Annual Giving Report 2023-24

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Mission Statement

The mission of St. Philip’s Episcopal School is to educate each child intellectually, physically, and spiritually in an atmosphere of acceptance and inquiry.

Episcopal Identity

Since its beginning in 1953, St. Philip’s has been committed to the spiritual development of its students and to the education of the whole child. As an Episcopal school, our mission is not merely to educate students in the traditional sense, but to also embrace the values of the Episcopal faith. We are unapologetic about our Episcopal identity, yet we respect and honor all faith traditions. The Judeo-Christian ethos is fully integrated into the School’s practices and daily life through weekly chapel services, Sacred Studies classes for all grades, a sacramental and liturgical view of the season of the year and our lives, and community service and outreach programs. Embedded in the culture of the School are clearly defined standards of loving and responsible behavior, derived from the Baptismal Covenant of the Episcopal Church. These standards are highlighted in themes explored in Chapel services, in informal conversations and reflections with our Rector and Chaplain, and in the ways that adults and children respect and treat one another.

A Note from our Rector

Dear St. Philip’s Community,

Happy 70th anniversary!

It is incredible to reach this milestone and to be at such a wonderful time in the life of our school.

Several years ago someone asked me the most important thing I do at our school. My answer was quite simple and it remains true to this day. The most important thing I do is to help make decisions so that our children’s children will be able to attend St. Philip’s.

That time may seem very far off amid the busyness of parenting or teaching young children, but it translates into simple things like good stewardship of resources, staying true to our mission, giving thanks for our Episcopal identity, embracing change, and trusting that the future is indeed good.

Our Annual Fund is one way that we, as a community, declare that both our present and our future are good. With a robust Annual Fund, we can be confident that we are serving the needs of our community now and preparing well for future generations including our children’s children.

On behalf of our students, faculty and staff many thanks for your support of the 2023-24 Annual Fund.

Grace and peace,

A Note from our Head of School

Dear St. Philip's Families,

An anniversary is a special marker in time, symbolizing the passage of a significant relationship or event. It often evokes a sense of nostalgia, prompting reflection on shared experiences, growth, and milestones. Whether it's a wedding anniversary, a friendship, or even a historic event such as the founding of a school, these moments allow us to celebrate love, commitment, and resilience.

Last year's celebration of St. Philip’s Episcopal School’s 70th anniversary was a reminder of continuity and change. It highlighted the journey taken together, the challenges faced, and the joys experienced. Celebrating our 70th anniversary reinforced bonds, encouraged gratitude, and provided an opportunity to express feelings that may have gone unspoken.

Ultimately, our 70th anniversary was more than just a date; it was an opportunity to celebrate our mission, honor those who laid our foundation, and look forward to the promise of building our future.

As I look back on our shared history, it is clear that this significant milestone would not have been possible without our families’ generosity. Your support has been instrumental in helping us enhance the experiences we offer to our students, and we truly appreciate your support of our community!

In partnership,

St. Philip’s Profile 2023-24

Full Time Faculty and Staff: 45

Part-Time Faculty and Staff (including substitutes): 5

Students PreK3 - 5th Grade: 180

Number Graduating Class of 2024: 22

Class of 2024 Matriculation:

● Belen Jesuit Preparatory School

● Ransom Everglades School

● Gulliver Preparatory School

● Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart

● Palmer Trinity School

Portrait of a St. Philip’s Student


Annual Fund Overview

What is the Annual Fund?

The Annual Fund is an integral part of the independent school revenue model, and is essential to bridging the gap between tuition and the actual cost of educating a child.

Each year, St. Philip’s launches an Annual Fund Campaign designed to offset the expenses inherent in providing a top-tier educational experience to all students.

Annual Giving 2023-24

Annual Fund Donations Received: $552,000

School Home Association: $80,000

Participation by Constituency:

● Faculty & Staff: 100%

● Parents: 100%

● Board: 100%

● Vestry: 100%

Why Give?

