2015-16 SPX BYOD Handbook

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Bring Your Own Device

St. Pius X High School

Table of Contents Table of Contents Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................................... 2 Purpose ......................................................................................................................................................... 3 Wireless Information ...................................................................................................................................... 3 Program Guidelines ....................................................................................................................................... 3 Responsibility for Student-Owned Devices .................................................................................................... 4 Appropriate Student Use ............................................................................................................................... 4 Access and Grading of Student Work ............................................................................................................ 4 Requirements for Participation in BYOD Program ......................................................................................... 5 BYOD Program Consequences ..................................................................................................................... 6 Frequently Asked Questions .......................................................................................................................... 7 Frequently Asked Questions (continued) ....................................................................................................... 8 Student & Parent Technology & Copyright Agreement .................................................................................. 9 School Equipment ......................................................................................................................................... 9 Acceptable Use Policy ................................................................................................................................... 9


Purpose Providing students and staff with a 21st century digital learning environment is part of the St. Pius X core values. Beginning with the 2012 spring semester, SPX allowed students to bring their own technology devices (laptops, smart phones, eReaders, iPads, etc.) to use at specified times during the school day. Use of devices to enhance learning in the classroom will be pursued when deemed appropriate at individual teacher discretion. In addition to bringing their own devices, students have access to their own NetSPX account, including SPXmail, within the St. Pius X domain (stpiusx.org). With teacher approval, students may use their devices in the classroom to access and save information from the internet, collaborate with other learners, and utilize the productivity tools available to them through their student NetSPX accounts.

Wireless Information St. Pius X offers a filtered Wi-Fi access on campus. Students may bring a personal device (7� or larger) to school to use for educational purposes. Students are expected to connect only to the filtered SPX Wi-Fi to ensure access to the best online resources. Through the use of digital equipment families may have already purchased and the school’s filtered wireless network, the school and families will partner to prepare students for effective use of technology. By logging into the SPX wireless network, students are accepting the terms of the St. Pius X Student Responsible Use Policy (See page 9). Once on the SPX wireless network, all users will have filtered Internet access.

Program Guidelines St. Pius X High School provides a webpage for students featuring quick links to collections of digital tools for assisting students in their academic pursuits. These tools include research databases, creative programs, daily schedulers, note-taking, study skills and reading applications. The SPX webpage is the default Internet homepage when students log in using a school computer or personal electronic device on campus and is also accessible off campus at www.stpiusx.org.


Responsibility for Student-Owned Devices   

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The technology devices students bring to school are their sole responsibility, including set-up, maintenance and charging. SPX staff will not store, diagnose, or repair a student’s personal device. The school assumes no responsibility for personal devices if they are lost, loaned, damaged, or stolen and only limited time or resources will be spent trying to locate lost items. Students are responsible for knowing how to use their devices without reliance on teachers or other school staff. Personal devices may be subject to investigation in accordance with the school handbook. All content on devices is subject to examination by an administrator if deemed necessary. Students are to keep their devices secure at all times and not loan to others without the teacher’s permission. As with all personal possessions students must not leave devices unattended. Students are required to keep devices off during the school day unless a teacher instructs otherwise. Some areas such as the library will be designated for academic use of technology throughout the day.

Appropriate Student Use As with any tool, there are appropriate places and times for the use of devices on the St. Pius X network. Administrators and teachers have the right to prohibit use of devices at certain times or during designated activities (including but not limited to liturgies, campus presentations, theatrical performances, and guest speakers) that occur during the school day. Devices may be used in the classrooms only when permitted by the teacher. They may also be used during lunch and in HR after announcements. They may not be used during passing periods.

Access and Grading of Student Work Students without access to personal devices will be provided an alternative way of completing assignments including accessing a school owned device in the labs or library, sharing with partners or groups or completing assignments in a different format.


Requirements for Participation in BYOD Program 

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Students may bring their own technology devices (laptop, netbook, cellphone, tablet, etc. with a 7” screen or larger) to the SPX campus and they may be utilized in the classroom at the discretion of the teacher for academic purposes. Use of personal technology devices at school is a privilege and not a right. The privilege may be removed if it is abused. St. Pius X teaches and requires positive digital citizenship. Students will receive and must sign an acceptable use policy. By connecting to the SPX Wi-Fi, all users acknowledge and accept the terms of the SPX Acceptable Use Policy. Use of only the filtered SPX Wi-Fi network is required during the school day. Use of 3G/4G or Internet cellular network cards is prohibited on campus during school hours. Students must follow school wide rules and all individual classroom procedures regarding the use of digital devices. All devices and power cords must be clearly labeled with student’s name. Students must set a password or pass code on the device. Devices must be brought to school fully charged and in good working order. Families should record the serial number and model information at home. Headphones may only be used during the school day with permission from the teacher. Students must turn off devices while working in class and use only when approved by the teacher and only for the activity designated by the teacher. Screensavers, decorations, stickers, etc. on devices must be appropriate with regard to established school guidelines. Any audio recording, video recording, photography or texting may be done only with teacher permission.


