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Chess Club

Job Type No. printed Value No. printed Value


4,640 53.50 5,675 93.50 Programmes 1,680 27.00 3,810 93.00 Administration 3,100 49.00 1,520 22.00 Shop Chits 12,000 15.00 17,000 30.00 Others 770 11.00 1,755 36.00 External 6,055 40.00 2,640 34.00

No. of jobs undertaken in 1974/5 39 1975/6 52 Production increase from 1974/5 to 1975/6=6.6%

We have deliberately discouraged people from using our services as an evasion of high costs. The number of external jobs undertaken has as a result decreased, and the effect has been to allow us more time to concentrate on other productions.


CHESS CLUB, 1975-76

During the year fifteen matches were played of which we won six, drew two and lost seven. However, with one team dropping out from lack of support, one of our best wins did not count in the final analysis.

The year has seen the development of a young team which, in coming fifth out of fifteen competing teams in the second division of the York league, shows promise for the future.

Following Ian Heavens's departure at the end of the Christmas term we were forced to reshuffle the team which had played basically unchanged throughout the term, and the team took time to settle down, but thereafter played well.

Regular members of the team: 1. W. J. Adler. 2. A. F. Heavens. 3. R. E. Craig. 4. J. P. Ross. 5. P. W. S. de Silva. 6. T. C. Stephenson.

Also played: C. Bean, K. C. Brown, I. P. Heavens (Christmas term).

The Chess Club has continued to meet at Thursday lunchtimes and has been efficiently run by Alan Heavens who organised (and won) a six-round Swiss competition during the Summer term.


Home Score


Or Opponents Away Result St. P. Op't. Thurs. 2nd Oct. National Glass 2 Home Lost 2 4 Wed. 8th Oct. Armstrongs 3 Away Won 44 14 Wed. 15th Oct. (disallowed) St. Pauls Y.C. Home Won 5 1 Thurs. 30th Oct. Acomb Away Won 5 1 Wed. 12th Nov. York General 2 Home Lost 21 34 34

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