Every gift made to St. Philip’s has a direct impact on the immediate needs of students and the long-term sustainability of the School. Each year, we strive for 100% participation, as this level of support demonstrates that each family believes in the mission, vision, and values of the School.

What Your Dollars Support

Thank you for your support of the 2023-24 Annual Fund Campaign: Sailing into 70 Years. You helped St. Philip’s students in myriad ways, including but not limited to:

● Surprising Faculty and Staff with a bonus to show our appreciation for all they do

● Supporting professional development, including financial assistance for those seeking advanced degrees

● Continuing to underwrite our on-campus security, School Counselor, Learning Specialist and the Violin and Latin programs

● Updating Security Procedures, Equipment and Training

● Providing iPads to K-3rd for a 1:1 ratio

● Installing Promethean boards in all classrooms

Annual Giving FAQ

What is the Annual Fund?

The Annual Fund is the collection of donation dollars to support St. Philip’s Episcopal School. It is one of the two major giving opportunities during each school year. Our second giving opportunity is to support our School Home Association and their events.

Why am I being asked to donate to the Annual Fund in addition to tuition?

As with the vast majority of independent schools, there is a gap between the cost of tuition and the actual cost of a St. Philip’s education. In addition to covering this gap, the Annual Fund is used for program expansion and improvements to the School to benefit current and future students.

How much should I donate to the Annual Fund?

We ask families to give as their circumstances permit. The participation of our families is as important as the dollar amount they choose to give.

How is my donation used?

Annual Fund donations support our operating budget. Additionally they are used for curriculum initiatives, professional development, and improvements to our campus.

Does a small gift truly make a difference?

Every dollar families donate directly and greatly impacts the lives of our students. There is no gift that is too large or too small.

Are Annual Fund gifts tax-deductible?

Yes, Annual Fund gifts are tax-deductible.

Giving Levels


Mr Nicholas Hammerschlag and Ms Caroline Whitton

Mr. and Mrs. James T. LeFrak

Mr. Chandler J. Reedy and Mrs. Oana L. Ciorbea

Mr. and Mrs. Steve Saieh Founder’s Circle

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Dunnigan

Dr. and Mrs. Eugenio Hernandez

Mr. Anthony Lopez and Dr. Nicole Martin

Mr. Dustin Ridgeway and Mrs. Elizabeth Stamps Rector’s

Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Cross

Mr. Isidro Ferrer and Mrs. Annette K. Rodriguez-Ferrer

Mr. and Ms. Philip S. Lee

Mr. Raimundo Moscato Rivas and Mrs. Ingrid Mora de Moscato

Mr. and Ms. Nitin Motwani

Mr. and Mrs. Andreas Mustad

Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Quesada

Mr and Mrs Brian J Smith

Mr and Mrs Andrew Teno

Mr Andrew Waibel and Dr Jill Waibel

Dr John P Wilkerson and Dr Jeanine Barraza

Mr Daniel M Bacardi and Mrs Lucia A Marin

Mr Ethan Lin and Ms Jill Chen

Dr. Marius Ronge and Dr. Paloma Toledo-Ronge

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Wilson

Head of School Circle ($6,000 - $9,999)

Circle ($2,500 - $5,999)

