NOVISAD T RI BI NAML ADI HKCNS OML ADI NSKI UCENT ARCK13 DRUŠTVENI CENT AR PET ROVARADI NSKATVRĐA VA *r e d e s i g n r e c o n s t r u c t i o n r e c y c l e r e ma k e r e v i e w r e p r o d u c t i o n r e s t o r i n g r e a n i ma t i o n
RE /8 E X PO*
Gr u p n ai z l o ž b a
Di s RE P AI Ro f ART
Se l e k c i j a40r a d o v ad o ma ć i h u me t n i k ai d i z a j n e r as ag o s t i ma i zi n o s t r a n s t v a T r i b i n aml a d i hKCNS
o d6. d o12. j u l a
re/8* lokacije re/8* locations
sta je re/8* Design park what is re/8* Design park RE/8 Design Park je multimedijalna umetnička platforma koja se odžava u Nedelji posvećenoj eko dizajnu i reciklažnoj umetnosti. Održava se od 2011. godine u Novom Sadu. Podrazumeva više nivoa edukacije i kreativnog izražavanja sa akcentom na održivom i odgovornom dizajnu i kreativnoj reciklaži, gde je program podeljen u 6 celina: RE/8 EXPO, RE/8 WORKSHOPS, RE/8 LECTURES, RE/8 STREET ART, RE/8 INSTALATIONS, RE/8 MOVIES. Na radionice, izložbe, predavanja, interaktivne tribine i sve sadržaje koji se održavaju na više lokacija u gradu, ulaz je slobodan. Međunarodnom izložbom reciklažne umetnosti DisREpair od Art biće otvorena ovogodišnja Nedelja eko-dizajna i reciklažne umetnosti RE/8 Design Park 2013 koja će se održati od 6 - 12. jula u Novom Sadu. Tema izložbe su osam pojmova: redesign, reconstruction, recycle, remake, review, reproduction, restoring i reanimation u kojima su autori pronašli inspiraciju za materijalizaciju svojih radova. Selekciju ovogodišnje izložbe čine instalacije, komadni nameštaj, skulpture, kostimi kao i prototipovi i nacrti enterijera i arhitektonskih rešenja gde se kao lajt motiv provlači održivi dizajn, upotreba recikliranih materijala i implementacija ekoloških normativa u savremenom primenjenom i likovnom stvaralaštvu. Selekcija od četrdeset radova domaćih autora sa instalacijama gostujućih umetnika biće izložena u prostorijama Kluba „Tribina mladih“ Kulturnog centra u Novom Sadu. RE/8 Design Park is multimedia artistic platform which runs during the week dedicated to ecodesign and recycling art. Happening since 2011 in Novi Sad. It takes more levels of education and creative research pointing out sustainable and responsable design as creative recycling, where the program is divided in 4 parts: RE/8 EXPO, RE/8 WORKSHOPS, RE/8 LECTURES, RE/8 STREET ART, RE/8 INSTALLATIONS, RE/8 MOVIES. On workshops, exhibition, lectures, interactive forums and all programs that are happening on many locations in town, the entrance is free. International exhibition of recycled arts DisREpair od Art will open this years Week of eco-design and recycling art RE/8 Design Park 2013 which will be held from 6th – 12th July in Novi Sad. Subject of the exhibition are eight terms: redesign, reconstruction, recycle, remake, review, reproduction, restoring i reanimation in which autors have found inspiration for realisation of there work. Selection of this years exhibition are installations, furniture, sculptures, costumes as well as prototypes and drawings of architectural and interior design solutions where as a motif sent a long sustainable design, use of recycled materials and the implementation of environmental norms in the contemporary fine and applied arts. The selection of forty works by local authors with installations of guest artists will be exhibited in the Club “Tribina Mladih“ in Kulturni centar in Novi Sad. *redesign reconstruction recycle remake review reproduction restoring reanimation
re/8* DEsign park u brojevima re/8* design park in numbers
re/8* program
