Pius News - Spring 2013

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Pius News Spring 2013

St. Pius X High School


Vol. IX, Issue 1

Table of Content s Pius News 811 W. Donovan Street Houston, TX 77091 713.692.3581 | www.stpiusx.org

St. Pius X High School Administrative Team

Sister Donna M. Pollard, O.P. Head of School Diane Larsen Academic Dean Jeff Donaruma Dean of Students Allan Minar Director of Finance Mary Linda Portner Director of Advancement Joseph Noonan Director of Facilities

Board of Directors

Sister Antoinette Carter, O.P. Mrs. Gina Hamala Demny ‘76 Mr. Timothy A. Fjeldal Mr. Ray Gilliam Mr. John O. Hastings, Secretary Mr. Edward Herrera ‘69 Mrs. Pamela Lolan Mrs. Anna Mateja, Vice-Chair Mr. Wayne Norden Mr. Albert A. Pepi Sister Donna M. Pollard, O.P., Ex Officio Ms. Kim Ruth Sister Lavergne Schwender, O.P. Ms. Terrie Sechrist, Chair Mr. John B. Shely Mrs. Kris Thomas Mr. George N. Wyche, Jr. ‘80

Board of Trustees

Sister Carol Mayes, O.P., Prioress Sister Antoinette Carter, O.P., Vicaress Sister Patricia Casey, O.P., Councilor Sister Julie Grieg, O.P., Councilor

Editor Deanna Werner

From the Head of School......... 3 Set the World Ablaze................ 4 Around Campus....................... 5 Panthers on the Prowl.............10 Alumni News...........................14 Featured Alumni: Venric Mark....14 Alumni Snapshots......................16 Class Notes................................. 20 In Memoriam ........................... 22

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From the Head of School The development of new technologies and the larger digital world represents a great resource for humanity. –­Benedict XVI Back in 2008 you may have heard that within five years or so, our cell phones would replace many of the functions of our computers. And, you may have looked at your flip phone and said, “Really? I don’t see how!” If we could have fast forwarded to St. Pius X High School in the fall of 2012, we would have seen - and how! Rather than being banned and/or confiscated in classrooms, cell phones, now smart phones, and their cousins – tablets and e-readers as well as laptops – were in frequent use. What happened? Simply put, technology and the means of acquiring information has advanced, and education changed in tandem to make good use of these advances. Cell phones evolved from devices for conversation and texting to small personal computers which grant access to a world of research and collaboration. Almost overnight teachers and students could communicate on a platform which the students embraced. More importantly, the use of personal technology allows high school students to experience an expanded curriculum and the expectations of college-level learning, research and collaboration.

Three-quarters of a year in effect, BYOD has brought a new vitality to our learning community as faculty hone their technology skills in the classroom and at Tech Thursdays, where they seek out new apps and learn how to use them to enhance their teaching. Students have enthusiastically and responsibly embraced the program and are more energized in their learning. What is next on the SPX technology horizon? Just as our classroom walls have figuratively come down, so will those of our library. While hardback books will always have a place in our school, technology as a means of teaching and learning will continue to enjoy an enhanced role. Many stacks of magazines and shelves of books will give way to databases and e-books. So, as we finalized the plans for a new Science Building, we envision that it is a logical location for a new Digital Media Center, where students could research collaboratively and individually. The rendering below of the Science Building reflecting the new Media Center offers a glimpse of our future.

As we evaluated the various approaches to incorporating personal technology into the classrooms of SPX, we studied the programs which were already in development. Some of our peer institutions opted for a uniform Buy Everyone a New Device (BEND) approach to technology in the classroom. At SPX, we instead chose a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program in which each student is encouraged to use his/her personal technology, and thus more seamlessly integrate into the digital world and access established curriculum. While there are some accompanying stresses to this program, the advantages are many. A BYOD program • • • • •

Reduces costs to the school and to families Employs the existing technology, skills and knowledge of the students Motivates students to the responsible care and use of their personal devices Allows the financial resources of the school to be directed to faculty and curriculum development rather than capital expenditures Reflects the real world in the diversity of devices in use in business and at the university level

As this last point illustrates, BYOD is a natural extension of the identity of SPX as a microcosm of the real world. In practice, BYOD was already in use among students as they communicated with their peers, researched and completed class assignments.

Providing students and staff with a 21st century digital learning environment is part of our core values. As a Dominican community, our charism of preaching calls us to challenge our students to embrace the words of Benedict XVI “the increased availability of new technologies demands greater responsibility.” In Veritas,

Donna M. Pollard, O.P. Head of School stpiusx.org | 3

Construction Begins on West Campus Expansion Holiday breaks often signal the start of construction projects at SPX, and Spring Break 2013 was no exception. Within hours of the last student cars vacating the Brinkman lot on the Thursday before the holiday, heavy equipment rolled in to begin the West Campus Expansion project.

This additional drive will ultimately allow for student drop-off on the west side of campus, easing congestion in the carpool lane and traffic in general along Donovan Street. The project will also provide the next infrastructure component necessary to the construction of the science building.

The first step of Phase II of the Set the World Ablaze campaign, the West Campus Expansion is fundamental to the future construction of the science building. Key elements of the project include:

If the spring rains continue to be seasonal, the project should be completed in mid-April.

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Building a drive on the west side of the campus from the Brinkman entrance around the softball field and creating an exit in the northwest corner of the property Constructing a plaza between the new science building and the recently added west entrance to the main school building Installing new lighting in these areas

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Pius News Math Labs Achieve Model Classroom Status

Marge Harris’ Math Labs 4 and 6 were awarded Model Classroom status by Ascend Education. The Ascend Math Model School Program was created to honor schools and individual classrooms that implement Ascend Math with fidelity and integrity and hold them up as leaders in math intervention and models for others. The program seeks to celebrate the students’ and school’s success while providing the opportunity to share best practices with others. The Model School program encourages educators to build a network of knowledge, sharing with other educators the challenges they face and the strategies they use to overcome these challenges with the help of Ascend Math®.