BYOD Program Consequences The school believes that students will make the best choices and avail themselves of the opportunity to participate in technology-enhanced learning. Every effort will be made to educate students regarding the BYOD program requirements and digital citizenship. Students will first be given warning about misuse prior to incurring the consequences listed below. Students will be accountable for using their devices appropriately, and repeated misuse will result in removal of the privilege. First Violation:  Device is turned in to Dean of Students or Associate Dean of Students;  Student pays $20 fine for return of device;  Student signs form acknowledging the confiscation and misuse of device and writes a plan for appropriate future use. Device is returned. Second Violation:  Device is turned in to Dean of Students or Associate Dean of Students;  Student and parent/guardian must meet with Dean of Students or Associate Dean;  Student pays a $40 fine for return of device;  All parties sign document to acknowledge the second misuse and return of the device. The consequences for a third offense are communicated on the document. Third Violation:  Device is turned in to Dean of Students;  Student and parent/guardian must meet with Dean of Students;  Student pays a $50 fine for return of device;  All parties sign a contract acknowledging the third abuse including the acknowledgement that the student has lost BYOD privileges for the remainder of the school year. Device is returned to student.  If a student on contract brings any device to school after the BYOD privilege has been revoked or if he/she uses another student’s device while at school, he/she will be fined $100 and suspended from school. *Serious infractions may merit immediate removal of privilege, suspension and/or dismissal from school.


Frequently Asked Questions I brought my device to school to use in the classroom, but my teacher said I couldn’t use it in her classroom. Can I still use it? The teacher in the classroom has the final say on procedures in the classroom. If he or she asks you not to use your device, then you should follow those directions. Access is available but not guaranteed for each classroom situation. I have accommodations that allow the use of a laptop or tablet during class; will I be able to continue to use such an accommodation? Students with an accommodation plan will continue to be allowed to use devices in accordance with their plan. I am uncertain about the policy regarding times and locations my personal device can be used during the school day. Exactly when am I allowed to use it? SPX HS Appropriate Use Before/After School


In class when my teacher designates use for learning During passing period


During lunch


In auditorium



I have my laptop/mobile device with me in class. How do I get on the Internet now? Most laptops or other personal technology devices (smart phones), will detect a wireless connection when you are near one. Your device should prompt you to join an available network. When prompted, choose the SPX BeppoNet-Student wireless ID. My laptop or other device is not prompting me to choose a wireless network. Is there another way to connect? In the settings menu of your device, there is usually a network access icon. Go to this icon and choose the SPX BeppoNet-Student wireless ID from the list or prompt your computer to look for wireless networks in range. Always consult your device’s owner’s manual for exact directions for accessing a wireless network.


Frequently Asked Questions (continued) I need to save my work onto my SPX student drive. Why can’t I access this resource from my device? Within SPX, you are on a wireless network that is designed to give you internet access only. It is not the same as the network you would normally access from a school owned computer. I just can’t get my laptop or other device to connect to the network. Can I get some help from someone? It is not the responsibility of your teachers or other SPX staff to troubleshoot individual devices during the school day. Log on to the SPX Student Home Page to learn how to connect to the SPX BeppoNet Network. Check your owner’s manual for issues concerning connectivity. What if my laptop or phone is stolen or damaged? What recourse can I take? Students bring electronic communication devices to school at their own risk, just like any other personal item. The school will not be held responsible if an electronic device or other item is lost, stolen, or misplaced, including those that have been confiscated. I don’t have my own electronic communications device to bring to school. Will I be penalized or miss out on instruction? No! It is not mandatory for students to bring a device, even if they do own one. When electronic devices are used to enhance learning in the classroom, students without a personal device will be provided an alternative method to complete an assignment. Keep in mind that learning can be enhanced greatly for the entire class even if only a handful of students have a device! Is it required that I use the St. Pius X wireless? Can I use my own 3G or 4G service? It is absolutely required that you use the school SPX filtered wireless and is stated as such in the 2015-2016 student handbook. Using your own wireless provider during school is a breach of both agreements and the violation will result in confiscation of your device. Am I required to have a passcode or password on my device? It is recommended that all students who bring a device on campus to have a passcode or password, label their device, and write the serial number in a secure place at home. It is for the protection and privacy of the student to ensure these measures are in place.


Student & Parent Technology & Copyright Agreement St. Pius X is committed to acquiring the best in rapidly changing technology and utilizing the latest techniques and equipment in order to assure that its students receive the greatest technological benefit in their education and acquire the latest technical skills. This requires familiarization with current hardware and software, training in their use and commitment to the legal and ethical responsibilities involved in such use. This commitment to technological excellence includes all members of the St. Pius community - faculty and staff, students and parents/guardians. The agreement set forth below is a legally binding agreement between a student and his or her parents/guardians and St. Pius X High School concerning a variety of technology and copyright matters. Please read this agreement carefully before signing it.

