2 minute read
School Notes
from Oct 1980
by StPetersYork
GROVE Briggs, D. S., Calderhead, D. A., *Conaghan, J., Crabb, S. J., Gilman, C. E., Grant, G., Harrison, S. P., *Jinadu, P. 0., Leedham, I. P. J., Leonard, J. S., *Mackinlay, G. L., Magson, I. S., Morris, L. B. J., Nixon, M. W. A., *Orange-Bromehead, R. W., Pearsall, D. W., Robards, M. D., Robinson, J., Savage, I. D., Smith, J. C., Street, J. C.
QUEEN'S Boocock, N. J., Coatesworth, P., Drever-Smith, N. P., Hall, J., Hardwick, J. C., Lister, N. G., Lister, P. M., Mayor, R. I. D., McNeil, A. R., Nappy, P. H., Raley, P. J., Santorsola, A., Sellers, J. W.
RISE Baldwin, R. M., Bates, M. A., Burdass, J. E. B., Chippindale, S. I., *Gaunt, P. M., Lawrence, F. M., McGrath, A. J., *Robinson, A. C., Ryder, S., Taylor, G. Y. MANOR Atkinson, G. D., *Bra non, T. J., *Brunton, J. G., *Crabtree, S. J., Creyke, N. C., Gray, D. G. M., Knocker, S. P., *Lodge, R. F., Moorey, E. G., *Pickup, J. D., Sim, J. K., Sowray, R. W., *Wilson, A. M. TEMPLE Baldry, S. H., Barker, I. J., Chapman, M. D. A., Dales, R. C., Firby, J. R., Hopton, B. P., Marsh, D. R., Nelson, L. W. G., Pulleyn, D. R., Quinlivan, N. W., Rayson, W. D., Richards, C. P., Scott, M. P., Seaton, J. M. A. SCHOOL Brown, D. R., Desai, J. K., Firth, S. M., Forman, S., Jibson, M. R., Jordan, S. H., Shield, P., Summers, T. D.
Sixth Form Entrants
DRONFIELD Chao, Jacqueline S-W., Gorst, Rosalind D., Stewart, Frances L. QUEEN'S Fitzgerald, L. Siobhan, Houston, Susan M. F. RISE — Haxby, E. A. MANOR Shelton, Fiona B., Whiting, Elizabeth E. TEMPLE Craig, Amanda J., Dobie, Clare M., Stewart, A. D. L. SCHOOL Atkinson, Sophie, Hamilton, Bridget S., O'Reilly, Judith M., Sutton, Jane E. *Boys coming from schools other than St. Olave's.
The following speakers addressed the Sixth Form during the academic year: Patricia Beer, a Poet; M. D. B. Sinclair, Esq., on the business of soccer; A. Healey, Esq., on crime and the community; Dr. A. J. Peacock on George Hudson, the Railway King; Air Marshall Sir Leslie Mayor, K.C.B., A.F.C., D.L., F.R.Ae.S., R.A.F., on Home Defence; D. Clark, Esq., on the York Mystery Plays; and G. A. Burras, Esq., B.SC., on Nuclear Power.
A Memorial Service was held in the Chapel for Paul Green on 15th September.
The Lord Mayor of York planted a tree in remembrance of Jillian Harness on 6th October.
Richard Harding has produced an excellent chronological History of St. Peter's. At present there are only a few duplicated copies in circulation. It is hoped that it will be published soon.
A concert, organised by Bob Hall and others, was held early in January for Cancer Research. Over £roo was raised.
A Sponsored Walk in aid of the World Wildlife Fund was held on 3rd February and £300 was raised.
A Fête was held on 1st June for the York Scanner Appeal Fund and k;1,520 was raised.
The Preacher at the Commemoration Service held on Izth June was D. G. Cummin, Esq., J.P., M.A.