SPX Students Hold Annual Food and Toy Drives

St. Pius X has a lot to be thankful for throughout the year, but especially during the holiday season. Sponsored by Student Council and Black History Club, the annual Thanksgiving food drive brings the SPX community together to support those in need. This year’s donations replenished the shelves for St. Matthew’s food pantry and Casa Juan Diego. Thank you to everyone who dropped off items!

Math department teacher and chair Marge Harris is a master implementer of Ascend Math. She regularly sets ambitious goals and uses data to monitor student progress and improve upon her students’ success. Harris has been using Ascend Math effectively for six years to help struggling students close math skill gaps quickly and get back to grade level quickly. In one semester, one student completed four grade levels, six completed two grade levels, and 17 more completed a full grade level. “At St. Pius X, we believe in challenging our students to realize their full potential and having Ascend Math as a component of our Learning for Success Program has been tremendous,” SPX Academic Dean Diane Larsen said. “We are extremely proud of the efforts Mrs. Harris makes to meet the needs of individual students and to teach them to enjoy learning.”

Student Council and the Foreign Language Department joined forces for the annual SPX Toy Drive to collect Christmas gifts for Houston children. This annual collection helped ensure that children involved with St. Joseph Parish Social Ministry, facilitated by Sr. Lucia Schexnayder, O.P., and Casa Juan Diego in Houston would have presents to open on Christmas morning.

As an Ascend Math Model Educator, Marge Harris will have the opportunity to share best practices with other educators and districts who will likely benefit from her knowledge and experience. stpiusx.org | 5

Around Campus Homecoming 2012 Goes to Infinity and Beyond The 2012 SPX Homecoming Week kicked off with a “Bring Out Your Inner Child” theme on Monday, Oct. 22. Special dress days such as “Toy Story Day” and “Pixar Movie Day” guaranteed a great buildup to Saturday’s Homecoming Dance theme, “To Infinity and Beyond”. School spirit was elevated for the Homecoming football game with “Class Color Day” Thursday and a pep rally at the end of “Spirit Day” Friday. The SPX Panthers overpowered Beaumont Kelly Catholic, 63-13, that evening. During halftime, senior Briana Santiago was crowned Homecoming Queen. Kyle Crawford was announced Homecoming King at the dance on Saturday, Oct. 27.


Pius News Theatre SPX Lights Up the Stage During first semester, Theatre SPX students marveled theatergoers with two performances, a musical and a Shakespeare play... How do you spell hit? Quite simple, really. The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee. Theatre SPX performed this Drama Desk and Tony Award winning musical comedy as its first production of the year in October. The story follows six students Chip Tolentino (Dylan Lambert-top photo), Logainne Schwarzandgrubenniere or Schwatzy for short (Caroline Schell-bottom photo), Leaf Coneybear (Nathan Murphy), William Barfee (Gabriel Kearnsmiddle photo), Marcy Park (Canny Align), and Olive Ostrovky (Laura Loustalot) as they try to spell their way towards first prize and a chance to compete in the finals in Washington. Featuring an incredible score by William Finn, a completely unpredictable “audience participation” component, and an unforgettable cast of characters, the student actors in Spelling Bee carried a message that, sometimes, it’s tough to be smart, it’s OK to be different, and that joy can be found in the oddest of places.

The granddaddy of all romantic comedies. More than 400 years ago, Shakespeare created a set of characters as funny and familiar today as they were then. Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks? Tracy and Hepburn? Meet Beatrice and Benedick. Beatrice was portrayed by Chelsea Chance while Schuyler Link played the part of Benedick (pictured to the right). Andre Lolan appeared as Leonato, the wellto-do governor of Messina (pictured far right).

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Around Campus Band Puts Best Foot Forward First Semester

Twenty Soloists and Vocal Ensembles Advance to State Competition Twenty in all, 15 soloists and five ensembles, received the highestpossible rating at the region level and are set to compete at the TAPPS Music State Meet in April. With a Superior rating of I on a Class I Solo, each of the following soloists advanced to state: Seniors Allison Shely, Hallie Smith, Janelle Walker, Laura Loustalot, Adrian Gonzales, Branlyn Jones, Erik Sandstrom, Jesse Lara, Rachel Wile and Alex Mackzum, junior Kendall Chancellor, and sophomores Thinh Huynh, Nathan Murphy, Gregory Fails and Claire Mouton.

Under the student leadership of senior drum major Christian Mercado and senior color guard captain Hallie Smith, the Panther Marching Band and Color Guard competed in a University Interscholastic League (UIL) marching contest in Louisiana in November. The group earned an excellent rating of II, and St. Pius X Band Director Debbie Swindler felt this was quite an accomplishment for their first UIL marching contest. Later that month, the SPX instrumental music program finished marching season and entered concert season. In December, the concert band traveled to four feeder schools for its annual Christmas Tour. The schools included on the tour were Assumption Catholic School, St. Jerome Catholic School, St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School and Resurrection School. Ms. Swindler described the experience enthusiastically, “We were given a positive reception at all the schools as we shared Christmas music with them, kindergarten through eighth grade.” Also in December, the band performed a Christmas concert at the Downtown Aquarium. After the concert, the band students enjoyed the exhibits, game and rides at the aquarium. A busy first semester ended with the winter concert for parents, family, friends and the St. Pius X community. The band joined with Beppo Bells and the Choral Music Department for a wonderful performance. For the first time ever, the band and the concert choral performed two joint selections.


Mixed Sacred Ensemble No. 1 and No. 2, Mixed Sacred Ensemble No. 3 - Campus Singers, Mixed Sacred Ensemble No. 4 - Treble Choir, and Pop/Show Choir Ensemble - Campus Singers – advanced to the state competition by receiving a superior rating from all three judges. “We are proud to have had such an outstanding and record-setting showing this year,” senior choirmaster Mr. Patrick Spedale said. “The work of our vocal coaches is really to be commended. Under their leadership, we were able to have more solo contestants and state advancers than ever before.” This record-setting performance is the second straight for the St. Pius X Vocal Music Department as it continues a long tradition of excellence in musical performance and presentation. Vocal solo students are coached by Mr. Carlton Ford and Ms. Julie Allison while ensembles are directed by Mr. Spedale.