School Equipment St. Pius X has an extensive computer network which students use to send local electronic mail, conduct research, and complete course work. Use of the school’s equipment is considered a privilege, not a right. The student or his or her parents/guardians must replace any equipment that is damaged or defaced by a student.

Acceptable Use Policy To gain access to the technology resources, all students must obtain parental permission as verified by the signatures on this agreement. Internet and Mail Internet access requires proper conduct of end users who must adhere to strict guidelines. These guidelines are provided here to inform about the responsibilities. If a user violates any of these provisions, his/her school network and/or Internet account may be subject to restriction. Other disciplinary actions may also apply. Access to the internet and e-mail will enable students to explore thousands of libraries, databases, museums, and other repositories of information as well as to exchange personal communication with other internet users around the world. Families should be made aware that some material accessible via the internet may contain items


that are illegal, defamatory, inaccurate, or potentially offensive. While the purpose of the school is to use internet resources for constructive educational goals, students may find ways to access other materials. We believe that the benefits to students from access to the internet outweigh the disadvantages. What is expected? Students are responsible for appropriate behavior on the school’s computer network just as they are in a classroom or on a school playing field. Communications on the network are often public in nature. General school rules for behavior and communications apply. It is expected that users will comply with Archdiocesan standards and the specific rules set forth below. The use of technology resources is a privilege, not a right, and may be revoked if abused. The user is personally responsible for his/her actions in accessing and utilizing the school’s technology resources. It is expected that the students are never to access, keep or send anything that they would not want their parents or teachers to see. The use of a school account must be in support of education and research and consistent with the educational objectives of the St. Pius X High School.

Personal Safety and Privacy Students may not post personal contact information about themselves unless such information is required to complete an assignment. Personal contact information includes home addresses, telephone numbers, the school address, etc.

Blogs, Personal Websites and Social Media Sites Social networking websites are off-limits on school property unless approved by the school and teacher for educational purposes. Students who develop and maintain personal websites and/or blogs, including but not limited to such freely accessible sites and who identify themselves as students at St. Pius X High School must keep in mind they are representing the school in a public forum. Any personal site which contains the name and identity of the school must not contain personal information about the students, inappropriate images or vulgar language which could contradict the values of the school as stated in the school’s mission statement. When inappropriate websites and/or blogs created and maintained by St. Pius X High School students mention the school’s name and/or use school images and/or logo, the school can and must hold the students responsible for its content. Comments posted on any SPX sponsored sites must be appropriate. SPX reserves the right to edit or remove any comments deemed inappropriate and hold their author(s) responsible. The school may take the following actions:


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Call the students in for a conference to request they modify their webpage/blog/social media site and/or take the school’s name and or images/logo off of the website; Communicate with the student’s parents/guardians about any inappropriate material on a student’s webpage/blog/social media site; Impose disciplinary consequences which the administration believes are in line with the offenses; If the student will not cooperate with the school administration by making his/her webpage/blog/social media site free of anything that would cause harm to the student’s reputation or the reputation of the school, firmer disciplinary action will be taken.

Illegal Copying Students should never download any unapproved software or install any onto the SPX computers. Nor should students copy other people’s work or intrude into other people’s files. The download/upload of any material in violation of any United States, Texas, Board, Archdiocesan or school policy is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, copyrighted materials, threatening, violent or obscene material, or material protected by trade secret.

Inappropriate Materials or Language No profane, abusive or impolite language should be used to communicate, nor should materials be accessed which are not in line with rules of school behavior. Use of technology resources for gambling, chain letter communication, unauthorized email, chat, or instant messaging, blogs and discussion forums is also prohibited. A good rule to follow is never to access, view or send materials which you would not want your teachers or parents to see. Should a student encounter such material by accident, he or she should report it to a teacher immediately.

Technology Guidelines These are guidelines to follow to prevent the loss of technology privileges at school:       

Do not use technology to harm people or their work. Do not damage the network or any technology resource in any way. Do not interfere with the network or computer operation by installing any form of software or permitting the spread of computer viruses. Do not violate copyright laws. Do not view, display or send offensive messages or pictures. Do not share your password or obtain anyone else’s password by any means. Do not waste technology resources such as disk space or printing supplies.


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Do not trespass in another person’s work, folders or files. Do notify an adult immediately if you accidentally encounter materials that violate the Rules of Appropriate Use. BE PREPARED to be held accountable for your actions and for the loss of privileges if the Rules of Appropriate Use are violated.

Use of personal technology devices must meet all guidelines for use of technology in the student handbook under the parameters of the “User Agreement and Parent permission Form”.


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