inventing spells and sharing these around our log circle. This week also saw the start of our magical journey to reading and writing with the children learning letter sounds through exciting hands-on activities and games – we have loved the enthusiasm and
determination the children have brought to this learning! In maths we have been sorting and matching superstars and our subitising skills are improving every day! We have also been very fortunate over the past two weeks to have two lovely Austrian teaching students helping in Reception – Nina and Barbara –who shared a wonderful presentation with the children all about life in Austria, it was fascinating and made us all want to hop on a plane and visit!
Another wonderful week in Year 1. We have loved learning more about Maia's journey to Manaus, in Brazil. We have been using a very popular app called 'Google Earth' on the iPad to find the city of Manaus, the Amazon River and the rainforest! The children have loved zooming in and exploring these places using the person icon and street view. They then used their new knowledge to inform their building and have made fantastic aerial maps in the small world and building area. We have seen lots of collaboration and resourcefulness this week. We have been learning new vocabulary too. Such as town, city, coastline, rainforest, riverand ocean. I wonder if you can show your grown-ups at home how to use this app?
We have also been writing detectives this week and used our detective magnifying glasses to find the key features of a story! We searched for capital letters, full stops, adjectives, and story starts.
We are so excited for our trip to Tropical World next week and can't wait to see all the beautiful animals. Can you remember the different layers of the rainforest and which animals live there? What animal are you most excited to see?
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
This week in Year 2 we have been discovering what the ancient Greeks did for us! As it turns out, they did a lot! From inventing the yo-yo and alarm clock to creating the word alphabet and giving us the theatre! We have also discovered that the Greeks were a hygienic lot! Must have been the influence of the goddess Hygieia, goddess of health, cleanliness and sanitation! We have leant that the
Greeks used plants to treat ailments, keep clean and smell nice! Did you know lavender was used to treat insomnia and muscle pain? And it is still used today! Inspired by this, the children have all made their own ancient Greek medical prescription… in the form of a lavender bag to help them sleep soundly! They also tried out some traditional Greek remedies like mint, olive oil and liquorice!
This week we have been continuing our journey through space and have been using our text to inspire our creative work. We discovered more about auroras and how they happen and excitingly for us, we were able to watch the video and read the news article about the Aurora Borealis that was sighted right here in North Yorkshire!
Using a combination of videos and images, we created lists of adjectives, verbs and adverbs to describe the auroras, before turning them into similes. We then moved on to learning about stars; focussing on their lifecycle and how they develop over time. At Forest School we worked collaboratively and using rubber bands, string and sticks, created nature stars. We
then continued our learning back in the classroom and re-created our own oil pastel version of Van Gogh’s The Starry Night.
In maths we have been solidifying our understanding of place value and next week we will be moving onto addition; learning the different calculation methods and applying our understanding to working out tricky problems. A super week, well done Year 3!
Autumn Parents’ Social - Friday 7th October, from 7:30pm
*TICKETS ARE NOW ON SALE* for our first parents’ social of the year kindly hosted and sponsored by the Old Grey Mare on Clifton Green.
A third of all money raised from events such as this goes to the school's charity for the year which is chosen by the children (and will be announced very soon...!). Plus, it promises to be a fun evening!
Tickets are £10pp which includes welcome drink and nibbles. Click HERE for tickets and see the following poster for more details.
Nearly New Uniform
Donations: Next Monday to Wednesday (3 5th October) we will be collecting donations of nearly new uniform ahead of the first sale of the year.
Donations can be left in the yellow crates outside the Clifton courts or in the dining room lobby at drop off or pick up.
Sale: the first nearly new uniform sale of the year will be held on Friday 7th October at 8:25 8:45am and 3:20 – 4:00pm in the school reception area.
Please see the following poster for details.
Thank you!
A BIG thank you to everyone who came and supported the Macmillan Coffee Morning, and especially to those who brought cakes and bakes and helped to set up, host and tidy away on the day. Total amount raised for Macmillan Cancer Support coming next week!
Nearly New Uniform Sale Friday 7th October 8.25-8.45am & 3.20-4pm Reception foyer 2-8 Cash or Cheque Donations welcome 3/4/5 October at drop off
Themes: Nursery and Reception - Kings and Queens Y1 - The rainforest Y2 - Ancient Greece Y3 - Space Monday 17th October
Autumn Holiday Camps At St Peter's School STP 2-13 Holiday Club Monday 31 Oct to Friday 4 Nov CLICK HERE STP Y2-J3 Football Club Monday 24 to Thursday 27 Oct CLICK HERE Monday 24 to Thursday 27 Oct All Out Cricket Camp CLICK HERE Ages 5-14 yrs N.B this camp is run by an external provider
FOOTBALLP/P AUTUMN CAMP CLICK HERE AT ST PETER'S SCHOOL, YORKMONDAY24TO THURSDAY27OCTOBER For more Info and bookings : £30 FROM p/p For all boys and girls in Year 2, Year 3, J1, J2 and J3
baking baking ForSTPpupilsfromNurserytoJ5 ForSTPpupilsfromNurserytoJ5 Crafts Crafts Sports& Sports&Swimming Swimming Monday31Octoberto Monday31Octoberto Friday4November2022 Friday4November2022 CLICKHERE CLICKHERE FOR FOR MOREINFO MOREINFO Woodland AdventuresWoodland Adventures