You can light up their future. They are your legacy. If you will it. A bequest is a simple way to support St. Pius X while retaining control of your assets during your lifetime. We can be named as the beneficiary of your will, trust, retirement plan, life insurance policy, or financial accounts. So whether you are taking those first important steps towards planning your estate or updating your estate plan, contact us today. We are honored to posthumously welcome Beatrice Ermis, mother of Joyce Ermis ’74, as the newest member of the Torchbearer Society. Mrs. Ermis made a provision in her estate for a gift to SPX in memory of her daughter.

Let us know.

Torchbearer Society

Sharing your plans is easy and places you under no obligation. Contact us today: Mail: 811 W. Donovan St. | Houston, TX 77091 Phone: 713.579.7512 E-mail: legacy@stpiusx.org Web: www.stpiusx.org


Many of our alumni, parents and friends have included St. Pius X High School in their wills or estate plans but haven’t had the opportunity to tell us. If your plans include a bequest to St. Pius X that will one day leave a legacy for our students, please let us know. We would like to thank you for your generous commitment and welcome you to The Torchbearer Society. Future support from people like you ensures we continue to provide a strong Dominican, Catholic education for generation of students to come. And by sharing your intentions, we can keep you informed of our mission to uphold the high standards of education which you have come to know and cherish.

carry the light. leave a leagacy.

...on the Prowl

ESPN Spotlight Shines on Panther Football Another chapter in the fabled history of Panther football was written on Sept. 6, 2012, when ESPNU broadcast trucks rolled into campus to televise the annual showdown between the SPX Panthers and the Sealy Tigers. Capitalizing on the star qualities of top prospects Kohl Stewart, quarterback for SPX, and Ricky Seals-Jones, Sealy’s quarterback/wide receiver, ESPN chose this game for its inaugural high school broadcast from Houston. “It was definitely a once-in-a-lifetime occasion to play on national TV,” SPX Athletic Director Jason Kimball said. “Watching the production unfold right there on our campus was pretty amazing.” The event was six months in the making. Early in the spring of 2012, head football coach Blake Ware received a call, asking whether the Panthers would be interested in participating in the ESPN package. The game would mark the first time a Texas 3A or independent school would appear on the ESPN network. Quickly mentally reviewing opponents, Ware pitched the possibility of a marquee matchup between Stewart, a Texas A&M commit who is ranked sixth among pocket passers nationally by ESPN, and Seals-Jones, the nation’s 8th-best receiver according to ESPN. The network was intrigued and the planning began. The opportunity to showcase St. Pius X High School and the football program was huge, but the event was not without potential pitfalls.

To facilitate a high-definition broadcast, lighting was upgraded. To accommodate larger than usual crowds, temporary bleachers were installed. The need for additional parking and security was included in the planning. And then there was the surprise request for a helicopter landing pad for Texas A&M Head Football Coach Kevin Sumlin, who planned to drop in (literally) to check on his top prospect – Stewart. As game time approached, it was apparent that this event was Panther football taken to the max: a giant semi-trailer – the nerve center for ESPNU – had arrived on Wednesday and was perched on the edge of the student parking lot. Huge lighting banks which had been hoisted above the home bleachers turned the turf of Parsley Field into a glistening, green blanket. Alumni and parent fans warmed up for the game in the reserved tailgating lot, and the Panther faithful mingled with local dignitaries at impromptu festivities around the field. The band, Beppo Squad, Campus Singers, cheerleaders, and Pantherettes all contributed to the swell of Panther Pride that spread through the Stadium. Chapters like this are supposed to conclude with a certain ending, and this is no exception. The Panthers prevailed with a 45-21 win. “As a whole, our players will have a lifelong memory of playing on national television. It brought the St. Pius X community into the homes of millions of Americans through the sport of football,” Kimball said. “It truly was a great experience for everyone.”


Pius News SPX Represented at Under Armour All-America Game Senior quarterback Kohl Stewart was presented with an honorary game jersey on Thursday, Oct. 18, 2012 as part of the 2013 American Family Insurance Selection Tour for the 2013 Under Armour All-America Game. The 20-minute ceremony took place at noon inside the Herzstein Gym. Stewart, a Texas A&M commit, had already earned All-America honors in baseball and officially received that distinction for football too. He was one of 90 of the nation’s top high school seniors spotlighted for the sixth annual Under Armour All-America Game. Stewart was unable to attend the game on Friday, Jan. 4, 2013 at Tropicana Field in St. Petersburg, Fla., due to injury, but St. Pius X football was still represented by head coach Blake Ware. Ware was selected as one of 16 coaches for the prestigious competition.

After being presented his honorary game jersey, Kohl Stewart posed for a photo with Academic Dean Diane Larsen, Head of School Sister Donna M. Pollard, O.P. and Athletic Director Jason Kimball.

Ware said he enjoyed several aspects of the trip, but meeting the #1 high school recruit in the nation and having breakfast with Herm Edwards (pictured right), the former New York Jets and Kansas City Chiefs head coach, were a couple of the highlights. “I was very excited to represent the St. Pius X High School community. The Under Armour game was a very memorable experience both personally and professionally. To be able to be around some of the best high school football players and football coaches in the country was an unforgettable experience.”


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...on the Prowl

Stewart Named Offensive Player of the Year St. Pius X High School quarterback Kohl Stewart was selected as The Touchdown Club of Houston’s Offensive Player of the Year at the club’s inaugural Private High School Awards Dinner at the JW Marriott in early December. Stewart completed 170 of 313 passes for 2,560 yards and 28 touchdowns last season. He also added 483 rushing yards and six scores. For his career, Stewart finished as SPX’s all-time leader in passing yards (8,831) and passing touchdowns (86). Several Panthers were selected as finalists for a number of other honors including Coach of the Year finalist Blake Ware, Offensive Player of the Year finalist Damitri Morris, Defensive Player of the Year finalists Kenneth Danna and Joel Segura and Lineman of the Year finalist Michael Vicic. The St. Pius X football team advanced to the TAPPS 5A Division I quarterfinals and finished the year with a 9-3 overall record.

