2 minute read
Old Peterite Club Committee Victoria Inness (1990)
from Cross Keys 2023
by StPetersYork
OP President 2022-2025
We want to do more to help support and connect the Old Peterite community. We look forward to taking on board your feedback from the recent survey (you can read about the results on page 36) we will look to provide more informal opportunities for events and help provide opportunities for Old Peterites to reconnect for reunions and develop points of contact with year groups, and cities in mind.
I feel truly fortunate to have been a pupil at St Peter’s – the school opened up opportunities and fostered lifelong interests in sports and the arts that I wouldn’t otherwise have had, and gave me the grounding for what was to come in life. I have so many fond memories and am grateful to Ann Hodgson and John Ward, my rowing coaches, Ian ‘Billy’ Lowe, David Hughes, Revd. Steven Harvey and, of course, Robin Pitman.
As a current parent of two boys at the school I couldn’t be happier to see how the values and ethos continue. A St Peter’s education is about so much more than academic excellence.
When I look back through old copies of Cross Keys and the messages of past Presidents, I notice how many speak similarly of their time at school and what the appointment has meant to them.
Harry Gration, our immediate past President, who sadly passed away in June 2022, was so supportive of the OP Club and his aim was to do more to strengthen the bonds of our community. Following the election at the AGM in September 2022 I am now in the privileged position to be able to lead the club, which has now been established for nearly 137 years, in furtherance of this aim.
We have a varied and diverse network of people willing to give their time to support the club and the committee. It has been inspiring to try new events and the OP Collection event was a great example of this, bringing together Old Peterites, along with current and former parents for a wonderful afternoon celebrating some of the many Old Peterite businesses and connections we have for a totally new and creative event. We have also had a series of brilliant dinners in London, Newcastle and the West Riding, with more planned for the coming year.
Harry commented how Old Peterites have a life-long affinity and connection to the school and how special the St Peter’s community was to him, remarking on many an occasion ‘Once a Peterite, always a Peterite.’
This has always been true - this club and community is for you, and I look forward to meeting many more of you at our events in the coming year.
Old Peterite Club - Update:
Thank you to Old Peterite Ellie Binks (2011) who has recently stepped down from the OP Club Committee. Ellie joined in 2020 and over the last three years has helped support with the relaunch of OP events in London. We appreciate the enthusiasm and contributions Ellie has made to Committee meetings all via Zoom, and her insight to engaging with younger OPs.
The Old Peterite Club Committee would like to extend their thanks and gratitude to Peter Netherwood (1957) and Mark Hepworth (1970), who both took the decision to step down from the committee in December 2022.
Both Peter and Mark have both been involved in the committee in a variety of roles over the years and have both been Old President Presidents, Peter from 2006-2008 with Mark succeeding him from 2008-2010. They also both served as Governors to the school.
The committee and the Old Peterite Club would not be in the position it is today, without the work, dedication and time that both Peter and Mark have shown the club. Thank you to you both for all you have done for the club, the committee and the school.