Grupna izložba DisREPAIR of ART Selekcija 40 radova domaćih umetnika i dizajnera sa gostima iz inostranstva 1 GRUPNA IZLOŽBA Tribina mladih KCNS 5 RADIONICA *RE/LECTURE 01 3 PREDAVANJA Miroslav Krstonošić Novi materijali u primenjenoj arhitekturi 1 PROSTORNA DISKUSIJA *RE/LECTURE 02 3 LAND ART INSTALACIJE Neda Pitulić i Bojana Berić Recikliranje otpadnih materijala i sekundarnih sirovina u funkciji dizajna 5 STREET ART *RE/LECTURE 03 6 FILMOVA Mirjana Laušević 7 DANA Mogućnost revitalizacija zapuštenih gradskih prostora Tribina mladih KCNS 1 GROUP EXHIBITION *RE/WORKSHOP 01 Clean Danube mud 5 WORKSHOPS Štampa majici i torbi od organskih materijala sa bojama od Dunavskog mulja 3 LECTURES Društveni centar ponedeljak 8. jul 1 PANEL DISSCUSION *RE/Workshop 02 Wrap your handlebars, recycle-style 3 LAND ART INSTALLATIONS Izrada bike accessries i dekorativnih ručki od starih delova biciklova i guma 5 STREET ART Društveni centar utorak 9. jul 6 MOVIES *RE/Workshop 03 Paper Mache Masters 7 DAYS Izrada upotrebnih i dekorativnih predmeta za kuću od limenih kutija, novina i restlova tekstila CK13, sreda 10. jul i četvrtak 11. jul *RE/STREET ART Omladinski centar CK13 i OŠ Đorđe Natošević od 7. do 11. jula *RE/MOVIES Otvoreni bioskop DC 7. jul *RE/INSTALLATIONS Ateljei 27, 01, 03, Petrovaradinska tvrđava od 7. do 12. jula
re/8* Satnica re/8* timetable Subota 6. jul Saturday July 6th
12:00 – 8:00 PM International exhibition of recycling art and eco - design Disrepair of art Tribina mladih, Kulturni centar
12:00 - 20:00 Land ART Instalacije Petrovaradinska tvrđava, Ateljei 01, 03, 27
17:00 Panel diskusija „Odgovoran dizajn u arhitekturi i prostornom uređenju“ Tribina mladih, Kulturni centar
12:00 - 20:00 PM Land ART Installations Petrovaradin fortress, Studio 01, 03, 27
8:00 PM Grand opening of the third RE/8 Design Park with exhibition Disrepair of art Tribina mladih, Kulturni centar
5:00 PM Panel disscusion “Responsible Design in Architecture and Urban Planning” Tribina mladih, Kulturni centar
Ponedeljak 8. Jul Monday July 8th
Nedelja 7. jul Sunday July 7th
20:00 Projekcije filmova iznenađenja “Trash it! Filmovi naše i vaše mladosti“ Otvoreni bioskop, Društveni centar
12:00 - 20:00 Međunarodna izložba reciklažne umetnosti i eko-dizajna Disrepair of art Tribina mladih, Kulturni centar
20:00 Svečano otvaranje trećeg RE/8 Design Parka izložbom Disrepair of art Tribina mladih, Kulturni centar
12:00 - 20:00 Međunarodna izložba reciklažne umetnosti i eko-dizajna Disrepair of art Tribina mladih, Kulturni centar
8:00 PM Screening of suprise movies “Trash it! Movies of our and yours youth“ Open cinema, Društveni centar
*redesign reconstruction recycle remake review reproduction restoring reanimation
12:00- 8:00 PM International exhibition of recycling art and eco - design Disrepair of art Tribina mladih, Kulturni centar
re/8* Satnica re/8* timetable 17:00 -20:00 RE/8 Workshop 01 „Štampa majici i torbi od organskih materijala sa bojama na vodenoj osnovi i pigmentom od dunavskog mulja“ Društveni centar 5:00 -8:00 PM RE/8 Workshop 01 „Printing of T-shirts and bags made of organic materials with water-based colors and pigments of the Danube mud“ Društveni centar
12:00- 20:00 Street art “BOMB IT!“ Omladinski centar CK13 OŠ Đorđe Natošević 12:00- 8:00 PM Street art “BOMB IT!“ Youth Club CK13 Elemntary School „Djordje Natosevic“
12:00 - 20:00 Land ART Instalacije Petrovaradinska tvrđava, Ateljei 01, 03, 27 12:00 - 8:00 PM Land ART Installations Petrovaradin fortress, Studio 01, 03, 27
Utorak 9. Jul Tuesday July 9th 12:00 - 20:00 Međunarodna izložba reciklažne umetnosti i eko-dizajna Disrepair of art Tribina mladih, Kulturni centar 12:00 - 8:00 PM International exhibition of recycling art and eco - design Disrepair of art Tribina mladih, Kulturni centar
