Central Coast YMCA Program Can Help People Get Their High Blood Pressure Under Control According to the American Heart Association, nearly 80 million adults have high blood pressure in this country. Salinas, CA, January 06, 2020 — According to the American Heart Association, nearly 80 million adults
have high blood pressure in this country. Less than half have it under control. But with the YMCA’s Blood Pressure Self-Monitoring Program, those with high blood pressure will be able to control and manage their condition. Participants will work with trained Healthy Heart Ambassadors for the duration of the four-month program. During this time, participants will be encouraged to:
Self-measure their blood pressure at least two times per month Attend two personalized consultations per month Attend monthly nutrition education seminars
Participants will record their blood pressure readings using an easy-to-use, self- tracking tool. The Y will provide options for participants who need a home blood pressure monitor. Program goals include: Reduction in blood pressure Better blood pressure management Increased awareness of triggers that elevate blood pressure Enhance knowledge to develop healthier eating habits To qualify you must be: At least 18 years of age Be diagnosed with high blood pressure Not have experienced a recent cardiac event Not have atrial fibrillation or other arrhythmias Not be at risk for lymphedema High blood pressure is a key, modifiable, risk factor for both heart disease and stroke, which are two of the leading causes of death in the United States.
For more information on the program, or to see if you qualify for the program, contact Bill Proulx, Director, Healthy Living at (831) 757-4633 or email preventdiabetes@ymcacentralcoast.org. About the Central Coast YMCA Formed in 1989, the Central Coast YMCA began with the merger of two independent YMCAs; the Salinas Community YMCA (founded in 1921) and the Watsonville Family YMCA (founded in 1898). Originally a USO built in 1941, with the purpose of supporting American troops during World War II, the YMCA of the Monterey Peninsula joined the association in 1990. In 1998 the South County YMCA became the fourth branch in the association, extending its service area to the residents of south Monterey County. The YMCA of San Benito County became the fifth and most recent addition to the association in 1999. CCYMCA is an independent, private, nonprofit corporation, a part of the YMCA of the USA, but responsible for its own policies, programs, and budgets. It employs 27 full-time employees, about 225 part-time employees, and 120 volunteers who impact approximately 40,000 people in Santa Cruz, San Benito, and Monterey counties. For more information on Central Coast YMCA, call (831) 757-4633 or go to centralcoastymca.org. CCYMCA is located at 500 Lincoln Ave. in Salinas. Contact: Marci Bracco Cain Chatterbox PR Salinas, CA 93901 (831) 747-7455 http://www.centralcoastymca.org