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What a brilliant end of term this week has been for St Peter’s 2-8. At the start of the week, we held two movie evenings. On Monday Year 2 and Year 3 dressed in their pyjamas and watched the animated version of ‘The Grinch’, and then on Tuesday Reception and Year 1 watched ‘Stick Man’ and ‘Gruffalo’s Child’. The children enjoyed these evenings, especially the tuck shop and ice lollies/ice creams that were organised and set up by the St Peter’s 2-8 Friends. All monies raised went to our school charity Zarack. Thanks to Mrs Clarke for organising the evenings.
On Tuesday the Year 2 children went to the theatre to see Peter Pan at the Theatre Royal in York. All of the children and adults returned having thoroughly enjoyed the production. Thanks to all the staff for organising the trip. On Wednesday, after a short rehearsal, we had our Christingle Service for the first time in York Minster. The children were all excellent. The choir sang so beautifully, and the service was enjoyed by all. Reception and Year 1 sang and signed ‘Little Donkey’, accompanied by our fabulous bell ringers. The Year 3 children read the story of the first Christmas and said prayers also. The highlight of the service was the lighting of each Christingle candle, followed by the lights being switched off in York Minster. It was so beautiful. Thank you to Rev Vicky Johnson and Rev Daniel Jones who gave the service and all the Minster staff. Thank you also to Mrs Hayden who prepared music performed by the children and Mrs Clarke who prepared the readers. It was a such a lovely experience for all.
On Thursday the children came to school in Christmas jumpers, ready for Christmas Activity Day. It was so lovely walking around school observing the activities the children were doing in each year group. There were many baking activities, art activities, sporting activities and music. At lunchtime the catering staff prepared the most delicious Christmas lunch for everyone to enjoy. My huge thanks to our Chef, Stuart and his team and to Craig our Catering Manager for a wonderful experience for the children.
Today we had our end of term assembly, and we awarded the term housepoints. It was a pleasure to award the termly housepoints to Walmgate. Congratulations to the House of Walmgate. Then we had our grand finale of the Autumn term, a musical masterpiece of the Twelve Days of Christmas, performed by the whole school. Thank you, Mrs Hayden, for organising.
Today we say goodbye to Mrs Norman, who has worked in Year 1 at St Peter’s 2-8 since September 2021. My huge thanks for all she has done, she will be very much missed by the staff and children. Mrs Norman remains with St Peter’s as she will be taking on a new position in the admissions department at 13-18. Following a recruitment process Mrs Holly D’Arcy will be joining us as a Teaching Assistant in Year 1 and I know she is thoroughly excited to start in January and looks forward to meeting you all.
As this first term draws to a close it is important to reflect on such an amazing term at St Peter’s -8. The children’s learning journeys have been inspiring with so many learning highlights, far too many to mention here!
My thanks must go to the tremendous teaching and teaching assistant teams who work tirelessly for the children, they prepare so many remarkable opportunities for them each and every day. Supporting them are Ms Fattorini, Mrs McCurrie, Facilities Assistants, Cleaners and Catering staff who carry out such an important role for the children and school. Thanks to the Governors for their support and to all our fabulous parents for your continued support throughout the terms. Thank you all so much.
On behalf of the children, I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a happy and prosperous new year.
WhatafantastictermthechildrenatSt.Peter's2-8havehadfrom variousgymnasticactivitiestosuperstarrugbyplayers.Iamextremely proudofallthechildrenhowtheyhavegrowninconfidence,displaying brilliantresilience,andworkedwithotherchildrenintheirclasses. ThefinalweekoftermhasbeenfullofChristmasspiritandthechildren havemostcertainlyembodiedthatinPE.Wehavestillbeenpracticingour fundamentalskills,butwehaveusedavarietyofdifferentandexciting equipment.Receptiondefinitelyenjoyedplayingwithalargeexercise ball!
PlanningfornexttermsInter-housecompetitionsisalreadywellunderway.WeareexcitedtowelcomeYear3andYear2parents/guardiansat thestartofthenewterm,tothenetballmatchesonCliftonCourtson thedatesbelow:
Year3-Thursdaythe19th ofJanuary
Overthebreak,anygivenchancetopracticeourkeyskillsfromthrowing tojumpingisgreatlywelcomed.Perhapssomesnowballsmightbethrown thisyear....
MrLomaxandIhopeyouandyourfamilieshaveawonderfulChristmasand aHappyNewYear!Wecannotwaittohearthechildren’sstoriesabout theirChristmasbreak!
Year 1
Year Two
What a very special end to the term we had this week as we welcomed family and friends to our Christingle Service in York Minster. It was fantastic to see and hear Reception and Year 1 singing and signing Little Donkey. Thank you also to our trio of Year 1 bell ringers, Oscar, George and Rosie, they were unfortunately missing Emmy, but you may have noticed Mr Hardy stepping in at the last minute! The choir have worked so hard over the past few weeks, their hard work certainly paid off in the Minster. They were not at all phased singing in such a magnificent building and they really did their best to fill the space with their beautiful voices. We finished our week today with a lovely performance of some Christmas favourites from our Ukulele club and, the now traditional, 2-8 rendition of the 12 Days of Christmas! Wishing you all a lovely Christmas break, Mrs Hayden.
At the last Council meeting of the term School Council took the contents of our special extra recycling bins to the Eco Club centre at the Geography department at St Peter's 13-18. There we met another Mrs Hall who teaches Geography and runs the Eco Club at 13-18. She was really delighted that we were helping to improve the whole school carbon footprint with our recycling initiatives. We also told her about our discovery about how to recycle Pritt glue sticks! She was delighted and is going to share the information with Eco Club.
From all of us at Conkers, we would like to say a big THANK YOU for all your support since September. It has been such a fabulous half term, the kids have been amazing and we are already looking forward to what net year will bring xxx
Year 2 have stormed through the last week of term! On Monday we learnt about the meaning of Christingle and then made our own, ahead of the very special Christingle service in the Minster on Wednesday. On Tuesday we put our best feet forward and went to see Peter Pan at the Theatre Royal. We walked there and back and it was so Christmassy and frosty! The pantomime was fantastic and we loved it! There were acrobats, limbo dancers under fire, flying Peter and Tinkerbell and lots of sword fightswe can’t recommend it enough! On Wednesday we needed our winter woollies on for the Minster, which was seasonably cold. Brrrr! The children were great and we all enjoyed the opportunity to sing in such a special building. Thursday was Christmas Jumper Day and we made Christmas decorations out of wood, sock snowmen, robin Christmas cards and yummy snowmen biscuits. Now there is only Friday to go: phew!! Happy Christmas Year 2 from all of the Year 2 Team- see you in January!
What an exciting last week of term it has been in Year 3! We have been spreading festive cheer to for all to hear and have enjoyed lots of Christmas fun.
We kicked started the week with film night and snuggled up in our pyjamas with some delicious treats from the tuck shop. Thank you to the Friends for organising this. On Wednesday we had our annual Christingle celebration. It was very exciting to be able to do this in the Minster this year; it made us all feel very Christmassy! On Thursday we had our celebration day and enjoyed a delicious Christmas dinner; many thanks to Chef Stuart and all the kitchen team for making it so wonderful for us. On Friday we excitedly got to share our crafts and creations with our grown ups before heading off for the Christmas break. It has been a fantastic first term and we are all incredibly proud of everything the children have achieved and accomplished. We would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a wonderful holiday and a happy and healthy 2023.