17:00 -20:00 RE/8 Workshop 02 i Panel diskusija “ Izrada bike-aksesoara od starih delova biciklova“ Društveni centar
12:00- 20:00 Street art “BOMB IT!“ Youth Club CK13 Elemntary School „Djordje Natosevic“
12:00 - 20:00 Land ART Instalacije Petrovaradinska tvrđava, Ateljei 01, 03, 27
12:00 - 20:00 Međunarodna izložba reciklažne umetnosti i eko-dizajna Disrepair of art Tribina mladih, Kulturni centar
12:00 – 8:00 PM Land ART Installations Petrovaradin fortress, Studio 01, 03, 27
12:00 – 8:00 PM International exhibition of recycling art and eco - design Disrepair of art Tribina mladih, Kulturni centar
Sreda 10. Jul Wednesday July 10th
16:00 -19:00 RE/8 Workshop 03 „Izrada upotrebnih i dekorativnih predmeta za kuću od limenih kutija, novina i tekstila“ Omladinski centar CK13
12:00 - 20:00 Međunarodna izložba reciklažne umetnosti i eko-dizajna Disrepair of art Tribina mladih, Kulturni centar 12:00- 8:00 PM International exhibition of recycling art and eco - design Disrepair of art Tribina mladih, Kulturni centar
16:00 -19:00 RE/8 Workshop 03 „Izrada upotrebnih i dekorativnih predmeta za kuću od limenih kutija, novina i tekstila“ Omladinski centar CK13 4:00 -7:00 PM RE/8 Workshop 03 „Creating practical and decorative items for the house from tin boxes, jars, newspapers, packaging and textile leftovers“ Youth Club CK13
12:00- 20:00 Street art “BOMB IT!“ Omladinski centar CK13 Maksima Gorkog 54
4:00 - 7:00 RE/8 Workshop 03 „Creating practical and decorative items for the house from tin boxes, jars, newspapers, packaging and textile leftovers“ Youth Club CK13
12:00- 20:00 Street art “BOMB IT!“ Omladinski centar CK13 OŠ Đorđe Natošević 12:00- 20:00 Street art “BOMB IT!“ Youth Club CK13 Elemntary School „Djordje Natosevic“
12:00 - 20:00 Land ART Instalacije Petrovaradinska tvrđava, Ateljei 01, 03, 27 12:00 – 8:00 PM Land ART Installations Petrovaradin fortress, Studio 01, 03, 27
12:00- 8:00 PM Street art “BOMB IT!“ Youth Club CK13 Elemntary School „Djordje Natosevic“
Petak 12. Jul Friday July 12th
12:00 - 20:00 Land ART Instalacije Petrovaradinska tvrđava, Ateljei 01, 03, 27
18:00 Svečano zatvaranje trećeg RE/8 Design Parka Tribina mladih, Kulturni centar
5:00 - 8:00 PM RE/8 Workshop 02 and Panel disscusion „Making bike accessories and deco12:00 - 8:00 PM Land ART Installations rative handles of old bike parts and tires“ Petrovaradin fortress, Studio 01, 03, 27 Društveni centar
12:00- 20:00 Street art “BOMB IT!“ Omladinski centar CK13 OŠ Đorđe Natošević
Četvrtak 11. Jul Thursday July 11th
6:00 Closing ceremony of the third RE/8 Design Parka Tribina mladih, Kulturni centar
*redesign reconstruction recycle remake review reproduction restoring reanimation
re/8* izlozba disrepair of art re/8* exhibition disrepair of art
Aparac Strahinja i Aparac Nemanja Phone echo 15 x 6.5 x 20 cm Kombinovana tehnika
Božić Sandra & Dragan Strunjaš Eco Lamp Design 25 x 25 x 55 cm Lampe od ekoloških i ponovo upotrebljenih materijala
Cash For Trash Evil Cat D 65 cm Paper mache
Cultural Exchange Recycled Bike
*redesign reconstruction recycle remake review reproduction restoring reanimation
re/8* izlozba disrepair of art re/8* exhibition disrepair of art
Cvejić Vladimir Z1 37 x 46 x 26.5 cm Elektrolučno zavarivanje
Drap Art international festival of recycling art Multimedial presentation Selection Drap ART 2012 Barcelona ES
Dutina Gojko Untitled Zvučni objekat
Đorđević Miodrag 3po Lampa 47 cm Stara cev, LED sijalica i epoxy smola /
*redesign reconstruction recycle remake review reproduction restoring reanimation
re/8* izlozba disrepair of art re/8* exhibition disrepair of art
FarkaĹĄ Robert Suza 1.2 x 0.7 x 0.55 m Sirova guma, metal za tehniku