Mr. Carlos Andrade and Mrs. Maria C. Burbano

Dr. and Mrs. Christian Andrade

Mr. and Mrs. Lucas Azar

Mr. Alfredo Balsera and Mrs. Gloria Ordaz

Mr. Carlos H. Carneiro De Medeiros and Ms. Caroline


Mr and Mrs Dennis V Carvajal

Mr Antonio Cassanello and Ms Nidia M Massaro

Mr and Mrs Matthew Cheezem

The Reverend Dr Mary E Conroy

Mr James Covey and Mrs Francesca De Quesada Covey

Mr and Mrs Edward Dabdoub, Esq

Mr. Fernando de la Hoz and Mrs. Rafaella Mollo

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel de la Vega

Mr. Alejandro D. Diaz and Mrs. Lucy L. Lopes Diaz

Mr. Simon Dermer and Ms. Carrie Dickenson

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Earle

Mr. John R. Edge and Mrs. Mercedes Fernandez-Edge

Mr. Antonio Ellek and Mrs. Karine Jaar Ellek

Mr. Nicholas Gomez and Ms. Nathaly C. Garcia

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Gordon

Mr. and Mrs. Luis "Wicho" Hernandez

Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Johnson

Mr. Alvaro Luque and Dr. Camila Masias

Mr. and Mrs. Nestor F. Machado

Mr. Juan P. Martinez and Mrs. Alejandra Gomez

Mr. Silvio A. Martinez and Mrs. Carla Defortuna


Mr and Mrs Carlos M Musso

Mr and Mrs Rhett E O'Doski

Mr and Mrs Douglas R Parker

Mr Arturo G Pedroso and Mrs Gloria M Rodriguez


Mr and Mrs Carlos Pedroso

Mr Jaime Pineda and Ms Catalina Afanador

Dr. and Mrs. Rafael A. Portela

Mr. Jon Rank and Ms. Joanne Stringer

Mr. Felix X. Rodriguez

The Honorable and Mrs. Rodolfo A. Ruiz, II

Mr. Jorge H. Salcedo, Esq. and Mrs. Beatriz Salas de Salcedo

Mr. and Dr. Rajen Shastri

Mr. and Mrs. Angel Souto

Mr. and Mrs. Ryan D. Still

Mr. and Mrs. Kyle B. Teal

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Webber Friends

Mr. and Mrs. Nick Adams, IV

Mr. Alejandro Bachmann and Mrs. Jocelyn Cortez Young

Mr. Rodrigo I. Barcenas and Mrs. Natalie R. Meruelo

Mr. Daniel Caballero and Dr. Kelli N. Conesa

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Carson

Mr. Sergio A. Cernuda and Mrs. Luisa Lignarolo

Mr. and Mrs. Erick Cruz

Mr. Pedro A. Dahdah and Mrs. Sophia Iskandar

Mr. and Dr. Charles L. Davis

Mr. and Mrs. J. Bruno de la Fuente

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Falsetto

Mr. Antonio Freyre and Mrs. Julieta Scannone Freyre

Mr. Robert Hibbs

Dr Michael I Letter and Mrs Desiree M Dubon

Mr Fernando Martinez and Mrs Maria C Mogollon

Mr Juan L Mendoza and Mrs Mara Benacerraf

Mrs. Lucia Musso

Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Perez

Mrs. Norma E. Perez

Mr. and Mrs. Ernesto Perez-Carrillo, Jr.

Mr. Rodrigo Sideris and Mrs. Liliana Quintero-Sideris

Mr. and Mrs. Pablo Reyes

Mr. and Mrs. Jorge Saladrigas

Mr. and Mrs. Mauricio J. Samayoa

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sanchez

Mr. Mario A. Sepulveda Guzman and Mrs. Azeneth K. Puente

Mr. and Mrs. Riley Smith

Mr. and Mrs. Joshua E. Spielman

Mr Austin Tellam and Mrs Mary Snow Tellam

Mr Yamal Yidios and Mrs Vanessa Moorefield-Yidios


(up to $1,499)

Mr and Mrs John M Andren

Mrs Judy Andrews

Mr. and Mrs. Luis Arritola

The Honorable Christine Bandin

Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Bared

Ms. Stephanie Begert

Mr. Andrés Bethencourt and Mrs. Carolina Leite


Ms Kearon Bird

Mr William Mahone and Ms Lynn Bowman

Ms Sylvie Brounstein

Mr and Mrs Mauro Burgio

Mr. Jose Cardona

Mr. and Mrs. Omar Castillo

Mr. Pavel Castillo

Mr. Ken Roberts and Mrs. Joan Chrissos

Mr. Travis Cooper

Mr. Shawn N. Costantino and Mrs. Chloe L. Smart

Mr Christopher V Damian and Ms Carolina Ramirez

Mr and Mrs George Darnell

Ms Jessica De La Espriella

Mr and Mrs Edward Diaz

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Donahue

Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Dowlen

Ms. Natalie C. Gonzalez

Mr. and Mrs. David A. Duckenfield

Mr. Cory Eichhorn, Esq. and Mrs. Jennifer Christianson, Esq.