Panthers Pile Up All-State Awards Following the 2012 season, Panther football took home 12 TAPPS Division I All-State and 25 TAPPS 1-3A All-District honors.



WR – Damitri Morris Sr. OL – Michael Vicic Sr. LB – Kenneth Danna Punter – Kohl Stewart

Kohl Stewart

SECOND TEAM QB – Kohl Stewart TB – Micah Massey WR – Nick Caine DL – Jerry Murrillo DB – Chase Fontana DB – Will Lockett

HONORABLE MENTION OL – Travis Hartman LB – Corinthians Walker

FIRST TEAM QB – Kohl Stewart WR – Nick Caine WR – Damitri Morris RB – Micah Massey OL – Michael Vicic OL – Travis Hartman DL – Jerry Murillo LB – Corinthians Walker LB – Kenneth Danna DB – Chase Fontana DB – Will Lockett Punter – Kohl Stewart

SECOND TEAM WR – Sebastian Schwartz WR – Brian Newman OL – Ryan Webb Kicker – Javier Ponce DL – Sam Pierce DL – Avery Sims LB – Joel Segura DB – Marcus Evans



OL – Spencer Elston DL – Clayton Owen DL – Austin Hancock DB – Jalen Smith

Pius News Volleyball Serves Up a Successful Season The St. Pius X volleyball team has been a dominant force in the district, having won the last two district titles. The Lady Panthers made a trip to the TAPPS state quarterfinals last year and entered the 2012 season with even loftier ambitions. “Our goal this year was to win district again and to get past the quarterfinals,” head coach Preston Smith said. “We were a game away from tying for the district championship. “The biggest thing about this season is that everyone played out of position. We graduated a lot of position players and in order for us to be successful, we had to do that. We played fast volleyball and that won us a lot of games, and we were also one of the best defensive teams in the state.”

Earning TAPPS All-State first team honors was sophomore libero Natalie Nevlud. Junior setter Kelly Stewart was named all-state second team and senior outside hitter Aubyn Link made all-state honorable mention. Each of these three student-athletes was selected to the TAPPS All-District first team, while Link and Stewart also earned academic all-state awards. St. Pius X members of the TAPPS All-District second team include senior outside hitter Anna Beth Wilhelm, senior right side hitter Briana Hester, junior middle hitter Anisa Flores and sophomore outside hitter Hannah Laster. Junior middle hitter Lexi Alexander and sophomore outside hitter Kaylee Zarosky received all-district honorable mention.

St. Pius X lost to a towering Final Four participant in Dallas Ursuline Academy in the state playoffs. The Lady Panthers finished the season with a 14-9 record and hope to make a successful run in the playoffs next year. Smith commended his seniors, as almost all of the student-athletes played for him for four years and put a lot of time and effort into the program. “The seniors built up one of the best volleyball programs in Houston,” he said. “They set a precedent.” Senior Anna Beth Wilhelm’s mother, Mrs. Polly Wilhelm, also ended her stint as the Director of Operations for the Lady Panthers. Smith said she helped the program tremendously. “Mrs. Wilhelm kept the program running smooth,” Smith said. “She allowed us to focus on the players and coaching and not worry about a lot of other things. She’s going to be missed.”

Girls Rugby Gets Chance of a Lifetime Long before the 2013 season even started, the St. Pius X girls rugby team got an opportunity that most young ruggers would dream of – to meet the USA Women’s Rugby 7’s team. Not only did they meet head coach Ric Suggitt and several members of the team, USA Rugby President Nigel Melville was on-hand, as well as Mayor Annise D. Parker. So why were the Lady Panthers gathered with all of these important people at beautiful BBVA Stadium? To witness the announcement that the first-ever, stand-alone Women’s International Rugby Board (IRB) 7s Tournament was to be held in Houston. “It was an amazing opportunity for our ladies to be a part of this international event,” said St. Pius X Athletic Director Jason Kimball. “From Mayor Parker sharing her rugby roots, to Coach Suggitt and the ladies of team USA giving them pointers, all of the girls shared how much of a life-changing experience it was.” stpiusx.org | 13

...on the Prowl

I’m proud to be a Panther and I’ll never forget where I came from no matter where I go.

Venric Makes His Mark at Northwestern When asked if he could relive a day at St. Pius X High School, Northwestern University’s All-American running back, Venric Mark, immediately and without doubt spoke of a moment of failure. “If I could go back in time, by far, by far, the moment would be Fort Worth Nolan, state semifinal game, last play,” he said. “On the 2-yard line, to tie the game, to go to the championship, I got stopped, because I went the wrong way. It came down to the last play and it was a disaster.” Forget the fact that he was the leading rusher for the Panthers in the game or that he had already scored three touchdowns prior to that play, Venric Emeka Wokocha Mark, whose name means “God’s mighty warrior,” wanted to return to battle to turn a heartbreaking defeat into a triumph. While Mark may not have prevailed in the state semifinal game his senior season, the Panther running back was still a two-time team MVP, the district’s MVP, a two-time all-state honorable mention selection, and he was sought after by many Division I universities. Today, awaiting his senior season this fall at Northwestern, Mark has already earned first-team All-America honors by the Football Writers Association of America, CBSSports.com and The Sporting News. He ranked No. 1 in the Big Ten and 12th in the country with 166.6 allpurpose yards per contest as a junior. He also added a team-best 15 total scores and the second-most single-season all-purpose yards (1,366) in school history. “I don’t think people realized last year was my first year actually being a starting running back for every game,” Mark said. “I’m excited (for next year). I’m ready to grow. I have higher expectations for myself than I did last year, because I didn’t really know what I was getting into last year. Now I know, and I can play a lot better than what I did and give more effort on certain plays, and that’s what I plan on doing.” Working harder and playing better is all Mark has done since arriving on Northwestern’s campus in 2010. He earned a spot as primary kick14