Halilović Damir Pallet Desk 120 x 80 x 14.5 cm Palete, drvo, klizni mehanizam
Ignjatov Nenad Garsonjera 52 x 52 cm Kombinovana tehnika
Mandić Marija Drop Out 155 x 53 cm Neonska instalacija
*redesign reconstruction recycle remake review reproduction restoring reanimation
re/8* izlozba disrepair of art re/8* exhibition disrepair of art
Maravić Tanja Opstanak 40 x 20 x 40 cm Kombinovana tehnika - žica i novine
Marinković Milica Ukrštanje 170 x 250 cm Savremena tapiserija od recikliranih materijala
Mićić Jelena Art Corrupted 30 x 45 cm Digitalna reciklaža
Mladenović Svetlana R struktura 150 x 65 x 200 Kombinovana - žica i novine
*redesign reconstruction recycle remake review reproduction restoring reanimation
re/8* izlozba disrepair of art re/8* exhibition disrepair of art
NOA [ Neformalna organizacija arhitekata ] Reflektujući zid 3 x 2.1 x 0.5 m Modularni princip / /
Pitulić Neda & Berić Bojana LUXURY TRASH 2013 225 x 300 cm Kombinovana tehnika
Popović Mirjana Jellyfish - pozorište na otvorenom Plakat 70 x 100 cm Upotreba reciklažnih paleta
Srđan Ćulić - Pike Znak 150 x 65 x 200 Kombinovana tehnika
*redesign reconstruction recycle remake review reproduction restoring reanimation
re/8* izlozba disrepair of art re/8* exhibition disrepair of art
Rapala/ Henri Eppert Rapala eco wear Industrial design Helsinki FN
RMD Studio - Marijana Popović, Milena Marković, Rade Marković CHAINED FURNITURE Chained lamp 25 x 25 x 140 cm Chained coffe table 94 x 45 x 40 cm
RMD Studio - Marijana Popović, Milena Marković, Rade Marković Memory Redesign - TABLECLOTH furniture Table 72 x 72 x 75 cm Chair 40 x 46 x 84 cm
RMD Studio - Marijana Popović, Milena Marković, Rade Marković MEMORY REDESIGN - MOSAICS Hello Mr Warhol 31 x 31 cm Hello Mr Dali 31 x 31 cm *redesign reconstruction recycle remake review reproduction restoring reanimation
re/8* izlozba disrepair of art re/8* exhibition disrepair of art
Sinđelić Stanislava U crnilu belog kamena Slike na kamenu
Somborac Irina Bura - tempest 1.8 m Kombinovana tehnika Kostim instalacija u prirodnoj veličini
Stelkić Petar Auspuh Lampa 80 x 25 x 103 cm Metal, drvo, neonska sijalica /
Stojanović Ivana Ginger Family 6.5 x 2.5 cm Kombinovana tehnika
*redesign reconstruction recycle remake review reproduction restoring reanimation
re/8* izlozba disrepair of art re/8* exhibition disrepair of art
Tehnička škola „Mileva Marić-Ajnštajn“ - Graf 25, Mentori: Tijana Popović-Pješčić i Strahinja Aparac Recycled Tipography 100 x 70 cm Kombinovana tehnika - metal, papir, drvo
Terek Erna reNATUREd
200 x 100 cm Prostorna instalacija od prirodnih materijala
Bunčić Aleksandar dingi-dongi 43 x 16 x 20 cm Lepljena plastika
Atelje Krstonošić projekat Ajfelova okretnica Polikarbonska konstrukcija, promera scene 22 m
*redesign reconstruction recycle remake review reproduction restoring reanimation
*RE/Workshop 01 Clean Danube mud
re/8* RADIONICE re/8* workshops
Štampa majici i torbi od organskih materijala sa bojama na vodenoj osnovi i pigmentom od dunavskog mulja
Squeegee scream print
Printing of T-shirts and bags made of organic materials with water-based colors and pigments of the Danube mud
Squeegee scream print
*RE/Workshop 02 Wrap your handlebars, recycle-style Izrada bike accessories i dekorativnih ručki od starih delova biciklova i guma
Bike Kitchen
Making bike accessories and decorative handles of old bike parts and tires
Bike Kitchen
*RE/Workshop 03 PaperMacheMasters Izrada upotrebnih i dekorativnih predmeta za kuću od limenih kutija, ambalaže, novina i restlova tekstila
Cash for Trash: Mila Popović i Strahinja Aparac
Creating practical and decorative items for the house from tin boxes, jars, newspapers, packaging and textile leftovers.