Mr and Mrs Eduardo Ervesun

Dr Sean Erwin

Mr Michael Exposito

Mr Paul Fajardo

Mrs. Blanca Famadas

Mrs. Maria B. Figueroa

Mrs. Emily T. Fisser

Ms. Tiana Nancarvis

Ms. Nicole de la Fuente

Mrs. Diana Garcia

Mr and Mrs Sean P Gazitua

Mrs Megan Greenhaus

Mr Drew Greenwood

Mr Christopher Harrell

Mr. Jacques Hart

Ms. Isabella Herrera

Ms. Grace Hucks, '17

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hucks

Dr. and Mrs. George Ibars

Mrs Dona Irwin

Dr Socrates V Kakoulides

Mrs. Sarah Knight

Mr. Andrew Krystopolski

Mr. Daniel Macias and Mrs. Rebecca A. Millares-Macias

Ms. Pamela Malpica-Diaz

Ms. Vivian Martin

Mr. Gregory Martini

Ms Juliann McCready

Mr and Mrs David McDevitt

Mr Pawan Melgiri

Ms Carolina Mendoza

Mr. and Mrs. Victor Mendoza

Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Milne, Esq.

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Miranda

Mr. and Mrs. Hector S. Mojena

Mr. Hector L. Diaz Navarro

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Norweb, III

Mrs Nelia Nunez

Mr and Mrs Federico Olsen

Mr Antonio Orlandini

Mr and Mrs Gustavo A Pena

Mrs Vivian Peralta

Dr. and Mrs. Juan C. Pereda, MD

Mrs Melissa Perez

Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. Ponce

Mr. Luis A. Ramirez and Mrs. Yisel Hernandez

Dr. Luis G. Ramirez and Dr. Daniela Gomez

Mrs Cecila Restrepo

Mr and Mrs Walter Rivera

Mrs Molli Robbins

Mr Richard Ruiz

Ms. Monica Salamanca

Mr. and Mrs. Guillermo Sauceda

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schiccatano

Ms. Janet Schoenfeld

Ms. Hannah Sirkin

Mr. and Mrs. Don Slesnick, III

Mrs Joanna Stone

Mr Ricardo Suarez and Mrs Marisa Fortunati

Mr Alonso Tapia

Mr and Mrs Craig P Thompson

Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Thornburg, Esq.

Mr. and Mrs. Alejandro J. Tirado

Mrs. Jessenia Travieso

Mrs. Nancy Secin Uliver

Mr. Lawrence A. Walmsley and Ms. Sophie M.

Thomashausen Walmsley

Mrs Dione Webb
Mr Thomas A Ziegenhardt and Dr Lucia F Gaitan

Thank You!

Thank you for your generosity to St. Philip’s Episcopal School. Your continued support through the giving of your time, talent, efforts, and resources help ensure the excellence of St. Philip’s Episcopal School in years to come.

Annual Fund Committee - Leadership Team

Rector - The Reverend Mary E. Conroy

Head of School - Mrs. Norma E. Perez

Board Chair - Mr. Andy Waibel

Annual Fund Committee Chair - Mrs. Elizabeth Stamps

Chief Financial Officer - Mrs. Renee Castillo

Chief Operations Officer - Mr. Edward Diaz

Annual Fund Committee Members

Dr. Cristy Davis, Mrs. Oana Ciorbea, Mrs. Lori Dunnigan, Mrs. Anshu Motwani, Mrs. Annette Rodriguez, Mrs. Elizabeth Stamps, Mr. Andy Waibel, Mrs. Alexandra Wilkis Wilson.

1121 Andalusia Avenue, Coral Gables, FL 33134 (305) 444 - 6366

*The information provided in this document has been reviewed to the best of our ability We sincerely apologize for any erroneous information, omissions, or misprints Please contact the School directly to provide updated information

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