off and punt returner by the end of his freshman year and shifted from receiver to running back midway through his sophomore season. With one final collegiate season remaining, Mark, a sociology major, also has his eyes on another goal – the NFL. “If a desk job is waiting for me, then it’s going to be waiting for me,” he said. “Other than that, if I can make money playing the game I love, that’s what I would want to do.” With national recognition at the collegiate level and a bright future ahead of him, Mark still remembers the strong foundation for success that St. Pius X built within him. “St. Pius basically opened my eyes to help me be open-minded,” he said. “When I came in here (Northwestern) I thought I should be playing a lot and that didn’t happen. Coming in to St. Pius I didn’t start on varsity right away. I had to work my way up to that, so playing there helped me get my attitude right, and once I did that then everything started clicking on all cylinders. Also at St. Pius, we had great team chemistry and we have that here. It’s not too cliquish. We all love each other, and that’s how it was at St. Pius too.” Mark also spoke of more positive aspects at SPX and one person in particular that helped him learn from his mistakes. “Because of St. Pius, I got a great opportunity to come to Northwestern. There were a lot of great people there that helped me with the process and helped me get to where I am now. I also cherish getting to know coach (now athletic director, Jason) Kimball because he really impacted my life big. He helped me keep my head on straight when things weren’t going too hot. “I’m proud to be a Panther and I’ll never forget where I came from no matter where I go.”

Pius News You Should Be Dancing with us at the Annual Gala

This year, the cure for Saturday Night Fever was to put on your Boogie Shoes at the School’s 17th annual Gala. Held at The Woodlands Waterway Marriott on Saturday, Oct. 20, the Gala raised more than $440,000. The SPX Foundation was honored to recognize Mrs. Trinidad Mendenhall Sosa as the recipient of the Del Sarto Humanitarian Award for her work and generosity on behalf of others. Often known as “Trini”, Mrs. Mendenhall Sosa is a long-time resident of Houston who has made it her life’s work to share with her community the many gifts God has given her. She launched the Trini & O.C. Mendenhall Foundation to enhance the lives of Houston’s underserved women, children and minorities and provides scholarship funding for Houston’s inner-city Catholic schools. She also gave the University of St. Thomas its largest gift by an individual donor. This gift established the Mendenhall Achievement Center, led to the formation of the Mendenhall Summer Institute and established a scholarship fund for students in need. This 2012 festivities, led by Gala Chairs Teri O’Connor and Terrie Sechrist, kicked off with cocktails, a silent and a big-board auction, and followed with dinner and a live auction. Music and entertainment was provided by ProSoundCo, owned and operated by Daniel Pawlowksi ‘06. Notable attendees included long time benefactors and friends of the School Daniel Cardinal DiNardo, Bishop George Sheltz, Sister Carol Mayes, O.P., Mrs. Raye G. White, Mr. Ralph Marek and Head of School Sister Donna M. Pollard, O.P. stpiusx.org | 15

Alumni News: Snapshots 1962 The Class of 1962 officially celebrated its 50-year reunion during Reunion Weekend, Sept. 21-23. The fun began with the Head of School Reception at St. Pius X on Friday night. The casual reception included light appetizers, beverages and guided tours of campus. Saturday evening, 92 alumni and guests from the Class of ‘62 gathered at Christ the Redeemer Catholic Church for dinner and a dance. The weekend concluded with the Golden Panther Mass and Luncheon on Sunday. The class honored its deceased members during the Mass, where several of the families of the deceased alumni were present. Following the luncheon, the Class of ‘62 committee members presented Sr. Donna with a $2,000 gift for the Set the World Ablaze Campaign. Committee members included Paul Descant, Tavia Descant Mitchell, Edgar Hancock, Virginia Keller Felchak, Don Krysinski, Rudy Miculk, Pat Mills Kramberg, Tony Montalbano, Gerald Schattle and Darrell Stallworth.



SPX Reunion Weekend

Pius News


Several members of the Class of 1967 attended the Head of School Reception on Friday, Sept. 21. The next evening, nearly 50 alumni and guests from the class gathered for a casual 45-year reunion at Goode Company BBQ on 290. Reunion committee members were Phyllis Fischer Carney, Goldie McFadden McAlexander and Delores Walzel Kerr.

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Alumni News: Snapshots 1987



SPX Reunion Weekend

The Class of 1987 celebrated its 25th reunion Saturday night at The Corkscrew which is owned by SPX Alum Andy Adams ’85. The group enjoyed appetizers, drinks and music from the 80’s. The reunion committee responsible for bringing the class together consisted of Kimberley Williams O’Quinn, Karen Tarnowski Love and Shannon Smith.

Pius News

1992 About 15 alumni from the Class of 1992 were present at Friday’s Head of School Reception. A much larger group met Saturday evening at the DoubleTree Hotel at JFK for their 20th reunion where many laughs and memories were shared. This class added a special family component on Sunday with Family Fun Day at Deussen Park in Houston.

Alumni News: Calendar April 2013 THU


Booster Club Golf Classic Canongate at The Woodlands – Panther Trail Golf Course 2311 N Millbend Dr. The Woodlands, TX 77380-1360

May 2013 SAT


Graduation 3:30 p.m. Catholic Charismatic Center 1949 Cullen Blvd. Houston, Texas 77023

July 2013 THU


Pasta Thursday 11 a.m. Sacred Heart Society 816 East Whitney Drive Houston TX 77022

Schedule: 11 a.m. - Registration Driving Range Open 11:30 a.m. - Lunch 1 p.m. - Shotgun Start 5:30 p.m. - Awards Dinner/Auction

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Alumni News: Class Notes Paula Peranteau Calvin ‘62 has written a book entitled “American Women Artists in Wartime, 1776-2010”. She is writing a second book now. Judge Judy Kaderka Warne ‘77 was named Jurist of the Year on August 6, 2012 by the Texas Chapter of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers.