Cash for Trash: Mila Popović i Strahinja Aparac
Radionice će se održati od 8. do 11. jula u prostorijama Društvenog centra i Omladinskog centra CK13. Sav materijal i pribor za radionice je obezbeđen, a učešće je na njima je besplatno! Workshops will be held from July 8th till July 11th at Drustveni Centar and Youth Center CK13. All materials and accessories for the workshop are provided, and the participation is free! *redesign reconstruction recycle remake review reproduction restoring reanimation
re/8* Predavanja re/8* lectures
12. 13.
Miroslav Krstonošić dipl. arhitekta
*RE/Lecture 01 Novi materijali u primenjenoj arhitekturi New materials in applied architecture
Neda Pitulić
dipl. master dizajner enterijera i nameštaja
Bojana Berić
dipl. dizajner enterijera i nameštaja
*RE/Lecture 02 Recikliranje otpadnih materijala i sekundarnih sirovina u funkciji dizajna Recycling of waste materials and recyclables materilas in function of design Mirjana Laušević dipl. inženjer šumarstva
*RE/Lecture 03 Mogućnost revitalizacije zapuštenih gradskih prostora Capability of revitalizing neglected urban spaces
Predavanja sa prostornom diskusijom će se održati 7. jula u 17:00 u prostorijama kluba Tribina mladih na II spratu Kulturnog centra u okviru programa RE/8 Design Park. Ulaz je slobodan! Lectures with panel discussion will be held on July 7th at 5:00 PM in the club Tribina Mladih on the second floor of the Kulturni centar within the Re/8 Design Park. Admission is free!
Prostorna diskusija / Panel Discussion Odgovoran dizajn u arhitekturi i prostornom uređenju Responsible Design in Architecture and Urban Planning Predavanja / Lectures 01 Novi materijali u primenjenoj arhitekturi sirovina u funkciji dizajna 02 Recikliranje otpadnih materijala i sekundarnih sirovina u funkciji dizajna 03 Mogućnost revitalizacije zapuštenih gradskih prostora 01 New materials in applied architecture 02 Recycling of waste materials and recyclables materilas in function of design 03 Capability of revitalizing neglected urban spaces *redesign reconstruction recycle remake review reproduction restoring reanimation
re/8* street art
Street art workshop “Bomb it!” održavaće se na dve lokacije u gradu od 7. do 12. jula. Muralima će se oslikavati eksterijer Omladinskog centra CK13, Vojvode Bojovića 12 i fasada škole “Đorđe Natošević, Maksima Gorkog 54. Street art workshop “Bomb it!” will be held at two locations in the town from 7th till 12th July. Exterior of Youth Center CK13 in Vojvode Bojovica Street will be painted with murals and facade of the school “Djordje Natosevic” at Maksima Gorkog Street.
