2 minute read
The Chapel
from Oct 1976
by StPetersYork
How quickly radical changes can settle into an established pattern!
A year ago I mentioned that compulsory Sunday Services are now restricted to occasions when the whole School community would expect to gather together. We had also introduced a special service for New Boys and their parents. Now we are beginning to take these changes for granted. The Rev. Roger Noyes gave the New Boys a splendid start this year and we are most grateful to him for coming.
A reconstructed Chapel Committee, reduced in numbers and responsible for St. Peter's alone, meets several times a term. A Suggestions Box (in bold Post Office red!) has been placed near the Chapel and good use (and not so good) has been made of it. The suggestions are all considered by the Chapel Committee, who have acted on many of them. They have also collaborated with great enthusiasm and involvement in shaping special services with the Bishop of Selby and the Dean of York. It is a wonderful encouragement that two such busy men were willing to give time to come to our committee meetings and were so open to receive suggestions.
The main services of the year followed the usual pattern, but two of them call for special comment. On the Monday after the Harvest Thanksgiving there was a cheerful party in the Sports Hall for sufferers from Multiple Sclerosis. I need hardly add that this happy inspiration came from the indefatigable Mr. and Mrs. Shuttleworth.
The other special occasion was the Confirmation on 13th March. This was the first official appearance of our new Archbishop and we were so happy to welcome him. (It was not quite his first appearance in the School as some time earlier he had descended from heaven in a Tyne-Tees T.V. helicopter on his way to the Minster!)
At fairly frequent intervals we break the routine of the week-day services and we are very grateful to those who have taken charge: Roger Depledge, Ian Armstrong (with the help of Richard Barrett and Andrew Steggall with their guitars), the members of the Christian Union both in the Christmas and Easter terms, the Head Master with boys from the Third Form and the combined contribution of Barry Creasy and Howard Gatiss. I wonder whether many people in the School appreciate the amount of preparation these services have required.
At last we have been able to put down down some really good flooring in the Sanctuary. Not only does it give a greater sense of cohesion to the east end of the Chapel, but it enables the piano to be moved about without difficulty or damage.
We are now looking forward to the provision of a small Chapel under the gallery which can be used for week-day Communion services, prayer meetings and private prayer. This will meet a long-felt need. Let us hope it will not take too long in coming.
The Chaplain could not do his job without the dependable help of a considerable number of people, week after week.
May I please express my warm gratitude to Ronnie and Maisie Allenby and Bill Williams for all the cleaning and polishing they have done for years past; to the Troika of Barry Creasy, Howard Gatiss and Stephen Nendick, for their care of the vestments and the laborious 19