Krissa Jankowski Muentuis ‘96 and husband, Chad, welcomed baby girl #3 on June 28, 2012. Karsyn Grace Mentuis weighed 6 lbs. 8 oz. She joins big sisters, Kamdyn (5) and Kinley (3).

Joseph Siarski ‘99 and Crissy Zarzana Gilliam ‘99 were married on June 16, 2012. Stacy Bilnoski McEnaney ‘01 and husband, John, welcomed their first child, John Matthew III, on August 16, 2012.

Frankie D’Armata ‘89 popped the question on Christmas Eve 2011, to now wife, Diane Spina. They were married on February 28, 2013. Kirk Jankowski ‘93 married Danna Nixon ‘95 on October 20, 2012. Mike Diaz ’94 and wife, Liz, welcomed son, Eli Michael Diaz, on September 14, 2012.

Raina James ‘97 is an independent film maker and videographer. She has been working with Hewlett Packard and has also done work for the state attorney general’s office, health department and the City of Bastrop. Some of her work has been aired on PBS and the Discovery Channel. She still resides in Austin, Texas, and travels extensively on assignments. Vergel Cruz ‘97 was elected as a delegate to the 2012 Republican National Convention and for his district was elected Committeeman to the State Republican Executive Committee, the governing body of the Texas GOP.

Jamie Coleman Bartula ‘96 and husband, Daren, welcomed their second daughter, Brooklyn Claire, on November 10, 2012. She joins big sister, Bailey.

Jonathan and Kristi Coufal Kolmetz ‘98/’98 added to their family on May 20, 2012 with the birth of son, Benjamin. Big brother, Jackson, is excited about his new playmate.

Davis James ’03 works as a professional photographer in San Antonio, specializing in weddings and sports photography. He is currently attending UTSA and hopes to graduate soon. Matthew Ryza ‘03 and wife, Courtney, welcomed daughter, Guinevere Lyn Ryza, on February 28, 2012. Guinevere is the granddaughter of Suzanne Seeberger Grosch ‘77, niece of Michelle Ryza ‘00 and Samantha Grosch ‘14 and cousin of many SPX graduates.

Brian Heinrich ‘04 married Brenna Hilbig on November 10, 2012 in her hometown of Rockne, Texas. The happy couple honeymooned in the Virgin Islands. 20


Laurie Orlando Herbert ‘04 and her husband, Justin Herbert, welcomed their daughter, Ryleigh Ann Herbert on November 1, 2011 in The Woodlands, Texas. Laurie is currently teaching PreK in Spring ISD and lives in the Conroe area with Justin, Ryleigh and their dog Luigi.

neers. In addtion, she is a competitive member of the UT Gymnastics team. Sarah Motes ‘10 attends Texas A&M University and earned the designation of “Distinguished Student” for the 2012 spring semester in the College of Engineering.

a n ote We ? wan Con t it tac ! t D Mes e n chw ise it ’84, Alum z Lloyd ni D irec 713.5 tor, 7 9.75 lloyd 85 d@s tpiu sx.o rg the proud parents of son Ethan Hayes Dettmann on July 25, 2012.

Students, Faculty & Staff Notes

Alex Smith ‘05 graduated from The University of Texas School of Law in May 2012. Alex has accepted a position in The Office of the Attorney General of Texas and resides in Austin.

Amber Cook ‘14 was selected as Miss Harris County Fair Sweet Heart Queen for 2012. The royalty court serves as ambassadors for the Harris County Fair. As a representative of the Harris County court, one must posses outstanding attributes of charm, personality, intelligence, grace, beauty and confidence.

Valerie Landry, part-time SPX staff member and former girls soccer coach, brought her daughter, Brooke, to SPX Cheer camp. Here she shows her Panther spirit and looks forward to the day she will be a part of the SPX family in the class of 2024!

Tasha Eleanore Foster ‘06 graduated from the University of Houston-Downtown in December 2012 with a Bachelor of Science in interdisciplinary studies. Kyle Heinrich ‘08 graduated on December 14, 2012 from Texas A&M University with a degree in mechanical engineering and a minor in math. He has a job with WorleyParsons as a pipeline engineer, which he started in January 2013. William A Ventura ‘08 graduated from the University of St. Thomas on May 12, 2012 with a major in finance and a minor in economics. Johann D’Souza ‘08 graduated Cum Laude in May 2012 from the University of Dallas with a theology degree. He spent his summer working at the Crotona Center, a character develeopment program in Bronx, N.Y. Sarah Williams ‘09 is a senior at the University of Texas at Austin majoring in civil engineering. She anticipates graduating in May 2013 and is applying to graduate school for the fall in the discipline of structural engineering. While at UT she has been involved in several student organizations, including Chi Epsilon (the national civil engineering honor society), the American Society of Civil Engineers, and the Society of Women Engi-

Bo Garza ’15 participated in the Skills for Living Game of Real Life in Houston on July 28, 2012 where he was one of 200 participants. The object of the Game was to determine who could build the highest net worth, and Bo won overall. He was also announced the highest investor with the highest net worth and revenue. He was awarded a brand new Dell PC, a Target gift card, and he will be followed through high school and nominated a Target Scholar by his employer in the Game, Wells Fargo.

Marge Harris, current SPX faculty member, welcomed her grandson, Devon Wyatt Harris, on June 5, 2012. Claudia Somerville, current SPX faculty member, and husband, Ted, welcomed daughter Carolina Sofia on September 17, 2012.

