Cybercrime Fighters to Meet at Dublin eCrime Researchers Sync-Up, March 15-16

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Cybercrime Fighters to Meet at Dublin eCrime Researchers Sync-Up, March 15-16 Electronic crime researchers from academia, industry and law enforcement converge on Dublin March 15-16, 2011, for an unprecedented meet-up of eCrime research pioneers who are defining the emerging discipline of electronic crime research. Dublin, Ireland and Cambridge, MA, March 12, 2011 (Straight Line PR) -Organized by the APWG in conjunction with University College Dublin's Centre for Cybercrime Investigation, the first annual eCrime Researchers Sync-Up, will be held March 15th and 16th, 2011. The gathering of cybercrime fighters from around the world is a two-day exchange of presentations and discussions related to eCrime research in progress - and for networking of researchers within the disciplines that are defining the eCrime research field today. "I applaud The University College Dublin's leadership in suggesting and hosting this first eCrime research Sync-up," said Randy Vaughn, Professor of Information Systems at Baylor University, and chairman of the APWG eCrime Researchers Summit, the peerreview conference that spawned the Sync-Up program. "This unique symposium offers academic and industrial eCrime researchers the opportunity to advance and coordinate their research agendas." Learn more about eCrime Sync-Up at The eCrime Researchers Sync-Up has been established as an extension of the annual APWG eCrime Research Summit held every year in the fall in the United States, an event that has become a vital nexus for the development of eCrime research and its pioneering investigators since it was founded in 2006. Instead of a formal conference presenting peer-reviewed papers and posters, the eCrime Researchers Sync-Up is an opportunity for the principal investigators within the discipline from academia, industry and government to discuss their research in progress, find research areas of common interest and establish collaborations. Fergus Toolan, Post Doctoral Researcher at UCD's Centre for Cybercrime Investigation said, "UCD's Centre for Cybercrime Investigation are delighted to host this global event, focusing on solutions to a growing global problem. The eCrime Researchers Sync-up will bring together academia, industry and law enforcement to create an integrated means of tackling the E-Crime problem." Research in progress being presented will include: Language Models for Phishing, IP Reputation, Killing Zombies and other Botnet Remediation, eCrime Metrics for

Measuring Theft Damage, Analysis of Patcher and Carberp crime network, Cybercrime Education for Law Enforcement, and more. Leading industry speakers to date include Dr. Hassen Saidi, SRI; Fergus Toolan, UCD; Gary Warner, UAB; Marc Vilanova, la Caixa; Jart Armin, HostExploit; Richard Urbanski, AIB; David Perry, TrendMicro; Martin Grooten,; Randy Vaughn, Baylor University; Erin Kenneally, eLCHEMY, Inc.; Peter Kruse, CSIS Security Group; Paul Stephens, Canterbury Christ Church University; Andrew Cushman, Microsoft. For an updated agenda of topics and speakers please visit "The fascination and strength of ecrime research is the hybrid nature of the discipline. The cross-disciplinary discussions at our research conferences continue to cultivate the dialog that we believe will lead the larger community of stakeholders to durable, sharable solutions to the ecrime threat," said APWG Secretary General and eCRS conference founder Peter Cassidy. Added Vaughn, "I foresee the relationships established with other researchers and law enforcement eCrime Sync-Up attendees will serve both to strengthen the counter eCrime community and in in fostering new avenues for cooperative research." Electronic crime (eCrime) research is a relatively new field of study, rising out of the roiling chaos, and in response to, the criminal innovation that followed the emergence of the Internet as a workaday commerce platform. Over the years, the number of researchers around the world submitting papers to the conference has grown in size and depth of interest into a community that is defining a new hybrid discipline - and required more time to cultivate research collaborations. Register for eCrime Sync-Up: Media Contacts: University College Dublin, Fergus Toolan, Tel: +353 87 6722661, or email: APWG, Foy Shiver, Tel: +1-404-434-7282, or email: About The UCD Centre for Cybercrime Investigation: The UCD Centre for Cybercrime Investigation (CCI) was formally established in 2006, following a decade of cybercrime research, education and collaboration with Law Enforcement agencies. UCD CCI has played a key role in several EU projects developing LE training, providing subject experts and training designers to develop specialist cybercrime training modules. These modules have been accredited by CCI and are available via Europol to any law enforcement organisation in Europe. CCI has established and maintained strong links to Law Enforcement, providing academic advisors to the Europol Cybercrime Training & Education Group. The centre is a Member of the Irish Delegation to the Europol Working Group on High Tech Crime

Training in Europe, attends the Interpol Working Party on High Tech Crime and has MOUs with Interpol and IMPACT. About the APWG: The APWG, founded in 2003 as the Anti-Phishing Working Group, is the global industry, law enforcement, and government coalition focused on eliminating identity theft and fraud resulting from the growing problem of phishing, e-mail spoofing and crimeware. Membership, which exceeds 3,800 members, is open to qualified financial institutions, online retailers, Internet service providers (ISP), the law enforcement community, and researchers and solutions providers. More than 1,800 companies, law enforcement agencies, and government ministries worldwide are participating in the APWG. For more information, visit The APWG's web site offers information to the public and industry about phishing and email fraud, including identification and promotion of pragmatic technical solutions that provide immediate protection. APWG's corporate sponsors are as follows: AT&T (T), Able NV, Afilias Ltd., AhnLab, AVG Technologies, BillMeLater, BBN Technologies, Blue Coat, BlueStreak, BrandMail, BrandProtect, Bsecure Technologies, Cisco (CSCO), Clear Search, Cloudmark, Cyveillance, DigiCert, DigitalEnvoy, DigitalResolve, Digital River, Earthlink (ELNK), eBay/PayPal (EBAY), Entrust (ENTU), Experian, eEye, Fortinet, FraudWatch International, FrontPorch, F-Secure, Goodmail Systems, GeoTrust, GlobalSign, GoDaddy, Goodmail Systems, GuardID Systems, HomeAway, IronPort, HitachiJoHo, ING Bank, Iconix, Internet Identity, Internet Security Systems, IOvation, IronPort, IS3, IT Matrix, Kaspersky Labs, Lenos Software, LightSpeed Systems, MailFrontier, MailShell, MarkMonitor, Marshall86, McAfee (MFE), MasterCard, MessageLevel, Microsoft (MSFT), MicroWorld, Mirapoint, MySpace (NWS), MyPW, MX Logic, NameProtect, National Australia Bank (ASX: NAB) Netcraft, NetStar, Network Solutions, NeuStar, Nominum, Panda Software, Phoenix Technologies Inc. (PTEC),, Phorm, The Planet, SalesForce, Radialpoint, RSA Security (EMC), SecureBrain, Secure Computing (SCUR), S21sec, Sigaba, SoftForum, SOPHOS, SquareTrade, SurfControl, SunTrust, Symantec (SYMC), TDS Telecom, Telefonica (TEF), Trend Micro (TMIC), Tricerion, TriCipher, TrustedID, Tumbleweed Communications (TMWD), Vasco (VDSI), VeriSign (VRSN), Visa, Wal-Mart (WMT), Websense Inc. (WBSN) and Yahoo! (YHOO). Please contact for corrections or to update this press release. Contact; Foy Shiver Anti-Phishing Working Group, Inc. 38 Rice Street Suites 200-202 Cambridge, MA 02140 +353 87 6722661

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