Art Trips Every year we aim to run a variety of short Art Trips so that pupils can gain a healthy reminder of how art fits within the world beyond school. Of course we have a wealth of opportunities to see art on our doorstep and in fact we often walk the students the few hundred metres along Bootham to the York City Gallery, which shows a world-class programme of exhibitions and displays.
YORKSHIRE SCULPTURE PARK Slightly further afield (an hour on a bus) there is the Yorkshire Sculpture Park (YSP) and the Hepworth Gallery in Wakefield both of which have become a ‘staple’ part of our trip programme.
This year we took our Fourth Form pupils to the YSP on a sunny day in September and there they were treated to a number of different exhibitions throughout the park. From the fiercely confident ‘blocky’ sculptures and paintings by Turner Prizewinner Sean Scully to the more ethereal and delicate installation by Chiharu Shiota in the Chapel, mixed in with the permanent displays of sculptures by iconic sculptor, Henry Moore, there was something for everyone, and the work seen by the students provided ‘starting points’ for much of the work they produced over the following few months.
“We have a wealth of opportunities to see art on our doorstep.”
The Peterite 2018–2019