Dylan Lambert ‘16 played the part of one of the Lost Boys in the two-time Emmy Award winning and two-time Tony Award nominated Theatre Under the Stars (TUTS) production of “Peter Pan” staring Cathy Rigby in December 2012. Alicia Green Dettmann, current SPX faculty member, and husband, Matt, became stpiusx.org | 21

Alumni News: In Memoriam Marie Murski Ullrich, April 11, 2012, mother of Carol Ullrich Jaster ‘66 Adolph “Sonny” Kainer, May 10, 2012, uncle of Betty Kainer Taylor ‘61, Patricia Fenn Koteras ‘63, James “Jimmy” Kainer ‘63, Mary Fenn Farmer ‘64, Doris Kainer Henderson ‘70, Marcia Lobpries Reynolds ‘70, Karen Lobpries Jackson ‘72 and Deborah Lobpries Buck ‘73, great uncle of Tiffany Koteras Whiteside ‘85 and Courtney Koteras Smith ‘89 Vernon Paul O’Rourke ‘74, May 20, 2012, brother of Kathy O’Rourke ‘72, Leslie O’Rourke ‘73, Eileen O’Rourke Gottschalk ‘76, Claudia O’Rourke Smith ‘77 and Janel O’Rourke Kenneth Clyde Darrell, June 8, 2012, father-in-law of Cathy Cano Darnell ‘88 and grandfather of Sabrina Darnell ‘13 Charles Walkoviak, June 9, 2012, brother of Jerome Walkoviak ‘63 Maria Serna Neale ‘81, June 15, 2011, sister of Lisa Serna Kliebert ‘85 Elizabeth Ann Green, June 18, 2012, mother of Jimmy Green ‘68, aunt of Anthony Michael Green ‘66 and preceded in death by her niece Mary Ann Green Kopecky ‘61 Charles “Chuck L. Taulor ’64, July 11, 2012 Victor Krusleski, July 12, 2012, father of Donald “Don” Krusleski ‘68 Leon Alvin Raines, July 17, 2012, father of Janice Raines Swonke ‘63, Judith Raines ‘66, and Joan Raines Cockrell ‘71 Dayton Helms, July 21, 2012, son of Melissa Simmons Helms ‘98 and husband Chad, great grandson of Charlie and Angie Heinrich, grandson of Dennis and Elaine Heinrich Simmons ‘77, nephew of Brittany Simmons ‘02, great nephew of Vincent Yezak ‘75, Charlene Heinrich Yezak ‘75, Dennis Heinrich ‘76, Lynda Good Heinrich, Ronald Heinrich ‘78, Robert Heise ‘81, Susan Heinrich Heise ‘81, Lori Heinrich Banuelos ‘84 and Charlie Banuelos, cousin of Brian Heinrich ‘04, Leslie Heinrich Hillger ‘05 and Kyle Heinrich ‘08 Gervais William Straker, Sr., July 28, 2012, grandfather of Justin Straker ‘99 Joseph Alois Kokes, July 30, 2012, grandfather of Jason Kokes ‘02, Christine Kokes ‘04 and Matthew Kokes ‘07 Jane Ann Child, August 6, 2012, friend and benefactor of St. Pius X Howard George Wiedemann, August 7, 2012, father of Kipp Wiedemann ‘77 and Barbette Wiedemann-Stone ‘80


Joseph Michael Quartaro, August 8, 2012, husband of Phyllis Muse Quartaro ‘76, father of Matthew Quartaro ‘08, Lindsey Quartaro ‘11 and Dayna Quartaro Noski, brother-in-law to Frank Salvato ‘64 and Katherine “Kay” Muse Salvato ‘68 Viola Luna, August 9, 2012, motherin-law of James “Jim” Venarske ‘ 61 and grandmother of Melissa Northway Sanders ‘99 Ezadore “Boudreaux” Gurka, August 11, 2012, father of Sharon Gurka Mladenka ‘87 Frank Lopez “TJ” Tijernia, Jr., August 22, 2012, grandfather of Freddie Tijerina ‘96 Clerus Heinrich, August 26, 2012, brother of Charlie Heinrich, uncle of Charlene Heinrich Yezak ‘75, Dennis Heinrich ‘76, Elaine Heinrich Simmons ‘77, Ronald Heinrich ‘78, Robert Heise ‘81, Susan Heinrich Heise ‘81 and Lori Heinrich Banuelos ‘84, great uncle of Melissa Simmons Helms ‘98, Brittany Simmons ‘02, Brian Heinrich ‘04, Leslie Heinrich Hillger ‘05 and Kyle Heinrich ‘08 George Joseph Banuelos, August 26, 2012, brother-in-law of Lori Heinrich Banuelos ‘84 Richard Gilbert Cagle, August 26, 2012, father of Commissoner R. Jack Cagle and grandfather of Richard Cagle ‘08 Julia “Judy” Welling, August 31, 2012, wife of J. Fredrick Welling, Sr., friends and long time supporters of the St. Pius X Gala Foundation Lige Bielamowicz, September 5, 2012, father of Phillip Bielamowicz ‘65, Patrick Bielamowicz ‘69 and Paul Bielamowicz ‘73, and uncle of Debbie Bielamowicz Cavanaugh ‘69 Joyce Evelyn Lloyd, September 12, 2012, mother-in-law of Denise Meschwitz Lloyd ‘84, husband, Darrell and grandmother to future SPX Panther, Colston Lloyd ‘17 Rose Scarpino, September 19, 2012, grandmother of current SPX student Jacob Summers ‘15 Marcelo Gonzales, September 23, 2012, grandfather of Tiffany Salinas ‘96 Peter Wilganowski, September 24, 2012, grandfather of current SPX student, Lauren Wilganowski ‘14 Johanna Braunagel, September 28, 2012, mother of Anthony Braunagel ‘67 Jose Benjamin “Benny” Perez, September 30, 2012, father of Nancy Perez Vargas ‘93

