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Outside school Jonners was hugely valued for his support and organisation of the Panda’s OP hockey team. That this team is still going owes much to the enthusiasm, skill and team spirit he engenders in all the lads who play hockey for the school at whatever level. Many of these also play the game at a very good standard, both for clubs and universities, on leaving us, which says much for his attitude when coaching, his mantra of; “All we ask is our best effort”, sums this up.
In all the time I have known Mike the overriding and driving force behind his teaching and coaching was to put the pupils at the centre of his actions. This was equally true in all the houses where he was a tutor. He had standards, he expected them to be met and as the pupils grew up in the school they realised how right he was about dress on the games field, smartness around school, respect for each other and respect for the school as a whole. He is probably the best house parent we never had! Mike is a hugely talented PE teacher, games coach, tutor and organiser whose abilities will be sorely missed next year; however it is the intensely loyal, supportive, honest, generous, kind, steadfast and decent colleague and friend that I will miss- his personal integrity will be irreplaceable.
Mr Paddy Stephen
Caron Downes
Caron Downes, Classics graduate of Royal Holloway, comes from a village in the midlands but has been living in York for five years and now can’t imagine leaving. As well as teaching Latin for the ISSP, Miss Downes’ eagerness to engage in various aspects of school life is apparent in her role as a rowing coach and her cheerful presence in Dronfield, where she enjoys getting to know boarders. Her redoubtable zest for all things classical - Mary Beard is her idol and Homer would be her guest of choice at a historical dinner party! - still leaves room for a variety of other interests including a dedication to Harry Potter that inspired her to take up an extreme sport back in her wild uni days. She nostalgically recalls ‘playing muggle quidditch dressed in capes with our homemade brooms’.
Philippa Dunford-Jeffs
Philippa arrived in November 2017 to take up the post of Development and Alumni Manager. She grew up in York, only a few streets away from St Peter’s and attended Queen Anne’s School for two years before moving to Bootham School in 1998. Having played in matches against St Peter’s and knowing ‘St Olave’s’ inside and out has stood Philippa in good stead for settling into life at St Peter’s. Having attended Bootham is always a good starting point for conversation with Old Peterites!
Philippa took a gap year, before heading to the very North to study for her MA in English Literature and Gender Studies at the University of Aberdeen. She remained in Aberdeen,
working for the Development Trust at the University, developing alumni engagement and fundraising for capital projects and scholarships.
After a total of eight years in Scotland, Philippa made the move into independent education taking the role of Development and Alumni Manager at Cheadle Hulme School, in Cheshire, with fundraising focused on building a new Sports Pavilion and building the bursary provision at the School. This was the stepping stone to returning to York, and her role at St Peter’s School.
As well working alongside such friendly and supportive colleagues Philippa is delighted to be working with our almost 4,800 strong network of Old Peterites (Alumni) aged from 18-97, with so many who are engaged with the School and take great pride in everything St Peter’s! ‘The School has such a rich and wonderful history and it is great to have such beautiful surroundings to come to work in every day. It is a privilege to be able to work with Old Peterites who have all been so welcoming and I am looking forward to developing more creative ways for our Old Peterites to stay connected and support St Peter’s.’
Lucy Tomlinson
We are delighted to welcome Lucy as our new Music Administrator. She is a recent graduate of the University of York, where she studied Linguistics. Following her graduation, Lucy worked in the Music School at the university, marketing and promoting their concerts and events. She also worked with York Music Service as their Concerts and Events organiser and both roles have given her a valuable background in this area that will stand her in good stead in our Music School here at St Peter’s.
Sarah Tucker
Another Homer and Harry Potter enthusiast, Sarah Tucker embarked on a four year Classics degree to pursue her lifelong fascination for myths and history, a fascination fuelled and informed by epic travels to Italy and Greece. Originating in Saltburn by the Sea, Mrs Tucker has lived in London and Newcastle since graduating from Cambridge. She loves York’s bustling metropolis and our vast array of restaurants cater to her taste for the exotic, cultivated during her experience living in Cambodia. If the luxury of time travel were at her disposal, she would ‘like to go to 5th century Athens and speak to Socrates and have a day at the theatre’ in the hope of meeting the Athenian general, Pericles. Her genuine curiosity concerning the ancient world is contagious, and much appreciated by her pupils.