Pavo i Žila
Flower girl
Učesnici Street art workshopa “Bomb it!” su: Participants of Street Art workshop “Bomb It!” are:
*redesign reconstruction recycle remake review reproduction restoring reanimation
re/8* street art
Iskra zauvek
New point of culture
re/8* filmovi re/8* Movies “Trash it! Filmovi naše i vaše mladosti” - filmovi iznenađenja emitovaće se u nedelju 7. jula od 20:00h u Otvorenom bioskopu Društvenog centra. Ulaz na sve projekcije je slobodan! “TRASH IT! - surprise movies will be broadcast on Sunday, July 7th from 8:00 PM in Open Cinema of Drustveni Centar. Entrance to all screenings is free! RE/8 Design park creative team: Tijana Popović-Pješčić creative director
Strahinja Aparac graphic designer
Mila Popović CEO
Strahinja Ristanović web master
Isidora Stankov project manager
*redesign reconstruction recycle remake review reproduction restoring reanimation
16. LAND Art Installation Petrovaradinska tvrđava / Petrovaradin fortress
re/8* instalacije re/8* installations
Nada Đurović - Nedeljković Atelje 27 / Studio 27 Mini colloseum 2013 / Land art Mini koloseum 2013 Mini koloseum je land art projekat koji ima ekološki i reciklažni karakter. Ugrađen je u eksterijer prostora, ispred ateljea 27, slikarke i autorke projekta Nade Đurović –Nedeljković u Hornverku kod Akademije umernosti na Petrovaradinskoj tvrđavi. Građevina od dnevne štampe visine od 1- 1,50 m, prečnika oko 8 metara, sa širinama zida 70 cm nastala je uz uticaj sunca i vode. Osim inovativnog, ekološkog i edukativnog karaktera, pored vizuelne, esteske kategorije, upotrebna vrednost land art koloseuma je višestruka. Ideja autorke je da jedinstveni amfitetar izgrađen od novina, koji ima 50 sedećih mesta, locira na kulturnoj mapi Novog Sada kao mesto gde će se održavati mini koncerti, predavanja, panel diskusije, mini modne revije i slične kulturne manifestacije edukativnog karaktera. Mini colloseum is a land art project which has an ecological and recycling components. In front of the studio 27, of artist and autor of project Nada Đurović-Nedeljković in Honverk at the Academy of Arts on Petrovaradin fortress Mini Colloseum is integrated in as a part of exterior. Construction made out of newspapers is 1-1,50m in height , about 8m in diameter, and width of the wall is 70 cm which was formed by sunlight and water. In addition to innovative, ecological and educational, in addition to visual, esthetic categories, use the value of land art coliseum is manifold. The idea of the author is that the unique amphitheater built by the newspaper, which has 50 seats,set on cultural map of Novi Sad as a place to maintain mini concerts, lectures, panel discussions, mini fashion shows and similar cultural educational events.
Slobodan Bobo Ivanović Atelje 01 / Studio 01 Magnetno instalaciona skulptura ALFA / Magnetic sculpture installation ALFA Akademski slikar Slobodan Bobo Ivanović koristeći magnete i prirodne materijale, među kojima je kamenje 16. fruškogorskih manastira, manastira Ostrog, Svete Gore i drevnog Tibeta, oblikovao je nesvakidašnju magnetnu skulpturu, gde harmonična kompoziciona forma korištenih elemenata gradi simbiozu drevnih civilizacija i različitih kultura. Academic painter Slobodan Bobo Ivanovic is using magnets and natural materials, including stones from monasteries of Fruska Gora, Ostrog monastery, The Holy Mountain and the ancient Tibet, in designing the unusual magnetic sculpture, where harmonious compositional form of used elements builds symbiosis of ancient civilizations and cultures.
Rajko Petković- Bosanac Atelje 03 / Studio 03 Pogled / VIEW Osnivač likovno-ekološke kolonije “Bardača-Srbac”, ispred ateljea 03 prostornom instalacijom od cigle, stakla, ogledala i drveta, multifunkcionalne namene, ostvario je jedinstveni dijalog između prirode i čoveka. The founder of the eco - art colonies “Bardaca - Srbac” in front of studio 03, came through a unique dialogue between nature and man with land installation of brick, glass, mirrors and wood which has multifunctional purposes. pokrovitelji
medijski sponzori
RE /8 WORK SHOPS* www. r e 8d e s i g n p a r k . c o m
o d8. d o1 1. j u l a
RE /8 L E CT U RE S* 7 . j u l
RE /8
ST RE E TART I NST AL L A T I ONS MOV I E S* o d7 . d o12. j u l a