3 minute read
Combined Cadet Force
from Oct 1976
by StPetersYork
"The desire for verification is understandable, but cannot always be satisfied. There are no hard distinctions between what is real and what is unreal, nor between what is true and false. The thing is not necessarily either true or false; it can be both true and false. The assumption that to verify what has happened and what is happening presents few problems, I take to be inaccurate. A character on the stage who can present no convincing argument or information as to his past experiences, his present behaviour or his aspirations, nor give a comprehensive analysis of his motives is as legitimate and as worthy of attention as one who, alarmingly, can do all these things. The more acute the experience the less articulate its expression." Harold Pinter.
The Visionary Endo Cerebro Soma Workman "THE HOLE" by
Tony Miller Toby Thomas Richard Bronk Sandy Day Chris Thwaites
Mick Aston Davies
Brian Kay Marcus Haw Simon Wallace
LIGHTING AND EFFECTS : Brian Macdonald, Tim Barker STAGE CREW : Kevin Dell, Tom Reay, Barry Creasy and Howard Gatiss
The appointment of the Senior N.C.O. returned to the R.A.F. Section after some years: Warrant Officer P. T. Atkinson became Contingent Warrant Officer.
The Contingent was this year free from an Annual Inspection, which meant that normal training could go on more easily, but it also left us without the incentive that preparation for an Inspection always brings. However, we had several full uniform parades, sometimes with inspection by a visiting officer, and the standard of turn-out was often good, with 26
some cadets making strenuous efforts to make the best of themselves in uniform.
Apart from visits to H.M.S. Caledonia by the Royal Navy Section, and numerous Air Experience Flying opportunities for the Royal Air Force Section, the highlights of the year came with two presentations by the Regular Army and a remarkable talk on Bomb Disposal by Major Markham, G.M., R.A.O.C., who gave us a vivid account of his dangerous work, showing above all the confidence that comes from training.
The first Presentation was by the Royal Artillery in October; by films and talk, by models and professional demonstration the team gave us a splendidly informative picture of the weapons of the modern army and their place in the N.A.T.O. defence system.
In February the Royal Signals gave a display. Here again we were shown the vital importance of Signals in a modern defence system; but the added attraction was the opportunity for cadets to handle so much of the sophisticated equipment which was set up in full working order.
We are very grateful to the Presentation Teams of the Services who go to such careful lengths to explain their professional skills, and we would assure them that one of the most impressive things about these particular presentations was the obvious enthusiasm of the teams and the pride in their work.
In January Lieutenant Bulcock went away for a year to teach in New Zealand, and in his absence Lieutenant Dawson has taken charge of the Royal Navy Section.
The C.C.F. Shooters have had a full programme of competitive shooting, and there is a separate account of this. We would like to say here how pleased we are that Captain Le Tocq still gives so much of his time to Shooting all through the year.

During the School year 1975-6 W.O. P. T. Atkinson has been the N.C.O. in charge assisted by Cpls. Snowdon, Park and Holderness.
Six members of Flight A completed their proficiency qualifications, Cpl. Holderness obtaining a distinction in Part 3.
Thirteen of the 16 cadets in Flight B have passed Part 2 of the proficiency examinations, Cdt. Abbott obtaining a distinction.
During the Summer Term six cadets joined the section from the Third Forms.
R.A.F. Camp in 1975 was at Halton, Buckinghamshire, where ten cadets headed by Cpl. Park enjoyed a versatile programme which included flying, gliding, shooting, swimming and a very successful night exercise. Camp in 1976 was at Lossiemouth from 17th-24th July.
There was no air experience flying during the Autumn Term but 11 cadets obtained flights at R.A.F. Finningley on Sunday, 22nd February. During the Summer Term air experience flying facilities for the School were transferred to Leeming. Here Wednesday, 26th May, 27