Suzanne Weeks, October 2, 2012, sister of Thomas “Tommy” Weeks ‘59 Margaret “Maggie” Thornton, October 3, 2012, aunt of Darlene Clawson Thornton ‘75 and Kelly Clawson ‘79 Verle Rose Hill, October 8, 2012, grandmother of Sarah Hill ‘11 and Emily Hill ‘14 Wayne E. Lambert, October 12, 2012, grandfather of current SPX students Denton Lambert ‘14 and Dylan Lambert ‘16 Clem F. Kotzur, Jr., October 16, 2012, husband of Shirley Jozwiak Kotzur ‘68 Thomas Daniel Hetmaniak ‘61, October 17, 2012, father of Blain Hetmaniak ‘93 and Brandon Hetmaniak ‘96, brother of Bill Hetmaniak ‘63 and wife, Marietta Bishop Hetmaniak ‘64, and Charles Hetmaniak ‘70, uncle of Anne Hetmaniak Zaring ‘85 Sister Marie Therese Moratto, O.P., October 21, 2012, aunt of Mary Moratto ‘70 and husband, Tom Moratto, great aunt of Adriane Moratto Schultea ‘96 and husband, Matt Schultea ‘91, and Thomas Moratto ‘99 Sadie Tilotta Mustachio, October 23, 2012, mother of Leon J. Mustachio ‘64 Alan Vossler and his son, Michael Vossler, October 28, 2012, brother and nephew of Gary Vossler ‘75 and wife, Jannette Januhowski Vossler ‘75, Kathleen “Kathy” Vossler ‘80, uncle and cousin of Stella Somarakis ‘02, Georgia “Crystal” Somarakis ‘04, Nicolaos Somarakis ‘99 and cousin of Crystal Januhowski ‘09 Rosie E. Alonzo, October 28, 2012, mother of Carol Alonzo ‘79, Marie Alonzo ‘81 and Jorge Ramirez Alonzo ‘88 Richard “Dick” Woods, November 4, 2012, husband of Barbara Holik Woods ‘67, father of Jeff Woods ‘89, Jessica Woods Schoenvogel ‘90, Jeremy Woods ‘93 and wife, Lori Mummey Woods ‘92, Jacquie Woods Jacobs ‘99 and husband, Nathan Jacobs ‘98. Brother-in-law of Rita Holik Battenfield ‘68, Edward Battenfield ‘68, Liz Holik Billnoske ‘71, Gerald Holik ‘73 and wife, Cynthia Schrader Holik ‘73, Monica Holik Yonkin ‘76, Michael Holik ‘81 and wife, Sheri Marino Holik ‘82, John Holik ‘84 and wife, Kim Phillips Holik ‘91 and Eddie Holik ‘86 and wife, Anne Wissing Holik ‘86. Uncle of Eddie Battenfield ‘87 and wife, Kim Bua Battenfield ‘87, Jenny Battenfield Klvac ‘89 and husband, David Klvac ‘88, Candice Holik Ludwig ‘98 and husband, Chris Ludwig ‘98, Robbie Battenfield ‘97 and Garrett Holik ‘01

Consuelo M. Gonzalez, November 4, 2012, mother of Henry Gonzalez ‘84, Joseph J. Gonzalez ‘88 and wife, Cindy Kubiak Gonzalez ‘89, grandmother of Lesley Ann Wolfe ‘97, Isaac Gonzalez ‘14, and Allyssa Gonzalez ‘16 Mary Sobotik, November 12, 2012, mother of Carolyn Sobotik Richmond ‘65, Sharon Sobotik Chude ‘66, Janice Sobotik Watts ‘68, brother, Jeff Sobotik and preceded in death by her daughter, Eddie Sue Sobotik Gilbert ‘69 James Schoeplein, November 12, 2012, grandfather of current SPX student, Meredith Archer ‘15 Patrick E. Nailor ‘69, Novemebr 18, 2012, brother of Mary Nailor Bryer ‘68, Sandra Nailor Ruffino ‘74, Kathy Nailor Joyner ‘76, Judy Nailor ‘76, and uncle of Matthew Joyner ‘03 and Joni Joyner ‘08 Helen Elizabeth O’Leary Stallworth, November 21, 2012, mother of Darrell Stallworth ‘62 Claire Whelen Coale ‘80, November 21, 2012 Eddie Land, November 23, 2012, great uncle of Kaitlin Hintz ‘13 Santiago Trevino Cano, November 25, 2012, father of Cathy Cano Darrell ‘88 and grandfather of current SPX student, Sabrina Darrell ‘13 Warren L. Hutchings, November 25, 2012, father of Sharon Hutchings McLeod ‘75 and grandfather of Jessica McLeod ‘01 Helen Ware, December 2, 2012, grandmother of current SPX football coach, Blake Ware and Jamie Ware ‘00 and great grandmother of current SPX student Timmy Ware ‘16 Angeline Michalak Cortez Bearden ‘59, December 5, 2012, sister of Dorothy Michalak Forbert ‘64, Mary Michalak Bristow ‘68 and Virginia “Jenny” Michalak Heintz ‘71 Aloysius Wickliff, December 13, 2012, grandfather of Edward “Bo” Wickliff ‘01 Majorie Mae Addicks Hartman, December 17, 2012, mother of Barbara Hartman Thompson ‘72, Annette Hartman Chiste ‘73, Carol Hartman Ward ‘75, Donna Hartman Kimich ‘77, Teresa Hartman Harris ‘79 and Patricia Hartman Robinson ‘81 Jose A. Castaneda ‘05 passed away on December 31, 2012.

Give to the SPX Fund online at spiusx.org

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Directly Benefits St. Pius X Students


Dominican Sisters | 1956 811 W. DONOVAN STREET HOUSTON, TX 77091-5643


SPX Reunion Weekend

Anniversary Classes: 1963, 1968, 1973, 1978, 1983, 1988, 1993, 1998, 2003, 2008



Head of School Reception for Reunion Classes 7 - 9 p.m. SPX Commons Cocktails and light refreshments

Individual Anniversary Class Reunions Off-Campus CLASS OF 1963 5 p.m. - Golden Panther Mass SPX Auditorium 6 p.m. - 50th Reunion Dinner and Dance SPX Commons

Check the next issue of Pius News and stpiusx.org for the most up-to-date calendar, or scan here!

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